Chapter 237

However, he suddenly remembered that Zhang Qing had said before that if he could obey his orders, he would be able to save himself from the heat. I believe this guy must have a secret hole card, otherwise how could he be as calm as he is now?

“I am willing to serve you, as long as it is your order, I will never go against it! I swear!”

The moment Rui Beast Qilin said this sentence from his mouth, he felt a pain in his heart. It turned out to be a drop of blood, and it was also pouring from his heart at this moment.

This drop of heart blood soon also drifted to the sky, and immediately exploded.

At this moment, Qilin, the auspicious beast, had been struck by the thunder before, and now he lost a drop of blood, and his face was ashamed at this moment.

But after Zhang Qing on the side heard the explosion in the sky, his eyes opened in this instant, and they were extraordinarily bright under the sunlight.

At this moment, he also flipped his own palm, and he didn’t know what appeared in his hand, and saw that he ejected the ball-shaped object with slight force with his hand.

The divine thunder that fired upside down seemed to have encountered own’s mortal enemy, and it started to have an aura of wanting to retreat.

But where did it escape? Big sis, this cylindrical object didn’t make any sound at the moment when the divine thunder came into contact with it, and the thunder and lightning disappeared without a shadow.

At the same time, the black thundercloud in the sky seemed to have exhausted all of its energy at this moment, appearing a bit weak.

Just as the black thundercloud was about to regain his normal size, the bead just happened to touch it.

There was still no sound or light in the sky, and only a bead in the sky slowly descended.

In the end, this bead also slipped lightly into the hands of Zhang Qing who was lying below.

At this moment, the sun also shined on the bodies of the two, and the familiar voice of Xitou also passed into Zhang Qing’s mind.

At this moment, Zhang Qing was also resting before, so he almost started to have some strength and tried to prop up his own body.

But the tingling sensation from the body can still be felt.

Zhang Qing only felt a numb scalp, and then he sat down as soon as he propped up.

Qilin next to him, of course, also knew that the thundercloud had disappeared, otherwise, the two of them would be dead by now.

Why didn’t you guys have this thing out earlier? Phew, it made me suffer so much pain!

“Huh! What do you know? If Huh didn’t make you obey me, how could I come up with something so cherished?”

At this moment, the joy of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe came from the bottom of their hearts, but they were still over-consuming and panting at this moment.

“You Damn it guy is actually trying to get me off the hook. Humans are all Damn it creatures.”

At this moment, Qilin, the auspicious beast, had no strength to complain about anything, and could only secretly confide the injustice of fate.

After all, when he was young, he was caught by a group of old men in this world, finally relying on himself to slowly become the master of this world, and now he is here again.

A person like this almost killed himself here.

Only I can truly experience the suffering in my heart.

“No way, no way, I must take a good rest, you fellow, don’t take the opportunity to attack me.”

Although Zhang Qing had already sat up, he found that it was so hard to sit up, and then lay down again and said to Qilin, the beast beside him.

After hearing what this guy said, Qilin couldn’t help but roll his eyes. You must know that the most injured person is now, and he has no strength to hurt him.

Besides, the treaty has been signed before, and if he violates it, he will be condemned first.

He wouldn’t risk his life to hurt a human being who had just saved himself, although he was somewhat wicked.

After the two guys lay flat here for two days and two nights, Zhang Qing felt that his body had almost recovered, and the shop directly stood up.

Although Qilin Rui Beast on the side was able to stand up at this moment, his complexion was still very ugly.

“Are you hungry? I’ve been a little hungry after lying here for so long.”

“I’m going to buy you some oranges, oh no, I’m eating it. Don’t walk around here, I’ll come as soon as I go.”

Qilin Rui Beast heard what Zhang Qing said, always feeling offended.

“Why do I feel that there is something in this kid’s words? Of course, I don’t know where this guy offended me, but I always feel that I have suffered a lot.”

Of course Qilin Rui Beast would not understand such a case, anyway, this is just a little evil taste of Zhang Qing.

After about half an hour, Zhang Qing finally came back. He didn’t know what kind of fruit he was holding, and he also came directly in front of Qilin Rui Beast.

“Do you want to poison me? What are you doing with so many poisonous fruits? Are you going to die?”

The ghost knows that the fruits here are poisonous, and I haven’t found any creatures after searching for it for a long time.

“When I came to your site before, at least I could see one or two white rabbits, but after I came to your site, I didn’t even notice a statement.”

“Tell me, have those creatures been beaten up by you?”

At this moment, Zhang Qing immediately threw the fruits in his arms to the ground, pointing to Qilin Rui Beast in front of him and cursing.

Qilin Rui Beast really didn’t feel angry, because he had been here for so long, and it was really weird that there was a little meat left in the key.

“Can you move your mind, you guys, think about it, how long have I been here, my territory, of course, many things have been eaten by me.”

After listening to the Qilin Rui Beast in front of him, Zhang Qing was also a little confused, because he had indeed heard about the character and habits of this kind of beast in books before.

“Isn’t you a vegetarian? Besides, you can live without eating. Can’t you get a little bit?”

Zhang Qing couldn’t help but vomit.

“I’ll just ask you, if you guys eat white steamed buns every day, wouldn’t you be bored? You don’t think of ways to improve your food and give yourself a toothpaste.”

Zhang Qing was also a little speechless when he felt that he really couldn’t speak to the Qilin Rui beast in front of him.

At this moment, Qilin Rui Beast despised Zhang Qing in front of him with a triumphant expression, and then immediately stood up, ready to go in one direction.

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