Chapter 269 Humanoid Creature

In the big town where they are now, basically a piece of that kind of white stone needs to be consumed a year.

“So they don’t have to worry about this big formation in a short time.

After hearing what his master said, somersault cloud quickly told his master Zhang Qing’s meaning to the humanoid creatures that resembled angels.

Among the humanoid creatures resembling angels, the oldest old man was also moved with tears, and the little girl also enjoyed the enviable expression of her peers.

After Zhang Qing had done all this, he also wanted to say goodbye to the people of this race in the school, but at the moment he was just about to get up and leave the planet.

Suddenly, there was also an explosion in the sky, and a ship resembling a meteorite appeared in front of own.

Looking at this meteorite-like ship, Zhang Qing also narrowed his eyes. Of course he knew that the purpose of these guys here was nothing more than plundering.

Those humanoid creatures that resembled angels waiting below, all shuddered when they saw this ship.

Even the older man was no exception at all, his whole body was trembling constantly.

However, the ship did not land in the first time. Instead, it floated above everyone until a figure slowly floated down from the ship.

This guy looked very ugly, and when he saw the humanoid creature knowledge that resembled angels below, he showed a smile full of adultery.

From time to time, he still left some saliva. Zhang Qing was also nauseous after seeing this guy’s performance. He had never seen such a disgusting creature before, and at a glance, he knew that it was not a good bird.

Sure enough, this creature in the sky quickly used a word that Zhang Qing could understand, and said to the Qi Yun people below.

Let me listen to you humble creatures. You must make up ten virgins today, otherwise, your planet will be ours!

Zhang Qing looked at the weird creature with a look of adultery on his head and didn’t speak. He wanted to see what this guy could say today.

The creature in the sky simply ignored Zhang Qing’s existence.

After all, to him, although this planet looks beautiful, no matter how high the Cultivation Base is, people will not come here. After all, there is nothing in the clouds and it is just an endless sea of ​​clouds.

However, this cultivator was able to find such a race here, which is really rare.

But after looking at the look of the guy in front of him, he is not a Cultivation Base unpredictable person. After all, those unpredictable guys in Cultivation Base will always look like fairy bones.

Where could someone be as sloppy and sloppy as the guy in front of him, and he didn’t look like a little cultivator should have at all.

This is the main reason why he never put the guy in front of him to put in one’s eyes.

Zhang Qing stretched out his little finger to the side and drew out his ears, before showing a disdainful expression.

It seems that I was underestimated.

After saying this, he also looked at Qilin Rui Beast, who had already restored its original appearance on his shoulders.

And after seeing Zhang Qing’s eyes, Qilin Rui Beast can of course know what Zhang Qing wants to do.

Since he can be called a beast, he is certainly not stupid. He can basically understand the other side’s eyes.

I saw him slowly coming down from Zhang Qing’s shoulder, and a white cloud suddenly rose under his feet.

And began to slowly move upward, and the ugly guy floated past. And when the ugly guy saw such a small beast floating towards him, he didn’t even bother at all.

Continue to talk about the treaties that I want to sign with these races below, without thinking that this guy is definitely talking about some unequal treaties.

The Qilin Rui Beast, who turned into a small beast, also accelerated his pace at this moment. The Xiangyun under his feet also suddenly accelerated ascending, and soon came to the strange creature.

After seeing the small beasts here, this creature was also a little angry.

After all, a creature like this dared to appear in front of own, isn’t that looking for death?

After saying this, a vine edge suddenly appeared on the arm of this weird creature. When the vine appeared, it shot directly at the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him.

Qilin Rui Beast was not a little surprised when this guy launched an attack on him. He stretched out his furry claws and swiped down out of thin air.

The cane formed on the arm of that strange creature had three very regular scratches at this moment, and then it fell.

After this strange-shaped creature felt a pain in his arm, he also looked at the small beast with an angry expression.

But at this moment, he still doesn’t know what the creature he is facing is, even if the opponent’s lethality is extremely powerful, he still has firm confidence in himself.

Zhang Qing is also looking at the other party with interest at this moment. In his eyes, the other party is just a ton of wood. He wants to burn it.

The weird creature stopped talking for a while, and exhausted all his strength to block the small beast that suddenly appeared in front of him.

And this small skinny is also because of his petite figure, so it is very flexible, and basically can dodge the attack of that strange creature every time.

And every time after evading the opponent’s attack, he will show an interesting expression, which directly makes the opponent even more angry.

In the beginning, it was considered to be a relatively regular attack, but in the end it seemed a little messy.

On the other hand, Qilin Rui Beast treats the other side as a small bug!

Furiously teasing the other party, but the other party didn’t slap the Qilin Rui Beast in one attack.

Moreover, every time it attacked the small beast in front of him, the rattan on the strange creature would be broken.

In the end, the guy covered with rattans didn’t even have a rattan on his body. It was here that this guy finally realized how terrifying the small beast in front of him was.

Then he immediately uttered a horrified cry, and after he finished his scream, several guys with taller statures and more cane on the ship suddenly came down.

Qilin Rui Beast, seeing that the opponent couldn’t beat it, it was even more inconsistent.

“I said, you guy is really not wanting face, he can’t beat me, and he still thinks about making people in the past, really worthy of this kind of temperament in you.”

Although the other party could understand what the Qilin Rui Beast said, he was also a little surprised. After all, how could a small beast like this speak?

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