Chapter 267-Totem

When he saw this, he finally understood why these guys would choose to bow down when they saw Qilin Rui Beast.

Zhang Qing also has a certain understanding of this. After all, there are some special races, and they are always willing to treat 167 creatures such as beasts as their own totems.

The Qilin Rui Beast in front of them is definitely the totem of these guys, so they worship Qilin Rui Beast like this.

“I didn’t expect to be able to meet your fanatics in this remote place.”

Zhang Qing also directly rolled up the totem in his hand and threw it to Qilin Rui Beast, who was looking bewildered on the side.

This picture hurts when it floats in front of Qilin Rui Beast, but it also opens directly. What appears in front of Qilin Rui Beast is a Qilin stepping on auspicious clouds.

And after his careful observation, he also found that the Qilin who was different from him actually looked a little similar to himself.

Although I don’t know who Qilin is on this totem, since the people here are willing to regard themselves as a totem, they have no way of doing it. After all, this is their belief.

Having said that, Zhang Qing also carefully observed the special clothes on these angel-like human creatures.

After he observed it again, he also discovered the clothes worn by these slightly older human creatures resembling angels, which were also engraved with the appearance of Qilin auspicious beasts.

It’s just that if you are too far away, you won’t be able to see the pictures on the clothes of these old men at all, so I don’t know why these guys would bow down for Qilin Rui Beast, this is also a normal thing.

After a short period of understanding, somersault cloud also quickly translated what these people said.

Basically, there are also legends about their race, that is, thousands of years ago, they had a battle that almost wiped out the race on this planet.

The people in their clan were originally brave and good at fighting, but in order to resist outsiders, they consumed all their fighters.

And those foreign invaders also treat them as slaves, and girls who teach a little better will also be pulled out and sold directly.

Men will be enslaved until one day!

Suddenly a golden light fell from the sky, and when the golden light appeared, the surrounding foreign invaders were also a little worried because of this golden light.

And with the appearance of that golden light, the appearance of Qilin Rui Beast appeared in everyone’s eyes. At first, they didn’t understand where the four different creatures came from, but they had already been crippled by then.

From beginning to end, I never thought about resisting.

But with the appearance of that golden light, those foreign invaders also wanted to enslave the other side, but the other side had the power of the sacred beast. The people killed by the foreign invaders turned on their backs.

These foreign invaders also knew that they were definitely not the opponents of the alien beasts in front of them, so they surrendered quickly.

When these Qiyun people saw this strange beast, there was still no wave in their hearts, after all, they had been enslaved for a long time.

They had given up resistance a long time ago, and it was the best result to be alive, and when the foreign invaders were driven away by this alien beast, they were also the alien beasts of Jiangsu and Zhejiang and regarded as their masters.

But this strange beast did not choose to enslave them, but taught them how to resist, how to cultivate, and how to save themselves.

And after teaching them these things, Qilin Rui Beast also wanted to leave, but they were also a little scared at the time, after all, they were just developing.

I don’t even know whether my safety will be guaranteed in the future, and I also cheekily pleaded with the Qilin Rui beast in front of him.

The Qilin Rui Beast also knew the concerns in their hearts, and when he left, he opened up the guardian array for them.

And under the blessing of the guardian formation, their people gradually became stronger, and successfully destroyed all the people on the planet that had invaded their planet before.

But the originally kind-hearted people are also because after this battle, their hearts are also full of wildness.

Since they can successfully invade one planet, they will want to invade the second planet. They were also strong and strong and didn’t think about anything at all.

So they gathered a large number of people in the planet to fight on other planets. At first I also encountered some relatively weak planets, and soon they were wiped out.

But just occupying two small planets willingly, how could they give up?

Soon, they also set their own eyes on those slightly stronger planets.

And it was also an action. At first, they were also worried in their hearts, fearing that their tribe could not defeat the other side, so they could only do some small damage.

However, with the passage of time, they also discovered that the people on this planet were not as powerful as they thought, and they also directly entered the planet as a tribe.

After entering this planet, this planet also immediately became unsatisfactory, and it quickly surrendered inside, and their clan also accepted the other’s surrender.

However, everything has its negative effects. Those tribesmen who have been fighting outside all the year round have gradually changed their wings to black because they are contaminated with blood all the year round.

The surrounding tribes also have a certain worship of these black-winged tribes.

They all regarded this kind of people with black wings as God of War, but they never thought that the guy they called God of War would actually attack their own people in turn.

At first, their ethnic group also organized these fighters with black wings into a unit, after all, the fighting force of these people was very terrifying.

But in the end, these guys didn’t know why, and in turn they started attacking them.

You must know that the strongest are these people.

After the rebellion, these black-winged warriors also carried out crazy attacks on their race, and with the passage of time.

The people in their race also tried their best and manpower to get rid of these black-winged warriors. In the end, they also began to gradually become weaker.

However, due to the decline in their military strength, the planets that had been enslaved by them had rebelled, and they launched an attack in a short period of time.

It is precisely because of their lack of manpower that their ethnic group will soon be destroyed.

And those enslaved races will enter their original planet to plunder resources to the end when they are free. People have also entered the most urgent state and basically all the people are soldiers.

Everyone is a warrior, but the opponent’s manpower is too strong, making them gradually ruined.

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