Chapter 113 Own Dao

There are three thousand avenues, and all of them can be proclaimed.

This is stipulated by Heavenly Dao, and it is also the most famous saying among the prehistoric.

Everyone has their own Dao—this Dao not only refers to the road, but also contains the meaning of understanding Heavenly Dao and Dao.

Everyone’s Tao is unique and cannot be copied.

As long as you find this own road, coupled with talent and sweat, everyone can make some achievements.

However, the creatures in the predicament do not know where they are, and there are very few people who can truly find their own Dao.

Chen Xuan has the support of the system behind him, so naturally he doesn’t need to spend such effort, but it is really surprising that a little Fox Demon, such as Fox Demon, who is so lowly capable and can even say nothing, can do this.

Not only Chen Xuan, but even the Black Mountain Old Demon looked at this big disciple with admiration, but correspondingly, she knew that there was no way out.

Since Hu Mei is always going forward without hitting the south wall, she won’t give up, and if she hits the south wall, she has to make a way, then she has already opened her bow without turning her head back.

If she really succumbed to the old Black Mountain demon, then she betrayed her own Dao heart and betrayed the way she walked.

At that time, let alone the old Black Mountain demon, even Dao would not be able to tolerate her.

Hu Mei naturally knows this, so she is determined to die-although Realm and her strength have improved, she doesn’t think she can beat the Black Mountain demon.

What made everyone unresponsive was that the first thing Hu Mei did was not to attack the old Black Mountain demon, but instead raised both hands and exhaled, “Broken!”

The thick and thick mountain wall broke at the sound, revealing a big hole, and the sunlight shining down from this hole happened to shine on Hu Mei’s body.

Hu Mei didn’t talk nonsense, grabbed Chen Xuan’s shoulder, and threw him out with all his strength.

When Chen Xuan saw her shoulder move, he had already guessed what the little fox was going to do. He did not move either, but was thrown out of the mountain belly following Hu Mei’s movements, leaving only her words in his ears:

“Don’t look back, run!”

Looking at Chen Xuan, who had disappeared into the horizon and turned into a meteor, Hu Mei showed a relieved smile: “Goodbye, Xiao Langjun!”

After speaking, she looked at the old Black Mountain demon on the opposite side, her expression returning to coldness: “Grandma, what I should do is done! Now…”

“I’m going to do the last thing for myself!”

With a bang, Hu Mei’s body fell heavily to the ground, her face turned pale golden, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth: “Wow!”

Red blood sprayed on the ground, shocking.

“Hmph, little skill for carving insects.” Old Demon Black Mountain held the lancet in his hand and said disdainfully, “Just because of this, you want to fight with me?”

As she said, she didn’t see any movement in her hand, a black air came out, and the lancet was enveloped in it-when the black air dissipated, the lancet had already disappeared.Hu Mei was completely desperate. Originally, she thought that after she enlightened Dao, her Dao Xing was very Ascension, and she was able to fight hard even in the face of the old Black Mountain demon.

Not to mention that she can really beat her, at least one of her teeth will be broken.

Unexpectedly, the gap is still so big, and it is desperate.

However, it has been so long, he should have left this mountain, right?

Well, this is also good news.

Thinking of this, the corners of Hu Mei’s blood-stained mouth lifted slightly, drawing a nice arc.

“Hmph, death is imminent, still thinking about others.” Seeing this, the old demon Black Mountain had already guessed what Hu Mei was laughing at, and couldn’t help but ridicule, “If you have this time, you might as well consider it for yourself!”

“Guess, I will extract your soul and make it into a doll, or just use it as a tonic and absorb it?”

Can’t you escape this fate?

There was a wave of despair in Hu Mei’s heart, but her strength was not as good as that of the other party. No matter how hard she tried, she wouldn’t even be able to touch the corners of her clothes, right?

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded: “I think, you still guess how to die!”

Hu Mei was taken aback, and immediately recognized that this was the voice of Chen Xuan who had just been thrown out of the mountain. She couldn’t help but feel anxious: This idiot, since he has escaped far, why should he come back?

Isn’t this here to die?

It’s a pity that I have worked hard…

Sure enough, in the stunned eyes of the Old Demon Black Mountain, Chen Xuan, who had already escaped far away as she expected, was standing not far away, looking at her with a hippy smile.

“You…” The old demon Heishan was startled for a while, and then he raised his hair and let out a cheerful laugh, “Unexpectedly, there are really such stupid people in this world who have already escaped from the sky, but he turned back.”

“Grandma, I’m in a good mood today. I’ll give you a chance.” The old demon from Black Mountain hooked his finger at Chen Xuan, “Well, as long as you promise to be my face and stay with me, I will let you live a little longer. How about a while?”

Chen Xuan rubbed his chin and pondered for a while: “The meaning of letting me live a while longer means that I will be killed when you get tired of playing, or when I become medicine dregs?”

“Hmph, let you live for a few more days. It’s my grandmother. If it’s someone else, I can’t even ask for a chance. Why don’t you kneel down and thank you?”

“Let me take it, your shameless look is quite the demeanor of mine!” Chen Xuan was taken aback and patted his chest with his hand, “Although it is only 30%, it is not bad. ”

“As for what you just said, I think it’s better to forget it. Because you are so…”

The old Black Mountain demon gave a dark smile: “Ha ha ha, what’s wrong with me?”

“Because you are so ugly!” Chen Xuan said rudely, as if a heavy slap had hit her face, “Excuse me, I speak so bluntly! Look at you like this, obviously He is called the Black Mountain Old Demon, but he still pretends to be as shy as a girl. Isn’t it disgusting?”

To be honest, although the old Black Mountain demon has the word “old” in its name, it does not look old at all, and even has a dizzying maturity, just like a ripe apple waiting for someone to pick it up. Same.

And she has always been proud of her own appearance. At this time, hearing Chen Xuan deliberately belittle herself and describe herself as an old lady with a crooked face, the old Black Mountain demon couldn’t help but burst into flames.

“Boy, you’re looking for death!” The old Black Mountain demon squeezed his hands, watching Chen Xuan’s eyes burst into fire, “You…boy, you’re looking for death!”

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