Chapter 308

But after pondering for a long time, he also spoke to the owner of own very vigorously.

“Master, let’s go ahead, let’s go in and take a look, and given the director’s current strength, we should be able to escape here.”

Zhang Qing nodded after hearing what Qilin Rui Beast said. To be honest, if he really broke out, let alone these three Immortal Caves, even the highest mountain could be leveled in an instant.

“If this is the case, let’s hurry up and take a look at what is waiting for us.”

Qilin Rui Beast Assassin also said to the owner beside him. After hearing what Qilin Rui Beast said, Zhang Qing also nodded Own’s head, and then accelerated Own’s steps.

Soon, the two of them also found that the surrounding openings were getting bigger and bigger, not as narrow as before.

When they felt all this, they could also understand that they were not far from the place where the old man made the sound before.

Sure enough, after they continued to move forward for a while, they also found a light (Li?) appeared in front of them.

At the moment of seeing this bright light, the two of them were already extremely excited at this moment, and they wished to hug each other and scream.

However, they also paid great attention to their own image, and did not lose their stance in front of each other, but their faces still couldn’t hold back the sense of joy.

“The master seems to be this place, let’s go quickly, I don’t want to put it in this ghost land.”

After Zhang Qing heard Qilin Rui Beast’s words, he also gradually accelerated his own pace. Not long after, they also came to a very empty place!

And when they came here, they looked around and found that the surroundings were not as dim as they were in the cave just now.

Because at this moment they could see some light appearing in their eyes, and the light still illuminates this spacious place.

Although it is not particularly bright, there are still some things that can be seen.

Zhang Qing was also a little excited at this moment, and a very clear voice of the old man came from the ears of the two.

Zhang Qing looked for the voice of the call, but also found that there was still a huge Immortal Cave in front of them.

The moment the two saw this huge Immortal Cave, they also hesitated a little.

“You said we should go in and take a look, maybe there is some treasure in it, waiting for us.”

At this moment, Qilin Rui Beast also rubbed his own fleshy claws, and said to the owner of own.

Zhang Qing kept his eyes on the Immortal Cave in front of him, and couldn’t make up his mind for a while, because he really didn’t know what kind of creatures would appear in this tofu!

But tangled!

After a while, I still felt that if I had already come here and I didn’t plan to go in and have a look, it would be a shame, even if it was in danger, it would be worth it.

Because he always believed in one sentence, that is that danger and wealth always accompany.

“Since you want to go in and take a look, let’s go over and see what’s in it.”

Qilin Rui Beast, after hearing what his master said, he nodded his head fiercely, because he really wanted to go in and take a look at what was there.

The second fold, at this moment, he took a big step directly and walked toward the front, but as they got closer to the hole in front of them, their speed also slowed down.

In the end, even the two of them stood directly on the spot, looking at the huge Immortal Cave in front of them, and then after looking at each other again, they nodded solemnly!

After the two nodded their heads, they also stepped into the huge cave of this song together, but when they walked into this cave, they also felt a burst of discomfort.

At the same time, the sound of iron hammering continued to be heard in the ears. This sound was also deafening, causing the two of them to quickly cover their own ears.

But I don’t know what the reason is, even if the two of them have filled their own ears, they can still hear this magical sound.

“What the hell is this? Where does this sound come from is really torturing.”

At this moment, Qilin Rui Beast couldn’t help shouting loudly, but Zhang Qing couldn’t hear a word from the other party at this moment, but kept staring at the cave in front of him.

After that, with the continuous introduction of the harsh sounds around, the two of them didn’t know how long it took in their minds. Finally, when they felt the darkness before their eyes, they collapsed directly to the ground, and that kind of very strange sound. It just disappeared.

I don’t know how long it took, the two of them gradually opened their eyes to Qing, but the moment they opened their eyes to Qing, they were also shocked by the scene in front of them.

Zhang Qing was the first to wake up, and when he woke up, he also looked at the surrounding situation with a vigilant expression.

After observing the surrounding situation, it was determined that he was not receiving any threats, so he also put his gaze in front of him.

Because there is an old man in front of him, wearing a white coat with a disheveled hair, and he is being chained to a pillar.

At this moment, the clavicle, ribs and skinny bones of the old man were all locked by a very strong chain.

At the same time, he was able to smell a burning smell. After smelling this unpleasant smell, he also frowned.

However, even though the old man had a disheveled hair, of course he was able to realize that someone had come in front of him, and finally spoke immediately.

“Little Wawa, I have been waiting for you for a long time. I didn’t expect you to appear in front of me at this time.”

After Zhang Qing heard what the old man said, he was slightly surprised. This old man has become like this, so why still have the strength to speak?

“This senior was stolen late. I don’t know what you are talking about. Can you explain it to Junior?”

Even though the old man’s whole body was pierced through the bones by those chains at this moment, he still had the strength to speak, and then he spoke to Zhang Qing in front of him.

“Little Wawa, don’t think about this kind of thing anymore. You just need to know that the old man has been waiting for you for a long time.”

Zhang Qing didn’t know what to say for a while, but after waiting for a while, Qilin Rui Beast beside him woke up directly.

To be honest, I haven’t seen the Xinli Ruiju for a long time, Little Wawa. It’s really good to have such a pet next to Own.

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