Chapter 289: Unreliable?

But who could have thought that this guy could be so unreliable?

Suddenly, there was another voice from behind Zhang Qing, but just as soon as he turned his head and looked behind him, he did feel that a guy covered in darkness rushed in front of own.

Zhang Qing was also startled by the guy in front of him, so he wanted to block for the first time, but the opponent’s speed was too fast.

It could be regarded as passing by with him, but when he reacted, he found that own shoulders were bloody.

After Zhang Qing felt the flesh and blood on Own’s shoulders being made by the opponent, he also suffered from a pain, and covered Own’s shoulder with his hand.

After that, he quickly took out the bell lotion that he had collected before from his own pocket, and poured it down toward own’s shoulder.

After feeling the coolness of his shoulder, the painful feeling gradually disappeared. When the feeling finally disappeared, he also touched his shoulder.

He found that his own shoulders had recovered as before, but even though he had recovered, he still felt that this situation was not good for him at all.

I didn’t dare to take it lightly, and gradually turned his own direction, trying to find a place, at least to protect his back.

Zhang Qing started searching directly in this tofu, because he also knew a simple truth and couldn’t sit here and wait for death.

After a lot of searching, he finally found a place where he could be called. Then he immediately leaned his back against this place.

But at the moment he just connected Own to the rock wall behind it, he also discovered that there were three voices directly in front of Own.

Sure enough, as soon as these three voices reached his ears, he also immediately assumed a defensive posture, and then he saw three vague figures rushing towards him.

At this moment, he also wanted to fight back, but he also found that at the moment he just raised his hand to prepare to fight back, Own had three shocking wounds.

“By the way, by the way, I finally remembered. Now you are facing a group of black wind tigers. You should have a certain understanding of this group of guys.”

After hearing what the brave said, Zhang Qing couldn’t wait to tear the brave to pieces, knowing that this group of black wind tigers had no pressure on him.

But the problem is that this kind of weird look is the same as tigers, and it is a very capable animal, but compared to those tigers, these tigers generally choose one when they attack other people. Hit fatal.

But this Black Wind Tiger is completely different, Zhujiang Huo, because he moves very fast, so he also likes to play with a prey.

Such creatures usually live in some darker places, after all, these guys are not particularly good-looking, plus they are completely dark.

If you want to hunt in the wild, you need to spend a lot of energy on them. They prefer to hunt in the dark.

But most of these creatures are basically in a cave, wait for the rabbits to wait for those creatures to enter the cave again, and then slowly play with that creature.

They will choose to eat in the past when they can’t have the strength to fight against the prey.

But fortunately, these black wind tigers have some methods to deal with, and this method is also very simple, just come up with a kind of food that these black wind tigers hate.

In Zhang Qing’s hands, there was indeed some kind of biological flesh that these guys hated, but he was not sure if the volunteer group in front of him had already been starving.

After all, these guys have been locked up here by this brave man, I don’t know how long it has been.

But now he is not the opponent of these guys at all. Instead of sitting here and waiting to die, it’s better to go for a fight first.

The moment Zhang Qing finished saying this, he also took out a bottle from his own pocket, and at the moment the bottle was taken out, he also heard a sound in the distance.

At the moment he heard a sound from far away here, he opened the bottle quickly, and at the moment he opened the bottle.

A strange smell was also directly introduced into the air, and the creatures were still in a static state, and when they were fed here, they would suddenly retreat back when there was a smell.

After seeing that these creatures had retreated, Zhang Qing slowly took a sigh of relief. After all, if he could scare these things back now, it would still have certain benefits for him.

At the very least, I will no longer be blocked by these guys, otherwise I don’t know when I will be able to recover my own energy.

The contents of the bottle in Zhang Qing’s hand were exactly the kind of disgusting cans that he had known before (badf).

It seems to be called canned fish. He was very curious at the beginning, and when he had nothing to do, he tried to make such an ugly can, but he did not expect to make something in his spare time. It is actually able to play such a role.

At this moment, she did not choose to seal the bottle, but kept holding the bottle and slowly touching it forward.

Because at this moment, the place where he is is is also a hole, and the scope of this tofu is not particularly large, basically there is only such a way.

In addition, I suddenly appeared in this path just now, so I just need to keep going.

“How can you fool you?”

At this moment, the voice of the brave man also spread to Zhang Qing’s ears again.

The brave also severely condemned Zhang Qing’s behavior, but he had nothing to do at this moment, after all, he was just an energy body now.

If you want to survive, you have to rely on the source of flux that was created by the previous hero’s entity.

Zhang Qing also spoke after hearing what the brave man said.

“You don’t understand it, there is an easy way. Don’t use that, unless someone with a brain problem would do that. I am obviously a smart person.”

After Zhang Qing said these words, he continued to move forward, and after a long time, he saw a portal.

When he saw this portal, he also knew that he had come to an end, so he gradually accelerated his pace, and when he came around the portal, he quickly covered the bottle.

Because this taste is indeed not something that people can bear, even if the black wind tigers have been hungry for such a long time, they still resolutely gave up the food in front of them.

After all, this thing is too torturous, and it is estimated that it will vomit for a long time after taking a mouthful.

Zhang Qing also came here with his super willpower. After sealing the bottle in his hand, he couldn’t help but vomit.

It looks very miserable.

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