Chapter 293: Slightly Wrinkled

This dragon turned into a girlish appearance, although his brows were still slightly frowned at this moment, but after hearing the explanation from the other party, he also nodded his head!

After all, this kind of thing is placed on the other party’s body, and the other party wants to do such a thing, it also has no way to stop the other party.

The opponent’s strength at the moment is also placed in a very strong position, after all, at this moment, it also cannot see how strong the opponent is. Of course, one thing is also possible, you consider it for your own apprentice, and I also consider this kind of thing for my race, I can still promise you!

This giant dragon is also talking about the main reason for the human being in front of him, or the human strength in front of him has reached a point where he can’t fight against it, so now he must also follow the opponent’s will.

Zhang Qing nodded own after seeing that the dragon had agreed to the own condition.

After all, you still have to ask the other party for such a thing. If the other party agrees to own ideas, then everything is easier to handle.

After getting the opponent’s answer, he also quickly picked up the vine beast of own and placed it on the shoulder of own, and then disappeared directly in front of the dragon in an instant!

After seeing the opponent’s movements, the giant dragon was also taken aback, and then shook his head helplessly. Now the opponent’s strength is definitely higher than his own.

Coupled with the other party’s view of own behavior, it can be considered to be more respectful of oneself, and believe that the other party is also a person who keeps his promise.

This giant dragon also directly transformed into a giant dragon at the moment, and flew quickly towards the place where the little girl lived.

It didn’t take long to come here.

At this moment, Zhang Qing had already brought the Qilin Rui Beast of own to the little girl.

The little girl at this moment is still sinking into own cultivation, but her acumen has reached a very high level.

When the little girl felt that someone beside her came here, she stopped cultivation for the first time and looked back with a cautious look.

But when she looked at her post, she realized that it was Master Own, and she was slightly taken aback afterwards.

Because Master Own had already bid farewell to himself before, why did he appear in front of Own again at this moment?

However, he became a disciple, and he still respected Master Own. He held hands with Master Own, and then looked at Master Own again.

After Zhang Qing saw a series of actions of the little girl, it was almost like flowing water, and then she nodded her head.

“I’m really worried about coming back as a teacher this time. You stay here alone. If you are able to go out of this planet in cultivation in the future, I am afraid that at that time you have no idea that you can take advantage of the weapon.”

“Now that I am back for the teacher, I also want to cast a Divine Armament for you.”

At the moment Zhang Qing finished speaking to the little apprentice in front of him, the little girl also widened Own’s eyes, although she had seen Master O have brought out some weapons before!

There was not much turmoil in his heart at the time, after all, he didn’t worship the other side’s door at that time.

But now she came to the other side’s door again, and then she had a certain longing for this kind of weapon. To be honest, she also liked those weapons very much.

Now that she heard that Master Own was willing to make a peerless Divine Armament for herself, she was inevitably a little happy.

The dragon at this moment also came here, and after seeing everyone, it was also very well-behaved standing aside.

Zhang Qing nodded his head after seeing that the dragon had come here, but after looking at the emotions around him, he quickly spoke to the apprentice in front of him.

“Now the division wants to build a weapon for you, but it will take a while to cast this weapon for the division, so during this time you have to fight the dragon first.”

The little girl was still on the first floor after hearing what her master said, and then she also looked at the giant dragon in front of her.

The dragon at this moment, when he saw the little girl as own, he also looked at the little girl.

The little girl felt a little bit afraid after seeing the giant dragon in front of herself.

After all, the opponent’s strength is very high, and in addition, he has just started cultivation, and if he wants to fight against the opponent, he still has to spend a lot of effort.

Of course Zhang Qing also knew what the little apprentice own was thinking in his heart, and finally he immediately spoke to the little apprentice own.

“You don’t have to worry about how this dragon will take you as a teacher. Right now in front of you, he will not treat you at all. Don’t worry.”

After hearing what Master Own said, he also nodded Own’s head.

The little girl also put on a fighting pose for the first time, but at the moment when she put on a fighting pose, she also noticed that the dragon in front of her just glanced at herself.

After seeing the expression of this giant dragon, the little girl was also taken aback for a moment. At this moment, she knew that the other party didn’t put herself in one’s eyes at all.

The main reason is that own is too weak. If you really want to fight with the opponent, no matter how many times it is, you will always lose.

However, at this moment, Master own is beside Own, so she is not too worried about this situation.

Although the little girl at this moment doesn’t know much about Master Own, she doesn’t know how strong Master Own is, but since Master Own said something like that to herself, then she just listened.

Soon, this little girl also used the skills that the master teacher gave to own before, and launched an attack on the dragon in front of her.

The dragon yawned slightly at first, because he didn’t care about the little girl in front of him.

After all, the giant dragon in front of him is too powerful, and for this little girl, she can have a certain understanding of her current behavior.

But at the moment the little girl took the shot, the dragon was really stunned, because it found that the strength displayed by the little girl in front of him was not what her Cultivation Base could display at all. .

At this moment, the dragon also looked at the little girl in front of him with a very cautious look.

And this little girl also rushed towards the giant dragon in front of her at a pace that was very difficult to observe.

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