Chapter 218: True Strength

Cultivation has no years!

In the empty chaos, time seems to be meaningless.

There is always an unchanging silence around.

Suddenly, a flashing figure broke the eternal silence.

It is Zhang Qing who rushes to the singularity continent!

Calculating time should be almost up.

Zhang Qing, who was walking alone, murmured.

As soon as the voice fell, a continent appeared in front of him, and the size of the continent could not be seen from a distance, as if it was boundless.

It is the singularity continent!

Seeing the Singularity Continent in front of him, Zhang Qing leaned over and flew towards the Singularity Continent.

Zhang Qing, who had not come to Singularity Mainland for the first time, did not stop elsewhere and continued to fly to Zhao Guo.

Handan, the capital of Zhao State.

Although Zhao Guo is only a small country on the fringe of the Singularity Continent, it is rumored that the Singularity Continent was established in ancient times.

In the ancient times, the royal family of the State of Zhao also produced several strong men, once dominating the Singularity Continent.

It’s just that there were no strong players for several generations, and it slowly declined.

In Handan, the capital city of Zhao Kingdom, Zhang Qing stood in front of a somewhat dilapidated gate, even in front of a small courtyard where a lot of weeds grew.

Finally found.

Zhang Qing was guided by Yu Pei to come here.

But looking at the dilapidated gate in front of him, Zhang Qing suddenly wondered if it was here.

“anyone there?”

Zhang Qing stepped forward suspiciously and knocked on the embroidered knocker on the door, and shouted at the door.

After a while, Zhang Qing felt that someone was behind the door.

But he didn’t open the door to Zhang Qing for the first time. Instead, he carefully observed Zhang Qing from the crack of the door.

Seeing and not knowing, he carefully opened a narrow gap in the door, and half of the cute little girl’s face came out from the gap.

Asked: “Who are you looking for?”

Zhang Qing saw that the little girl was so cute that she was lucky, but for some reason, she felt very timid. So there is no idea of ​​luck to her. Instead, the one-five-one explained Own’s intention to the little girl, and handed her the jade pendant.

“So you are here to find Miss.”

Seeing Yupei’s little girl said a word, she hurried back.

After a while, the door will be opened.

A stunning woman’s face appeared behind the door.

Then the woman opened her lips and teeth slightly and asked.

“Is the son looking for me?”

Zhang Qing was shocked when she saw the woman in front of the door. Of course, she was not shocked by her appearance, but the woman’s Cultivation Base, which was also Realm, the lord of the advanced universe, comparable to himself.

Although the Singularity Continent is the center of countless Chaos Universes, the people here are very qualified, but not everyone can reach the Realm of the lord of the advanced universe.

The woman saw Zhang Qingyanqing staring at her in a daze.

So Dai frowned slightly and repeated it angrily.

“Is the son looking for me?”

Zhang Qing, who saw the woman a little angry, also reacted.

I quickly apologized: “I’m sorry, I am not a horny person, but I am shocked by Miss, your strength, Realm, I am really sorry.”

Seeing that the woman listened, Zhang Qing’s face was a little relieved, and then quickly said: “I am entrusted by others to come to find you.”

After finishing speaking, he repeated the 357 words that I had just said with the little girl to the woman, and then handed the judge to the own box to the woman.

“It turns out that Xu Uncle asked you to come.” Zhang Qing learned from the woman’s words that the judge was originally named Xu.

The woman took the box, Fajue hit the box, and listened to the box for a while before she believed Zhang Qing’s words.

So he leaned over and asked Zhang Qing to come in.

After entering the yard, Zhang Qing realized that the yard was not as dilapidated as it looked outside, but was different. It had small bridges and flowing water, pavilions and rain pavilions, and there was a pond in front of the living room, with lotus standing in the water leaking. Quiet, elegant environment.

I am really embarrassed. Recently, there have been a lot of things in the little girl’s house, and the guests have been slowed down.

Inviting Zhang Qing to the front of the living room as a guest seat, and the woman personally handed the tea that the little girl had brought to Zhang Qing.

Take the tea with both hands.

Seeing that the things the judge gave Own had been given to her, she put down the tea cup casually, and instead of drinking tea, she got up and asked the woman to resign.

“Don’t dare, don’t dare, Zhang is really reckless, please also Miss to check carefully what you Xu Uncle asked me to forward to you, if there is no error, I hope to inform me the location of the secret realm, so I can rush to it as soon as possible. ”

“Okay, here you are.”

The woman turned around and handed a map to Zhang Qing who had already stood up.

“The map is for you, the son can check it by himself.”

Zhang Qing opened the map to view it. The map was simple and yellow, and it didn’t feel like a fake. He nodded at the woman.

Seeing that Zhang Qing had read the map and nodded, the woman got up and asked the little girl to send Zhang Qing away.

Zhang Qing got the map, turned around and walked outside, but Yu Guang saw the little girl on the side wanting to talk, as if she had something to say to herself.

Then he stopped walking out again and asked Xiang Xiaoyao.

“Do you have anything you want to tell me?”

The little girl cried directly at Zhang Qing.

“Please also save my son, Miss.”

“There will always be bad people coming to our house these days.”

Zhang Qing was caught out of the way by the little girl crying, and the woman who had not yet returned hurriedly came out to reprimand the little girl.

“What nonsense! Don’t trouble the son.”

No wonder the little girl is so timid.

Seeing that the woman was still reprimanding the little girl, she could only sigh and said to herself: “I’m really asking myself for trouble.”

Then he said to the woman again: “If there is anything I can help, please don’t hesitate to say.”

Seeing this, the woman hesitated for a while, then bowed her knees to Zhang Qing, said a blessing, and narrated her own reasons.

It turns out that the woman’s real name is Zhen Jin, and her father Zhen Shen has made friends with the judge. She is also a strong man named the Lord of the Universe, and she can also be called a side power in this country.

But just a thousand years ago, he went to the secret realm where Zhang Qing was about to go. He has not returned yet, and is suspected to have fallen.

And of course his father still has many evil forces in this city.

The Wang Family is one of them!

The Wang family sees that Zhen Shen has not returned for a thousand years, and Zhen Jin’s appearance and strength are also top-notch.

So I wanted to force Zhen Jin to marry Elder, the lord of the universe, in order to obtain the treasures of the Zhen family.

In order to avoid Wang’s family, Zhen Jin could only move house by secret method, and she lived here because she was afraid that her father would not be able to find herself after returning.

And sweep the front door into an uninhabited appearance.

How can I help?

Zhang Qing frowned and asked.

Zhang Qing didn’t want to be extravagant. Although the title-named universe lord in Wang’s family was not afraid of him, he didn’t have the need to help her.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qing wanted to say goodbye after a while. Anyway, his current Realm is only the master of the higher universe, and no one else can say anything.

But before Zhang Qing could speak, she was moved by what the woman said behind her.

“I already know the real strength of the son in the sound transmission Xu Uncle gave me.”

“Of course, I don’t need the son to help me deal with the Wang family, but want to ask the son to escort me to the secret realm to accompany me to find my father.”

“In return, no matter whether I can find the way or not, I will give the treasure of my Zhen family to the son, it can make up for the only great law you lack!”

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