Chapter 171 Election of the Demon King

the next day.

Sun Wukong bid farewell to the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan. He also told the red boy to cultivate well and not to be lazy.

I’ll come back to see him as soon as I’m done.

Hong Haier nodded and told Sun Wukong that he knew it. Sun Wukong is a stumbling block back to Flame Mountain.

Flame Mountain.

Zhu Bajie asked eagerly.

It’s too hot this day, and Sun Wukong has been away for several days.

The remaining four masters and apprentices are already too hot.

It’s better if it’s too strong. He is an aquatic creature that can drive Spirit Power to cool himself down.

Sun Wukong can’t help but blame himself when he sees several people, that he has been drinking and having fun these few days. However, these cheap brothers of own still suffer and suffer.

Sun Wukong fell in front of the four.

“My old grandson is here!”

At this time, the four people saw Sun Wukong as if they saw the savior.

“Brother Monkey, you can count as coming back, you will become this roast suckling pig later.”

“Hey, it’s a pity, I should be back later.” Sun Wukong was funny seeing Zhu Bajie look like this.

At this time, Sun Wukong came to the front of Huoyan Mountain again.

Picking up the banana fan, read the formula. This banana fan becomes as tall as one person.

One fan, a small fire breeze.

Two fans, the fire is out and the sky is overcast.

Three fans, the rain falls from the sky.

After the rain, the flame mountain began to sprout green!

Sun Wukong reduced the fan at this time!

“Master, this fire is out.”

Jin Chanzi nodded.

“Master, I will return this fan to the Rakshasa woman when I go.” After Sun Wukong was finished, it was another golden banana hole.

“Big Brother, I have come to return the fan!”

At this time Princess Iron Fan came out from the door.

“Sister-in-law? Did my Dage leave?” Princess Iron Fan nodded.

Sun Wukong knew at this time that the revival of own Yaozu was about to begin.

And what I have to do is to win this westward catastrophe, so that people in the Age of Doom will have their own beliefs.

That is generation education. In this way, when the big river is full, the small river overflows.

You can also revive the Yaozu by yourself. Sun Wukong returned to Jin Chanzi and them.

He told Jin Chanzi that he had met the Bull Demon King. Jin Chanzi nodded, only to think that good fortune was magical.

At this time, the Bull Demon King had already started his way to Huaguo Mountain. The Bull Demon wanted to see which girl could make him such a non-female brother.

She was still thinking of her when she was thousands of miles away.

Moreover, this bundle of fairy ropes is not a common product at first glance, and it must not be easy for a girl who cares about Sun Wukong so much. Thinking of the Bull Demon King came, Huaguoshan Shuiliandongdongtian!

The Bull Demon King dropped his cloud head and walked to the barrier of Huaguo Mountain to chant a spell.

The barrier opened, and the Bull Demon entered into the barrier. The moment he set foot on the land of Huaguo Mountain, he was full of emotion in his heart.

The Bull Devil walked in the direction of Shuiliandong.

Water curtain hole.

“Bone King, Great King is back!”

The little monkey patrolling the mountain saw the Bull Demon come back and report it to Bai Jiao.

Bai Jiao knows Sun Wukong’s worship, Dage Bull Demon King!

“Quickly…please come in.”

At this moment, Bai Jiao tidied the corners of her clothes and greeted her. After a while, the Bull Demon King appeared in front of Bai Jiao.

He is tall and tall. The limbs are strong and strong. Wearing Wu Jin Baokai. Full of gold silk shoes.

At first glance, he is a powerful master.

“Are you Bai Jiao?”

“Ah, that’s right! You are Wukong’s Dage Bull Demon King.” Bai Jiao was a little surprised that she didn’t know why the Bull Demon knew herself.

The Bull Demon seemed to see Bai Jiao’s doubts.

“Goku told me!”

“Have you seen Wukong? How is he now?”

Bai Jiao asked with a look of concern.

