Chapter 313

Along with these energy, when entering the body of the old man, Zhang Qing on the side also frowned her brow.

To be honest, there was some worry in his heart, that these energies could not be integrated into the body of this old man.

But after the old man took a big breath, it seemed that he was still not exhausted, and he continued to absorb the energy below the point.

Then an astonishing scene also appeared in front of Zhang Qing, because at this moment he found that the face of the old man in front of him was gradually becoming younger, and his white hair was gradually turning black.

Not only that, but the skinny area of ​​the old man gradually began to become full, and in the end he was also a handsome man.

After a while, the old man should have absorbed almost the same amount of energy, and then the places on the old man who were trapped by the chains also made some popping noises.

Needless to say, these sounds did not come from the old man, but from the meteorite irons that locked the old man’s bones.

As these sounds gradually rang through my ears, the huge chains around (bcf) gradually began to tremble.

About an hour later, the old man licked his own lips intently.

And, after the old man had absorbed enough energy, he also hit a full hiccup, and accompanied by the moment the old man hiccuped.

You can clearly see a glistening substance floating out of this old man’s mouth.

“This little brother is thanks to you. If it weren’t for you, maybe the old man will disappear from this world this year. You are the old man’s lifesaver!”

This old man also spoke to Zhang Qing in front of him at this moment.

Zhang Qing glanced at the behavior of the old man in front of him at this moment and couldn’t help but frown, because he couldn’t see how strong the old man in front of him was.

The old man wanted to leave here after he recovered his energy, but he also found that the bones on his body were still locked, and then he gave a cold snort.

Slightly shook his own body, and the stars and meteorites also made a ferocious hiss at this moment.

And as the old man took a step forward again, these star meteorites immediately dispersed with a blast, and those star meteorites remaining in the old man’s body also galloped out like Hidden Weapons.

One or two even have a tendency towards Zhang Qing. Zhang Qing can’t help but feel the scalp tingling when he feels the stars passing by.

You must know that the star and meteorite that the newspapers just went out was only a few centimeters away from Own’s cheeks.

The old man also realized that his own behavior was indeed offensive, and then immediately said to Zhang Qing in front of him.

There is no big problem with this little brother, right?

Zhang Qing also shook his head after hearing what the rejuvenated old man in front of him said.

“That’s good, little brother, since you rescued me, then as long as it is your offer, I will definitely agree to you, but I also hope you will think carefully when you make your offer.”

Zhang Qing also shook his head helplessly after hearing this.

“This senior, I rescued you, it was just a little effort, plus Junior is also looking for a way to get out of here.”

“I happened to meet you senior, maybe this is the fate of the two of us.”

The old man smiled slightly after hearing what the junior in front of him said, and nodded his head, and then said.

“According to what you mean, there seems to be some problems with this planet. It can only come in from the outside, but can’t get out from the inside?”

Zhang Qing heard what the old man in front of him said, and then nodded own head, but recalled that something was wrong, and then said to the old man in front of him again.

“Senior, this is not the case. I was accidentally pulled into this planet by a space crack that suddenly appeared in the Universe when I was playing in this Galaxy.”

“So I didn’t see any outsiders here. This planet should be in a state of self-preservation. People on the outside can’t get in, and people on the inside can’t get out.”

After hearing Zhang Qing’s words, the old man also nodded own head, and then spoke.

“According to what you mean, you have no way to get out. Why did you tell me just now that you are looking for a place to go out? Do you have any clues?”

After what Zhang Qingqing said, the old man nodded his head, because he didn’t intend to hide anything.

After all, the old man in front of him also wants to leave here, so if two people work hard together, it is definitely much more convenient than searching alone.

In addition, the strength of this old man is also very strong, if you look for it, it should be much simpler than yourself.

“I want to see what’s wrong with this planet. With my ability, I don’t believe that I can’t get out of here.”

After the old man said these words, he quickly rushed out of the cave.

Zhang Qing also followed this old man closely, but also because of his strength, the speed of this old man was several times faster than himself.

And Qilin Rui Beast also collected all the iron chains made of the star and meteorite iron that the old man had broken free under the instigation of his master.

Soon, it also followed his master.

When the old man just walked out of the cave, he also found that many crystals were approaching the old man.

And the old man frowned slightly when he saw these crystals, and then with a flick of his palm, a strong palm wind directly blew all these crystals aside.

However, these crystals seemed to not be afraid of the old man at all, and at the moment they landed, they also linked the surrounding crystals and surged towards the old man in front of them.

When the old man saw this scene, he frowned again, because at this moment, in front of this old man, there was a storm of spar that swept across the sky, and it was pouring toward this old man.

The old man of Diplomacy can also feel very angry after feeling that these crystals are trying to absorb the energy from his body.

After all, it had just recovered to the current state, and these spars wanted to take all the energy from own body, it was absolutely impossible.

At this moment, the old man was also looking at the crystal storm in the sky, and he couldn’t help but frowned his brow, and then a smile of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“After such a long time, I really haven’t done anything. It seems that now it’s time to open the eyes of the juniors.”

When the old man finished saying this sentence, he put his hands flat on his abdomen, and then slowly ascending.

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