Chapter 110

Hearing this voice, Hu Mei shuddered uncontrollably, then knelt on the ground and knocked her head: “Grandma, Hu Mei was ordered to hook a man who has been suppressed by me here. Please enjoy it.”

As we spoke, a black air floated not far away, and the black air condensed into a human form in mid-air: “Didn’t I let you take people to the gate of the mountain? Why did you call me here?”

Hu Mei didn’t even dare to lift her head, and said cautiously: “Hu Mei damn it, grandma please forgive me!”

“It’s just that the man I met today is a bit strange. Hu Mei was a little worried that he would be disadvantageous to her grandma, so she used the technique of moving the mountain to stop him.”

The black qi of the humanoid shape was like flames, constantly transpiring, and finally turned into a woman wearing black clothes and holding a long staff.

Between the eyebrows and eyes, the woman looked very mature, but there was no expression on her face, which seemed a bit oozing.

“Oh? What about this?” The woman was a little surprised, “What kind of man is it that made you attract two big mountains before suppressing him? Let me take a look.”

The woman came to Chen Xuan who was still standing there, looking at him back and forth.

After a while, she nodded in satisfaction: “Well, not bad. The people I found this time can be said to be the best.”

“Even though he only has Earth Immortals Realm, but the Magic power is pure and he is obviously a famous student trained by a famous teacher. However, I still don’t see who he inherited from.”

Hu Mei seemed to have caused some thoughts in her heart by these words. He hesitated again and again before biting her lip and said, “Grandma, since this man is a famous man, Hu Mei thought, otherwise, just let him go this time…”

“Anyway, grandma, you don’t lack him. If this causes trouble, it will be bad. I…”

She was only halfway talking, and she couldn’t continue, because Hu Mei saw that the woman was looking at herself with a pair of emotionless eyes.

“Hu Mei damn it, grandma, please forgive me.”

“Huh, Hu Mei, how many years have you followed your grandma?” The woman snorted and said coldly, “It should be some years, right?”

“Yes, Hu Mei has been following her grandma ever since her transformation.” Hu Mei’s face was already on the ground. She was obviously terrified of her. “Fortunately, my grandma is merciful. After Hu Mei’s life was spared, Hu Mei is willing to follow her forever. By my grandma’s side, I would like to repay you for not killing you.”

The woman sneered: “Hmph, you know this. You have followed me for so many years, but today suddenly remembered to intercede with this person?”

“Hu Mei dare not, Hu Mei dare not!” Hu Mei was so scared that her heart flew out of her throat, “Hu Mei is just thinking about her grandma, in case…”

“Well, let me spare your unintentional mistake this time.” The woman tossed her sleeves impatiently, “But remember, don’t have another time, understand?”

“Yes, Hu Mei understands!”

“Get out!”

Hu Mei didn’t dare to speak anymore, so she slowly got up and went backwards.

This woman–or it should be said that the old demon from Black Mountain didn’t even look at Hu Mei. Her eyes full of greed kept staring at Chen Xuan without looking away.

“Unexpectedly, in this barren mountain, you can actually find such top-quality goods.” The old Black Mountain demon wiped the corner of his mouth. “If this is the case, then simply suck up his Blood Essence, then What a pity. It’s better than…”

Thinking of this, she let out a goosebumps laugh, then stretched out her pale and sickly hand, and pointed to Chen Xuan: “Get up!”Although Chen Xuan’s body had already crushed two peaks weighing tens of thousands of kilograms at this time, he was pointed at by the old Black Mountain demon and suddenly floated, followed behind her, and went straight to the black air.

Below the black air, there is a big mountain.

This big mountain is obviously very different from the neighboring mountains-it is made up of pure black rocks. Not to mention an animal on the mountain, not even a single grass or tree.

The Old Demon Black Mountain entered the stone gate on the mountain wall, and Chen Xuan followed her closely.

Her Immortal Cave turned out to be located in the hollowed-out belly of this strange mountain, and it occupies an extremely large area.

The corresponding furniture, tables, chairs and benches inside are all made of stone. Even the dishes and chopsticks are actually made of stone.

A group of little monsters saw the black mountain demon returning, and hurriedly greeted them, so they also saw Chen Xuan who was dumbfounded: “I have seen grandma, congratulations to grandma, congratulations to grandma, the skill can go further.”

The old demon Black Mountain was in a good mood at this time, and waved his hand: “Get up all.”

“Thank you, grandma.”

“Grandma, is this the cultivator captured by Humei Big sis just now?” A voice that sounded sweet and greasy and very frivolous sounded. “But Humei Big sis, why didn’t she send it directly to grandma, but instead let you take a trip in person? Woolen cloth?”

“Yes, Humei Big sis relies on being grandma’s big disciple, and has always been so casual.”


At this time, Hu Mei’s voice also sounded: “Second sister, third sister, what you said is wrong.”

“I am following my grandma’s order to find those cultivators of various races. The one I encountered today, the Magic power is high, and when I couldn’t help it, I used my grandma’s secret technique to stop him. ”

“How powerful is my grandma’s secret technique. Although I restrained this person, I couldn’t carry him back. In desperation, I had to trouble my grandma to come.”

“Could it be that the second sister and the third sister, you would think that grandma’s move of the mountain is not worth mentioning, right?”

The two strange voices facing Hu Mei Yin & Yang stopped suddenly, as if they were both scared to speak by Hu Mei.

A few of them are engaging in internal harassment here, and the old demon Black Mountain doesn’t care about it at all, just waved his hand: “Don’t make a noise, this time Humei has done the most. You should all learn from her, understand?”

“Yes, please follow my grandma’s order.”

The old demon Black Mountain nodded in satisfaction, the quarrel of several disciples did not affect her Yaxing.

With a wave of her hand, Chen Xuan suddenly felt light on her body. The two peaks were nowhere to be found, and then he heard the old Black Mountain demon say:

“Lift him down and scrub him carefully…”

The woman named “Second Sister” by Hu Mei rushed and said, “Don’t worry, grandma, I will definitely cook him to the right temperature, so that grandma can enjoy it slowly!”

Her voice just came to an end, and a slap in the face accompanied Hu Mei’s chuckle: “Idiot, can such a beautiful man be used to eat?”

“It’s a violent thing!”

“Hou Mei, you wash him carefully and put on new clothes, grandma, me…” The old demon Black Mountain said, licking his lips, “I want to spend the Spring Festival with him!”

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