The Bull Demon nodded and said

“Wukong is very good, he asked me to give you this bundle of immortal ropes.” Bai Jiao smiled while holding the bundle of immortal ropes.

Hurry up and invite the Bull Demon in.

“Forget it, I’m coming back this time because Wukong asked me to give you this bundle of fairy ropes. I have other things to do!” Bai Jiao tried to keep it, but the Bull Demon didn’t stay alive.

So the cattle demon left.

After the bull devil left. Bai Jiao rubbed the immortal rope.

“Where have you been, Wukong? You must come back alive!”

The bull devil kept on running, and immediately started lobbying for Immortal Cave one by one.

His purpose is to let the monster races in the world have a management similar to that of humans now.

Only in this way can the Yaozu be united. The reason why mankind has developed so fast.

It is because they have learned to organize production, and the purpose of the Bull Devil is to organize them all together.

Build a monster empire, a monster dynasty! The Bull Demon King went very smoothly.

After all, he was once a disciple of the Cultivation, coupled with the strength that is indeed tyrannical.

The Bull Demon King has already convinced most of the Yaozu.

At this time, I came to an Immortal Cave in the North Sea.

North Sea.

Jiaolong Cave.

A patrol crab will report the movement of the Flood Demon King Sea.

“Report, a big demon came outside the king and said he wants to see you!”


“He said he was called the Bull Demon King!”

“No see, wait a minute! Bull Devil! Please come in quickly.”

The Flood Demon King just got up and ran out all the way.

“Where is Big Brother, where is Big Brother?” At this time, the Bull Demon could only see this Immortal Cave familiar.

When the Flood Demon King approached and took a look, the Bull Demon King was overjoyed!


“Big Brother! It’s been so hard for us to find you all these years.”

At this time, the two of them had a few words!

It turned out that the other five people also persuaded the demon kings of the caves after they left Huaguo Mountain. Several people returned to Huaguo Mountain one after another, and found that Huaguo Mountain had a barrier.

It was only when I went to Jianshan to find the land of the mountain gods that the Huaguo Mountain was destroyed, and several of my own people were in the midst of it. The five of them had no face to return to Huaguo Mountain, and were about to discuss countermeasures when the Bull Demon also returned.

At this time, I didn’t expect the Bull Demon King to come back for a long time.

Several people decided to leave first. Unexpectedly, this scattered is nearly 500 years!

“The other people, can you still find them?”


The Flood Demon King dispatched own subordinates to call all the other Demon Kings.

Within a few days, the first six of the Seven Great Sages all came to this Jiaolong Cave.

“Everyone, I have a plan.”

At this time, the Bull Demon King explained his plan with Sun Wukong to the other five people!

The other five people were amazed after listening. The five people gathered their Immortal Cave demon king.

Plus the demon king convinced by the bull demon king.

A total of tens of millions of monsters. At this time, several people decided to return to Huaguoshan. Take Huaguoshan as the capital of this demon country.

They gave this country a name called the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons! Early the next morning. A few of them set off for Huaguo Mountain together.

A few people came to the door of Shuiliandong Dongtian!

Bai Jiao greeted her. Several people didn’t know Bai Jiao.

The Bull Demon King recommended it to them.

“Ah, this is Wukong’s friend, Bai Jiao.” The five people looked at Bai Jiao with a smirk.

Said in unison.

“Ah, friend! Hahaha.” After speaking, several people laughed loudly.

Blushing Baijiao’s face flushed. After returning to Huaguo Mountain, the six of them regrouped their troops in Huaguo Mountain.

After finishing everything, the Bull Demon King ordered his group of demons to post a hero post.

Let the entire prehistoric monster race come to Huaguo Mountain. They have to choose the Demon King!

This news caused a sensation in the entire prehistoric monster race.

May I ask who doesn’t want to be the demon king above ten thousand people?

Election Day of the Demon King!

That can be said to be the arrival of ten thousand demons!

All prehistoric monsters and monsters are here.

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