Chapter 190 Sudden Rise

“Good boss, I wanted to do this a long time ago. To form an own kingdom of God, you are the boss, I am the second child, hehe.”

Jin Shi smirked.

Even after so many years, Jinshi is still a child’s character, which is mainly because it is completely locked in the secret realm of the stone, and has never experienced the sinisterness of time.

Zhang Qing turned around and said to Qian Luying on the side.

“You can summon the surrounding natives to join us, and promise to give them the benefits they need. Try to build a slightly stronger team in the shortest possible time.”

Qian Luying nodded and said yes.

At this time, she is no longer the weak young master of the year, she has mastered the three complete laws of the Great Dao. It’s also a strong one around here!

In the former Qianlu clan, there was such a force, which was enough to rival the patriarch.

After that, Zhang Qing released the deer-headed man he had caught and asked him to do hard work for his forces and mine the source stone. If you want to escape, these stone source beasts have long seen them not pleasing to the eye, and you can kill them on the spot.

“Boss, what is our power called?”

Jin Shi asked.

“Then call it the Kingdom of God.”

Zhang Qing stood with his hand in hand. Said lightly.

With the expansion of the power of the Kingdom of God, slowly nearby natives also discovered this sudden rise of power.

After Qian Luying’s invitation, most of the indigenous people agreed to join the kingdom of God and become a part of it.

But there are also a small number of indigenous tribes that are unwilling to join. They feel that doing so is to give the indigenous creatures of the Singularity Continent a Losing face.

Zhang Qing did not demand them rigidly. As long as they don’t take the initiative to attack the kingdom of God, the two parties can stay peacefully together.

“Don’t spread the news out too quickly, otherwise you will definitely find prying eyes from other kingdoms of God.”

Zhang Qing said to the people who followed him.

However, there is no impermeable wall, and the surrounding countries still hear the wind.

They worry that this sudden rise of power will affect them.

In order to detect this news, spies from the surrounding countries have emerged one after another, constantly entering the sphere of influence of the kingdom of God.

According to Zhang Qing’s previous order, we must keep a low profile, so all the spies who entered the kingdom of God were arrested, and none of them left.

“Leave them alone.”

Qian Luying waved his hand: “Now that the Lord of the country has not left the customs, don’t cause trouble for the time being. Since they want to send spies, just send them as they please. Anyway, there is formation protection. Unless the Lord of the Universe comes in person, the problem is not. Great. We don’t have to worry about it. Now we just need to cultivation with peace of mind.”

She didn’t care.

The reason why the spies come and go is the effect of formation qi.

These spies didn’t know this at all, but came in stupidly.

“Yes, Lord Ying.”

Hearing this, many tribes Elder nodded, and to be honest, they didn’t care much about these spies.

The reason for ignoring it was entirely because of the order of the Lord of the Country.

At this time, Zhang Qing is in the Closed Door Training.

During Zhang Qing’s Closed Door Training, Tianhuo and Huanming were outside collecting intelligence for tens of thousands of years.

During the period, they also found a few fragments of the law from the secret realm, and they were also deeply blessed!

Then they came to the periphery of the secret realm of Shizhi based on the soul imprint left by Zhang Qing. Because they have Zhang Qing’s mark on their bodies, the outer formation is like nothing to them.

And Zhang Qing also explained that if the two of them enter the secret realm, they must not be blocked.

They smoothly handed the fragments of the law obtained to Zhang Qing.

So Zhang Qing continued to Closed Door Training cultivation.

In a blink of an eye, 20,000 years have passed.

At this time, the envoys of the four great kingdoms around the kingdom of God were in a secret location.

what happened?

An old man in a red robe frowned: “How the guardianship of this kingdom of God is so strict that even the top spies of our four great nations have personally come out, and there is no way to convey any news from it. How did this kingdom of God return? thing.”

He felt that the kingdom of God at this moment was like a magic cave, no matter how many people were sent in, it would be swallowed up.

“I don’t know, anyway, the spies must have a big problem.”

A black robe old man said solemnly.

“It may be a city built by the Lord of the Universe who has just been promoted, but seeing this formation is so weird, I think this person must be a talented person and must be eliminated as soon as possible.”

An old man in a white robe said solemnly.

“Yeah, you can’t let this talented generation grow up. Otherwise, by then, none of our four great nations combined may be the opponent of this kingdom of God.”

The complexion of the people present suddenly changed.

To be honest, the formation of this kingdom of God is so powerful that even they can’t see the root of this formation.

So they dare not let the development of the kingdom of God be allowed.

After all, in the Singularity Continent, what is really powerful is the high-end combat power.

If it fails at the level of the Lord of the Universe, then the entire country will be ruined. No matter how strong their subordinates are, it will be of no avail!

“No, we absolutely cannot allow this kingdom of God to continue to develop.”


Everyone talked a lot, their faces became serious, and Ascension took this matter to an unprecedented level.

“The problem is that the entire kingdom of God is now shrouded by the Restrictions formation. Even the master of the universe who has mastered the complete two-thousand-way law cannot breakthrough.”

The black robe old man said solemnly.

“It’s okay.”

The red-robed old man waved his hand: “In fact, since the trial failed, I immediately notified me the Lord of the Vermillion Bird country, hoping that the Lord will go out and kill the kingdom of God himself.”

“What? You actually let the country lord go out in person?”

Everyone was taken aback. After all, the lord was an artifact of the country and could not move at will. Once moved, it would shake the earth.

Moreover, the battle between the Lord of the Universe and the Lord of the Universe must be earth-shattering, and blood will flow into rivers if you are not careful.

If they can, they still hope to avoid the battle of the Lord of the Universe as much as possible. After all, this level of battle, even if it is the aftermath, may cause ordinary lives to be shaken to death.

Of course, this matter is of great importance. It is related to the future destiny of the four major countries.

The red-robed old man said solemnly: “So I immediately notified the lord of the country, and this time it was not only the lord of the country of fire, but also the lord of the other three kingdoms.”

Everyone’s eyes widened, and they were extremely shocked. It would be terrible for a single kingdom leader to be dispatched. The four major powers were dispatched collectively. If this news comes out, it will surely shock the kingdom of hundreds of thousands of miles!

“This is a matter of course, even if it is the Lord of the Country, they cannot allow this kingdom of God to continue to grow.”

The red-robed old man said naturally: “If you carefully calculate the time now, the lord of the country is probably about to rush to this place from the kingdom.”


As soon as the voice fell, there were bursts of void fluctuations in the distance, which flew directly from a distance to the figure, and then descended in front of everyone.

An imagined terrifying coercion, as if oneself is a universe, can easily distort the law of the void.

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