Chapter 284

Finally, they walked towards the old man in front of him step by step. They had never thought that the kind old man in their impression was actually an evil spirit.

The old man was kind to them before, and they have forgotten everything at the moment. After all, no matter how good they are to themselves, they are also sorry to the girls.

Looking at the person in front of him, holding the Bishou that he developed for the least time, he walked towards him to support the old man, although his eyes were full of panic.

However, the immortal cultivator beside him held him in place, and he could not move half a point at all.

But at this moment, his desire to survive has also completely exploded, and his eyes are full of a hint of begging for mercy, but the little girl in front of her stepped forward as if she couldn’t see the guy’s expression at all.

Zhang Qing looked at the little girl in front of him, and when he picked up the head, his brows were slightly faint, because what he thought was that although the old man in front of him did a lot of evil, this guy would definitely not be able to die so cheaply. !

If he simply killed him in this way, how could Mao be worthy of those suffering girls?

Those girls who are in the blooming season should have wandered in the sea of ​​flowers with the teenagers they admired at their age, running together under the future sky, and chasing under the sunset.

But because of the old man in front of them, they also have wounds that they may not be able to repair in their lifetime.

Even though I had just used own spells to repair the bodies of these girls and their wits, they still couldn’t erase the scars in their hearts.

At this moment, the little girl had already come to the old man with the head in her hand, and she wanted to kill the old man in the next step, but was stopped by Zhang Qing in front of her.

When the young man in front of the risk was stopped by the immortal cultivator next to Ming’er, the old man also let out a sigh of relief.

After being stopped, the little girl in front of her was also blank. She didn’t know what the immortal cultivator in front of him wanted to do, but since the immortal cultivator in front of him wanted to stop herself, she must have his own reason.

This guy definitely can’t die so cheaply. If this guy died so cheaply, how could he be worthy of those girls? We might as well execute them publicly, let the ordinary people on the periphery of the wall see how their city lord really is. vicious.

“Let them know what their children experienced when they were sent into this huge wall.”

After hearing the conversation between the two of them, the old man also completely gave up what he had just thought. It turned out that the immortal cultivator in front of him didn’t want to let himself die so easily.

Although Zhang Qing also knows that this is too cruel for those who are parents of children, but only by letting them recognize the reality can they make their most sober answers.

Zhang Qing is also a little bit helpless at this moment, after all, this kind of thing is not too good for him!

However, those people must be made aware of how cruel reality is. Only after recognizing the reality can their little illusions be completely broken, so that they can be aggressive.

Zhang Qing also has amazing thoughts. Although he is not sure whether this thing will succeed, he still has to try.

This idea also appeared in Zhang Qing’s own mind.

The little girl also nodded her head after hearing what the immortal cultivator said in front of her. After all, she also knew how long these immortal cultivators lived.

Even though the person in front of him is still a young man, of course she can know the age at which the immortal cultivator in front of him absolutely does not know his appearance.

Immortal cultivators have their own unique insights. Those who have never been in contact with the process of cultivating immortals can only show me the appearance of things!

For example, what I just thought was killing this old man, but this immortal cultivator thought differently.

If we don’t kill this guy now, when should we kill him?

The little girl also looked at the immortal cultivator in front of her with a puzzled expression, and after hearing what the little girl said, Zhang Qing also nodded slightly and said.

“One of the criminal laws I know is that Zhang Qing is very cruel. Basically, when he was tied to those crosses, he could only endure pain, but he could not die easily.”

After the little girl heard what the immortal cultivator said in front of her, she was stunned. She couldn’t imagine what kind of person could invent such a cruel punishment.

It’s just that when the immortal cultivator in front of him told the owner about this method, he felt a kind of creepy feeling. He couldn’t even imagine that kind of scene. A living person was beaten thousands of times, and only a skeleton was left. , But the thinking is still clear, how cruel is that?

Zhang Qing doesn’t care about this kind of criminal law at all. After all, if he makes a move by himself, he only needs to put a small bug on this Qing’s body to swallow this Qing’s life and desire to die.

If this guy can survive forever, he will have to suffer from the worm’s bone pain every day.

And as long as he doesn’t die, the bug will chop off this guy’s bones every day, and it won’t stop until all the bones of this guy are eaten by the bug.

When Zhang Qing thought of this, he also nodded his head because he wanted to. After all, this kind of operation can only be satisfied when he comes by himself.

Is this punishment too cruel?

In front of him, the little girl spoke immediately, but when he finished speaking, Zhang Qing frowned and said to the little girl in front of him.

“This kind of punishment is very normal in my opinion. Do you think it is very cruel here? Then do you know what painful torture those little girls of your age have gone through?”

After hearing Zhang Qing’s words, the little girl was still quiet. She could imagine the sufferings of those little girls, but she also knew that what she could imagine was only a small part.

If possible, only some of these little girls should have survived, and compared to the little girls who have not survived, the old man in front of him is simply Devil!

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