Chapter 118

“Cough cough.” Chen Xuan knew that he would be embarrassed if he watched it any more, so he gave Hu Mei a false help, “Come on, I’m not used to someone kneeling and talking to me.”

“Huh?” Hu Mei didn’t know, but she stood up obediently, “Yes, sir.”

The master’s temper is really kind, the little fox thought of it.

What she didn’t know was that if she knelt for a while, she would probably see the goddess performing a nosebleed kung fu.

“I will introduce you to Nuwa in a while, and you will follow her in the future.” Chen Xuan has already figured out that it is better not to have female disciples under Own for the time being. This kind of beautiful, not even one.

This is a matter of life, not careless!

But in Hu Mei’s heart, she thought this way: This Zuan Daoist took herself back and said that she wanted to introduce Nuwa Empress as a disciple. This might be just a cover.

Who is Nuwa Empress? One of the three giants of the Yaozu, can you see yourself as a lowly capable little fox?

It is estimated that this is what Zuan Daoist said, in fact it is nothing more than own beauty…

No wonder this little fox suspected that she thought this way, her appearance could be called quite good even in the entire predicament.

Most importantly, in Hu Mei’s heart, she never believed that Chen Xuan would help herself for no reason.

Either she was in love with her, or she was in love with Own’s beauty, anyway, Hu Mei would not think that she was a lowly capable Fox Spirit, and there was something else that Chen Xuan should pay attention to.

It’s just that she doesn’t care.

The little fox sat obediently on his knees, thinking in his heart: Even if he was just a concubine for the ancestor of the Feng clan, it was a great opportunity for him.

As this old ancestor, if he speaks, people who want to be his concubine may be able to queue from Fengming City to the East China Sea.

Thinking of this, Hu Mei blinked her big eyes and said: “Senior, I still want to vote in your door, please agree with senior.”

With that said, the little fox kowtows like garlic.

Chen Xuan pondered for a while, and then slowly said, “If you have to follow me, it’s not impossible. But I have a few things to clarify first.”

“Although Nuwa has a good reputation outside, she is a famous violent woman, a crazy woman. I can’t guarantee how she will treat you. So don’t show up, wait for me to explore her tone, and you can do it. Are you there?”

Hu Mei nodded and said yes, indicating that she could do it-the old lady is jealous, understandable, and no one wants her husband to be divided in half by others.

As long as you endure it with all your heart, there will always be a day when you come out!

“Also, that’s that…” Chen Xuan scratched his head, feeling a little uncomfortable to say, “It’s the matter of rubbing the back, don’t mention it, this is a matter of life!”

This can’t be blamed on Chen Xuan’s afterthoughts, he had never expected that things would eventually develop to this point, and Hu Mei would come back with him.

Therefore, it is better to explain some things that should be explained clearly-after all, before letting the yellow turban man who turned into black silk Onee-san rubbed his back, he almost exploded Nuwa on the spot.

If you let her know this, let a charming Fox Spirit rub her back, and finally bring people back. Then don’t hang yourself on the gate of Fengming City, and then use Xiantian Five Elements God Thunder to strike One hundred and eighty years old?

Hu Mei blinked her big watery eyes and nodded yes.

What does this god-tier say, I just do it, it’s because of him anyway!

Hu Mei thought very well, the big deal is to start with the maid, then become a concubine, and then…

“Do you really understand?” Chen Xuan looked at the Fox Spirit with shining eyes, and suddenly felt a little shocked in his heart, so he asked again, “This is not a joke, if you can’t do it,” Then I will find another place for you.”Hu Mei squatted his head and said respectfully: “Everything is in accordance with senior’s orders, Hu Mei will never forget!”

Chen Xuan nodded: “That’s all right, but you don’t want to yell ‘senior, senior’, it sounds weird. I’m still young…”

“Yes, Hu Mei got it, Master.” Hu Mei bent down deeply, and a piece of white snow appeared again inadvertently in front of Chen Xuan.

A rush of blood rushed directly above his head, and Chen Xuan turned his head quickly, not daring to look at it again-this Fox Spirit is really life-death.

All that should be said was finished, and Chen Xuan quietly returned to Fengming City’s own room with Hu Mei.

But what he didn’t know was that his sneaky actions fell into the eyes of Bi Xiao who happened to pass by.

“Hey, what is Chen Dage doing?” Bi Xiao is very strange. It stands to reason that this is Chen Xuan’s own site. He is so sneaky, it is really hard to understand, “Could it be…”

Bi Xiao’s eyes turned, and he didn’t care about what he was doing, and went straight to Nuwa’s bedroom.

As the ancestor of the Feng Clan, Chen Xuan’s residence is still very large.

In the front is a conference hall, which is convenient for him to discuss matters with Nuwa and Huang Ji and others. In the middle is a large courtyard, and the back is a place to rest.

To be safe, Chen Xuan decided to put Hu Mei in his own room first, and then let her appear in front of everyone when it was safe.

But this also made Hu Mei think even more crookedly. She knelt down on a carpet made of thick dragon skin tanned with a shy face: “The concubine body is willing to form a dao companion with the senior, even if it is just a concubine, as long as senior is willing to…”

Chen Xuan rolled his eyes: “What are you talking about here?”

No, it seems that this Fox Spirit is still a bit dishonest, maybe it is coveting his own beauty.

If something happens, it would be terrible.

In this case, it can only be done like this.

As Hu Mei was talking, she heard Chen Xuan say: “Stop talking, let’s change!”

“Huh?” Hu Mei was stunned for a while, not knowing what this meant, “Is that to restore me to a fox body?”

“Yes, stop talking nonsense, hurry up!”

Hu Mei was a little scared now. She was afraid that Chen Xuan might have any special hobbies, but she didn’t dare to fail. Although she was entangled, she still did.

A yellow light flashed, Hu Mei’s dress fell on the ground, and a golden fox appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

Unexpectedly, this Fox Spirit looks pretty even as a fox.

Hu Mei was a little shy: “Senior, Hu Mei is already…”

Chen Xuan didn’t know where he took out a big cage, how tall a person was: “Okay, you can go in!”

“Ah, let me live in a cage?”

When Hu Mei heard this, he knew what he was going to do. The hair on his body was exploded, and the person stood up, holding up his paws: “I can kill but not be insulted by Hu Mei. I will never sleep in a cage like a beast. inner!”

“I am willing to stay by senior’s side, even if I have no status, but I would never do such a thing!”

“Huh?” Chen Xuan frowned, and the little fox no longer obeyed orders. “You say it again?”

As he said, yellow light appeared in the sand between his fingers, and there was a faint sound of thunder at the same time.

Hu Mei looked at the Magic Treasures in his hand, stagnated for a while, the golden fur on her body slowly calmed down, and then she got into the cage.

But when she went in like this, she felt a bit too wronged. She stood up with two small claws holding the cage, showing her white abdomen, saying, “What kind of evil can I have such a cute little fox, why do you Shut me up, staring at Chen Xuan without saying a word.

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