Chapter 229

Soon the little rabbit was pulled directly into the swamp, and when something floated out of the swamp again, it was just a pair of withered bones.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Zhang Qing felt a little shuddering. You must know that although he also has super protective measures, there is no way to face this marshland, because these protective measures are the same as those protecting rabbits. The mechanism is similar.

Although the conditions are better than the protective measures on that rabbit, I believe that when I was attacked by that shot, I would not have the turn to speak and I would be swallowed by the tentacles into the swamp.

After carefully trying to figure out what he could handle the swamp, Zhang Qing still felt that he should not take this risk.

Because the thing in front of you is too terrifying, if you are accidentally pulled into the swamp, the terrible thing is that your own Cultivation Base will disappear from then on.

No matter how you like to gamble, it is absolutely impossible to gamble with your own wealth, not because of other things, but because you are afraid of death.

Although this kind of disgusting thought appeared in Zhang Qing, of course Zhang Qing was not ashamed of it, because life is gone, then there is nothing, no matter how rich people are, they can’t take them away after death. That money.

This idea has always been with Zhang Qing. No matter what happens, he will never try his own risk. Faced with various dangerous problems and situations, he will first carefully consider whether he can do it. Do it.

“Forget it, I’ll go to other places to find the way, I can’t get through the land at all.”

Zhang Qing quickly dispelled the idea of ​​passing through the ground, because it was too dangerous, and he didn’t want to lose his life here.

For the safety of his own life, Zhang Qing also kept a certain distance from the swamp, and walked on tiptoe. After all, with his current Cultivation Base, everything is very dangerous, even a small bug. Zhang Qing also touched far away.

The cautious Zhang Qing soon came to a place with a bridge, which also made him a little surprised, why there is a bridge above the swamp, and this bridge will not be attacked by the found place.

But while Zhang Qing was considering this question, suddenly an old man appeared in front of Zhang Qing, but because Zhang Qing was now in the grass, the old man did not find Zhang Qing.

“Huh, after searching for so long, I finally found a place to go.”

After listening to what the old man said, Zhang Qing realized that this old man was the same contestant as himself, but the old man didn’t seem to know that there was a person lying in ambush behind him.

When the old man saw this bridge, he was also extremely excited, and he quickly walked directly towards the bridge.

And Zhang Qing, who was hiding behind, was also staring at the old man in front of him at this moment, because anything that happened next might be related to the progress of his mission.

When the old man came to the stone arch bridge, the surrounding swamps didn’t care about these old people, as if they were unwilling to pay attention to him.

This old man was only a test at first, but when he discovered that the swamps were not interested in him at all, he also amplified his courage and stepped on the stone arch bridge.

After walking on the stone arch bridge, the old man also jumped for joy, but when he realized that the situation was not good for him, he quickly closed his mouth and looked around. He started slowly when he felt that no one saw the owner. Walk towards the other side.

When Zhang Qing saw this scene, he was a little eager to try.

But at the moment when Zhang Qing was about to get up, a scream appeared in Zhang Qing’s ear, and this voice was the old man who had crossed the stone arch bridge before.

And after the scream of the old man, there were waves of thunder.

Suddenly, a white light flashed in front of Zhang Qing. After regaining visibility, Zhang Qing did find that the old man had turned into ashes at this moment.

Zhang Qing was also a little shuddered when he saw this scene, because the scene that happened before was all seen in his own eyes, because the old man had just stepped in.

“What the hell does this damn task give me? Isn’t this going to send me to death? No, no, it seems that I have to discuss with this system, otherwise, I will die today. It’s a moment of the land under the bridge , There was a sky thunder, which chopped him into ashes.

At this moment, Zhang Qing was already wide-eyed, watching the white rabbit rush across the stone arch bridge and quickly entered the opposite side.

After seeing this scene, he really didn’t understand what happened. Why was the old man struck that way by the lightning when he stepped into the land? When the little white rabbit passed by, nothing happened.

This kind of thing is too unbelievable, but now I don’t have any way to know what is going on with this thunder on the opposite side.

“Forget it, I don’t dare to go, I have to die now, there is still a chance to go, even if it is that thunder, I believe that he will definitely not kill me, after all, I have never done anything bad.”

Although Zhang Qing was very frightened at the moment, his feet did not stop and rushed straight to the stone arch bridge.

At the moment Zhang Qing rushed to the stone arch bridge, the marshland next to the construction bridge had some reaction, and he wanted to catch Zhang Qing who was running towards the stone arch bridge.

When Zhang Qing saw this scene, his eyes were full of determination. Although he knew that once he touched those tentacles, he would be very poisonous, but at this moment he did not have the turn to think so much.

After evading the attacks of those tentacles at a rapid speed, he also appeared directly on the opposite side of the stone arch bridge, only one step away from stepping into the ground beside the stone arch bridge.

There were wolves in front and tigers behind, directly sandwiching Zhang Qing’s whole person in the middle. The tentacles behind him would soon touch Own’s body, while the sky in front of him was full of thunder.

In the face of the current situation, if you have not lowered the Cultivation Base before, this is nothing at all, it will take some effort at best.

But the problem is that now own Cultivation Base has not recovered to one-third of the previous one.

This place is really evil enough. If you change to yourself before, let alone this Qilin, even if the five god-tier beasts come to own, you can clean up one by one.

Such a thought that suddenly popped out of his heart made Zhang Qing feel unrealistic. After all, he was still superior before, but now he has become a target that Thunder can bully.

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