Chapter 296

After careful observation, Zhang Qing also found that there was nothing wrong with what he had observed before, and then solemnly nodded own.

After all, I already know the feelings of my little apprentice now, so it is very simple to create a weapon that 407 this little apprentice can use.

At this moment, after Zhang Qing confirmed his own idea, he also let go of the little apprentice in front of him, and once again nodded to the giant dragon in front of him.

After seeing the other side nodding, the dragon also shook its wings and took off again.

And this little disciple saw that the dragon in front of him had once again shared the sky, and it was like a big enemy. After all, she had just observed how huge the gap between the two sides was.

Zhang Qing did not observe the battle beside him at this moment, but devoted himself to research!

Zhang Qing picked up these materials in his hands again, but when he picked up these materials, he also found that the two conflicting spars he had previously held in his hands, at this moment, did not know why they were fused. Together.

And when these two conflicting spars merged together, he opened his own eyes for the first time.

This kind of thing is indeed a very magical thing for him, after all, he has never encountered such a phenomenon before.

But after his careful observation, he also found that these spars also had some sticky objects when they were fused together, and then melted the two and merged into one.

After seeing this scene, Zhang Qing was also a little curious about what the salty liquid between the two spars was?

After some investigation, it was also discovered that these spars were fused together in the liquid of the stolen viscous substance, and they did not dissipate their previous effects!

Basically, they all have their original functions, but their functions are now merged together.

Zhang Qing was also slightly taken aback when he saw this scene. To be honest, he really didn’t expect that this kind of thing would appear in front of own.

What’s more interesting is that the spar she found before, has no idea where to go, and in front of own, there are only two mutually exclusive spars that are constantly fusing together.

And these mutually exclusive periods of time do not stay ablated ceaselessly, and they basically exploded in the first time all kinds of energy fluctuations that they had never exploded.

Zhang Qing was even more surprised when he saw this scene. To be honest, he had never seen such a miraculous phenomenon.

So in the first time he saw this miraculous phenomenon, he also made a careful observation, and found that after a period of observation, the two mutually exclusive spars were also successfully integrated at this time. Together.

After fusing together, the two repelling spars also don’t know what happened, and in the first time they changed from the original viscous liquid to a Yin & Yang spar.

When Zhang Qing saw this Yin & Yang sutra, the whole person was stunned, because he had never seen such a stone!

And I have never received such a phenomenon. Now that I saw all the Karma formed by this stone again, I couldn’t help but have a very bold idea in my heart.

“If I take out some grains of the same amount and put them together in time and use these stones to fuse them together.”

“Then I got a very powerful Yin & Yang stone myself?”

When Zhang Qing thought of this, he also felt that his own brain hole was too big, so he wanted to experiment, so he quickly took out a Yang stone and a Yin stone.

And after taking out these two stones, I also took out more of the same stones in my own backpack.

Although the appearance of these stones is very different, their properties are exactly the same, and they are also very similar.

Zhang Qing also had a certain feeling for this kind of thing in his heart, so in the first time he also controlled the ratio of both sides.

After controlling the quantity and quality of these mutually exclusive spars, Zhang Qing was able to grasp the definite number of these things casually.

At this moment, Zhang Qing was still studying the little apprentice in his newly discovered son, but he was fighting with the giant dragon in front of him.

The dragon on the opposite side had completely own ideas, so it was of no use for the first time. All his strengths also had his own set when fighting the little girl in front of him.

Basically, they have suppressed own actual force to a certain level, and fighting with it, although it can also suppress the opponent, but the opponent will inevitably be a little breakthrough.

At first, the dragon didn’t care about this little girl’s breakthrough, but with the passage of time, the dragon’s eyes widened.

Because in front of the dragon defense line, although the little girl’s Cultivation Base has not changed much, her skills have indeed changed by leaps and bounds.

And the Cultivation Techniques that I had cultivated before became extremely proficient as I exercised with myself. Even in the end, I could not defeat the little girl in front of me with a kind of Cultivation Base that was the same as the little girl in front of me.

If it doesn’t call its current form now, it can’t beat the little girl in front of it.

As for the little girl in front of her, even though she was amazed in her heart for this situation, the strength of the other party could be so strong.

But she also really has no way. After all, the other party is weak and has a real and real contest with herself, and she may not know how she died.

After not knowing how much time passed, Zhang Qing also refined a large number of spars with various energies fused together.

At this moment, Zhang Qing once again set his own eyes on these newly manufactured crystals.

And when Own’s eyes were on these crystals, he gradually became hot, because it was the first time that he found such crystals.

If this kind of crystals can really be used, wouldn’t it be amazing?

Zhang Qing gradually smiled after seeing his boundless future, because once this kind of stone appeared, even the mutually exclusive spar could be transformed into a look where they have no repulsion at all.

Zhang Qing didn’t hesitate at all when he thought of this, and soon he started to operate it directly, fusing all the spars together.

It may also be because these spars are basically the same.

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