Chapter 272

“My lord, since we have all given you things, can we leave first?”

Zhang Qing waved his own hand after listening to what the guy in charge said. The other party immediately understood, and immediately drove the transport warship he was driving and disappeared into the sky.

Zhang Qing also took out the small box from his own backpack, and measured it in his own hands.

But after watching it for a long time, he didn’t have any eyebrows.

After observing for a long time, I couldn’t see what much effect this thing in my hand had, so I didn’t look at it anymore.

On the contrary, the resources that were obtained just now can still be regarded as sinking in the hands of them at this moment.

I took out some of these resources, and after some calculations myself, I found that these things can be considered to be able to support the big battle for nearly a hundred years.

Although these things have some small effects on him, he doesn’t want it at the moment.

After all, the group of humanoid creatures resembling angels are really miserable.

Although everyone can wear clothes, they are all skinny.

After all, they also know what the clothes on their bodies mean.

Qilin Rui Beast, looking at these angel-like human creatures, felt uncomfortable in his heart.

After all, this group of people can be regarded as own believers. They are so uncomfortable, and they can’t stand it.

Zhang Qing then also said to the Qilin Rui Beast who had turned into a small beast on his shoulder.

These things are left to you, what you want to do is all your own business.

After saying this, I also took out a small kit from the own backpack.

In this little kit, all the resources on the ship of the previous group are loaded.

Qilin Rui Beast was also a little bit teary at the moment, but he also took a look at the kit and found that among these resources, except for those sent by the guy on the ship.

There are still some resources that Zhang Qing has put in his own pockets and put in some excellent looks.

After seeing these resources, Qilin Rui Beast couldn’t speak for a while, his eyes were slightly red, but he also knew Zhang Qing’s intentions, so he didn’t think about it for too long.

Instead, he threw this kit directly to the patriarch of this race!

The humanoid creature resembling an angel was also slightly taken aback after receiving this kit.

Because he found that he could be so heavy, he had to use two hands to catch it, otherwise, one accidentally might squash own waist.

There was a hint of doubt in his mind, but he opened the kit carefully, only to find that the space in the kit was not small at all, and it was full of resources.

For a moment, his eyes turned rosy, and tears couldn’t help but slide down his cheeks that were full of years of polishing.

But just when he wanted to stand up and watch the knowledge of the two benefactors, he did find that there was nothing in the sky.

and. Following his search, he also found that two clouds with the outlines of the two benefactors were still floating in the sky.

At this moment, Zhang Qing and Qilin Rui Beast on his shoulders have already left that planet and continue to wander aimlessly.

“Master, thank you.”

But when the two were sitting on this somersault cloud and just started to leave, Qilin Rui Beast thanked Zhang Qing on the side.

Zhang Qing didn’t speak at all at this moment, but lay down, ignoring Qilin Rui Beast at all.

Qilin Rui Beast has followed Zhang Qing for so long and has a certain understanding of him.

Zhang Qing doesn’t say anything now, just don’t want to hear own thanks again.

Not long after the two left, a small formation on the strange cloud star also suddenly rose, accompanied by singing and laughing.

And the female angel creatures are also a kind of spinning machine-like machines using the clouds in the sky to spin their new clan clothes.

One day later, there were two Qilin Rui Beasts on their clan uniforms, one Qilin that Zhang Qing and Qilin Rui Beast did not know at all, and the other Qilin Rui Beast beside Zhang Qing.

Elders who are older are able to wear this type of clothing. Normal young people wear a clothing with only one Qilin animal, while young children have no changes, they are still pure white and flawless clothing.

There are two Qilin Rui Beasts and a figure with six wings behind them, but this figure is also slightly blurred, as if it is a fuzzy shadow.

Of course, these female angel creatures also woven some golden clothing woven by the clouds shining by the rising sun, but no one can wear this type of clothing.

Zhang Qing didn’t even know what happened on that planet, just wandering aimlessly.

The two of them are just like this on the somersault cloud, wherever the somersault cloud floats, they will appear there!

Although many robbers have also been encountered, Qilin Rui Beast will be able to drive all these guys away with one shot, and will be able to blackmail them. Over time, a legend has spread on this Galaxy, that is, don’t provoke the person sitting on a cloud.

This sentence seems to have become the base and the basic!

For a while in the sky, there were many people with rider clouds.

These guys may also be afraid of trouble or use Zhang Qing’s name to keep their own safety. In short, Zhang Qing doesn’t know what these guys are doing, and doesn’t bother to know.

But even if those fellow riders Yunduo traveled, they would not be threatened by those robbers at all.

After all, even though these robbers knew that some guys were imposters, they didn’t dare to take action rashly because they were afraid of encountering the righteous master.

However, after this legend became popular, Zhang Qing felt that his own travel also began to become a little boring, and occasionally when he saw those pirate ships appear in his eyes, those guys just took a detour!

But just as they floated in the whole Galaxy with peace of mind, suddenly a tiny crack appeared right in front of them.

Zhang Qing is also resting at this moment, and is not particularly concerned about the slight crack in front of him.

But when they were nearly a hundred meters away from the crack, the crack suddenly enlarged, and it opened a big hole directly like a rupture of clothes. The two of them also felt a sense when they did not react. Huge suction power.

This huge suction force seems to involve everything around, and some pirates are also unlucky. When passing by here, because they are on the opposite side, they did not see this space crack at all.

When they passed by the space around the crack, they were directly sucked into it.

Zhang Qing also frowned at this moment, stood up, a little serious, because at this moment he also felt that he was doing somersaults, and his body had begun to twitch.

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