Chapter 262

Once those little guys were targeted by this guy, everyone basically fought a cold war, and then honestly threw out all the similar things in their backpacks, but still didn’t throw out the best.

However, Zhang Qing was of course clear about the tricks of these guys, and then he said directly.

“I hope you guys don’t play those hide-and-seek games with me, and get someone who can spy on other people’s backpacks before going down.”

“So I advise you to be more familiar and take out all the things on your body.”

“I believe you also know a very simple truth, that is to destroy wealth and eliminate disasters.”

After saying this, before Zhang Qing started to look for those little guys, he basically took out everything in his backpack and placed it in front of him.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhang Qing also showed a relieved smile.

These silver star clan guys still didn’t dare to say a word at this moment, but lowered their head slightly to show surrender.

Zhang Qing then handed in those things that he was eye-catching, and after putting it in his own pocket, he looked at the people in front of him again.

“My lord, now that you have the things in your hands, can you let us go?”

At this moment, Zhang Qing was standing in the center of these guys after he finished taking the things, and these guys couldn’t move at all for a while because of his body being restrained by the east.

The leader of the star clan headed, at this moment, also said to Zhang Qing in front of him.

Zhang Qing was also taken aback after hearing what these robbers said, and then said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

You guys shouldn’t have to say anything about what you guys have done.

What makes it feel good to be caught by other people now?

After Zhang Qing said this, he waved his hand slightly, and saw that the surrounding space was slightly distorted, and then a dark chair appeared out of thin air, completely merging with the starry sky.

Zhang Qing also sat directly on this chair, tilted Erlang’s legs, and looked at the silver star clan robbers below.

The bandit leaders of these silver star tribes are also sweating coldly at this moment. He has not experienced this kind of scene. Before their genealogy is clear, he wrote that once they are caught by others, try their best Don’t compromise. Once you compromise, you may suffer such results.

And before these guys, everyone had to complete the bar mitzvah when they came out, the bar mitzvah, that is torturing and killing those innocent people.

At this moment, he only felt the scene in front of him, with some feelings of deja vu, but he did not dare to say what was in his heart.

After all, in the current situation, he can still negotiate with the other party. If he can please the other party at this moment, maybe he can still lead these brothers to escape.

But his heart is inevitably a little flustered. After all, although their genealogy has written about the current scene, of course they have never experienced such a thing.

Zhang Qing looked at these bodies, the slightly trembling guy didn’t intend to embarrass these guys, but wanted to scare them.

At this moment, these silver star clan robbers could almost feel the sense of shock they had never felt before.

They were the ones who frightened others before, and no one had ever really stoned their own.

After experiencing this feeling this time, I am afraid that when they rob them in the future, they will also have concerns in their hearts.

“I said, you guys are also inevitable, he also gave me a timid, I am not a wild beast, can not eat you guys, so scared?”

Zhang Qing saw that some guys were constantly fighting power at this time. Even if these guys were tied up, these guys could still make some weak movements.

And when he finished saying this sentence, the guys around didn’t even dare to speak, but lowered their heads.

If you look closely, you can see that the cold sweat of these guys has slipped off their faces

Zhang Qing felt that it was almost the same at the moment, and finally snapped his fingers softly, and saw that these guys also felt a moment of fascination.

In another place, the little monk was standing with a pointed head at the moment, a small beast with a very unique appearance.

But at this moment, he was sitting cross-legged in the void, holding the prayer beads in his hand and reciting the Buddhist scriptures non-stop.

And the small beast standing on his shoulders was very unique but with a hint of cuteness. At this moment, he was a little impatiently covering his own ears, and showed an expression of unbearable headache.

The little monk directly looked up after feeling the distortion of the space in front of him.

At the moment he just raised his head, Zhang Qing also directly led the robbers of the Silver Star tribe to appear in front of the little monk.

Zhang Qing finally took a look at the people below, and indeed found that only the Xiao Sao was left, the other Leng Yue of the Dark Moon tribe and Hao Yin of the Fox Mei tribe had disappeared without a trace.

But his heart is not surprising, after all, the two guys’ personalities will definitely let themselves out of this Sea of ​​Bitterness first, so he has nothing to say.

“Amitābha, the rice is cooked, and it really has a lot of magical powers, so that the niche is beyond the reach of the dust!”

The Komatsu man also stopped immediately, meditating on the Buddhist scriptures in his mouth, raised his head, showing a benevolent expression, and looked at Zhang Qing above.

Zhang Qing just smiled at what the little monk said, and then appeared in front of the little monk. After snapping his fingers again, the guys from the Silver Star tribe above could also thoroughly- Free yourself from the bottom.

After feeling the disappearance of the East-bound power on his body, these silver star clan robbers did not dare to take it lightly.

The only thing they can do now is to get the affirmation of the guy in front of them before they can completely leave, because they also know that these guys with high martial arts are generally people with very strange personalities.

If I took advantage of this and escaped here, maybe this guy with a very weird character in my imagination would come directly to them and destroy them directly in this world.

Even if his own hand was like this, he couldn’t help but want to get out of here quickly, but the bandit leader of the Silver Star tribe did not say anything.

I said, you guys are still standing in front of me. What are you trying to do? Do you want me to kill you and be quick afterwards? Hurry up and leave my sight, don’t force my personality to change drastically.

Zhang Qing turned his head slightly at this moment, and when he felt that these guys still hadn’t left, he nodded slightly, of course, still pretending to be angry, and said to the robbers of the Silver Star tribe.

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