Chapter 291

“It’s stingy!”

When this energy body heard this sound, the whole person was about to explode. He had never been aggrieved by this kind of grievance. Although he had laughed at the other party before, the other party would not use this method to retaliate. By yourself.

Zhang Qing actually thought about returning from the way he came. Originally, according to normal circumstances, this energy body should provide this person with a fast channel and be able to return to where he was originally in an instant.

But who made the guy in front of him still taunting himself for being petty, so if this guy wants to go back the same way, it would be better to let this guy suffer a little bit more!

When this energy body thought of this, the corner of his mouth also showed a slight smile, because according to the normal situation before, basically everyone after practicing well.

It will be teleported out by himself, but if this guy wants to go back the same way, then the situation is different.

Because if you want to return from here the same way, you must go through a test again, and this test must be different from when you came.

Because if you want to go back, you will arrange some difficulty for him according to his current behavior, and after the inspection of this group of energy bodies, you can also find that the difficulty that the guy in front of you can challenge is definitely the highest.

Therefore, the corners of the energy body’s mouth rose slightly at this moment. After all, there is a good scene waiting for him, and he is a little impatient.

Zhang Qing also returned the same way at this moment, but when he just stepped into the last level he had just passed, he also found that there was a smell of danger in the surrounding air.

But this dangerous smell is only a little bit, which is not very useful to him.

So at this moment, he also didn’t go forward directly. As expected, a light wave of energy rushed towards him.

Zhang Qing was slightly taken aback when he felt an energy light wave rushing over like himself. Could it be that the giant dragon was cheating own?

I’m not saying, as long as you pass it again, after it’s so beautiful this time, if you want to come in again in the future, will it be unimpeded?

However, after such a long time, there will be a little difference in intelligence, which is still understandable, so he does not blame the dragon, after all, his current strength has been restored.

The energy body at the moment was also hiding in the dark and wanted to see the joke made by this guy, so he watched it silently.

Because according to his own understanding, this guy couldn’t react at the moment that energy light wave rushed over.

Sure enough, that energy light wave also rushed towards the guy in front of him, but at the moment he thought this energy light wave could hit this guy and cause serious injuries.

The moment this energy light wave came into contact with the guy in front of him, this energy light wave was easily solved.

The energy body also widened his eyes when he saw this scene. This kind of situation should not happen. You must know the energy light wave just now. If it really hits this guy, this guy should be now It will be very miserable!

At this moment, Zhang Qing also lightly slapped the place hit by the energy light wave just now, and then continued to raise his foot to walk forward.

This energy body was also a little annoyed when he saw this scene. He didn’t want to see the guy in front of him leave here so easily, so he must make it more difficult for this guy.

At this moment, he also quickly mobilized the surrounding energy, all condensed on a light wave.

This light wave also rushed towards Zhang Qing at an unimaginable speed.

At this moment, Zhang Qing also frowned, and then his hands quickly protected his chest.

That wave of light also collided with Zhang Qing the moment Zhang Qing put his hands on his chest.

Zhang Qing frowned at the moment when he saw the energy light wave, because at this moment the positive energy light wave kept pushing him back the moment it came into contact with him.

It was not as cool as the first light wave in the first time, so he also felt a little strange at this moment.

But this thing didn’t seem to have any effect for him, and then he saw his hands push forward slightly.

This huge energy light wave also dissipated, the energy body, when seeing this scene, his own eyes were clear, but it was still very easy to move forward when seeing the other party.

He also knew, even if he tried to attack the other party with the energy of disappearing, I am afraid the other party would not care.

After sighing silently, he stopped watching the current situation. After all, the more I saw it in the end, the more angry I might become.

When this energy light wave finally disappeared, this energy light wave also felt something was wrong, if there were always levels to go to the guy in front of him.

Your own energy source, isn’t the energy in it going to disappear quickly? So when he thought of this, he quickly closed those levels.

Zhang Qing quickly passed the third level and came to the second level, but when he reached the second level, he found that there was nothing around him.

He walked forward tentatively, but found that there was no previous situation (Zhao Li’s) appeared next to own.

Just when he passed the second level, he also found that nothing was abnormal, and then he accelerated his pace and came to the first level!

When he came to the first level, he also recalled the huge pressure he had waited before, but the second level sounded again. If there is no big problem, I believe this first level should not be at all. What about yourself.

Zhang Qing also returned to the previous entrance at this moment, but when he came to the intersection, he also found that the girl was still constantly hitting the barrier in front of him.

And he was able to see that the giant dragon that had turned into a girlish appearance at this moment had already hit his head and shed blood.

Above this huge barrier, there was also some blood falling. When Zhang Qing saw this scene, he frowned slightly, and then quickly walked out.

And the moment she walked outside, this dragon 093, who had turned into a girlish appearance, also rushed towards the barrier again.

When Zhang Qing saw this scene, he also hugged the dragon, who had turned into a girlish appearance, in his arms.

However, this dragon, who had turned into a girlish appearance, was still struggling to hit the barrier in front of him.

Zhang Qing saw that the girl-like dragon was still swearing to stop at this moment, and then lightly snapped his fingers in the girl-like dragon’s eye.

After he finished snapping his fingers, the girl-like dragon was taken aback again, and then his eyes gradually lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.

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