Chapter 162

The people below are shouting in unison.

“Congratulations to the senior staff, I am so happy to ride the dragon and hurry my son-in-law.” At this time, the son came out to toast at the table with his own father-in-law.

“Xiaosheng Zhu Gang is not a person here. Fortunately, my father-in-law appreciates him and rations Cuilan to me. Xiaosheng is pleased to respect everyone who is making a cup today. Please take care of me in the future.”

This wine has been rounded three times, and the food has five flavors.

Zhu Ganglu, he was already drunk…

The veteran looked distressed and personally sent Zhu Gang back to the girl’s embroidery room. Who knows that Zhu Gang at this time is no longer as handsome as he was at the beginning.

Changed his head and face, fat head and big ears, a pig demon face.

At this time, it scared the veteran a lot. Hastened to ask someone to throw him out.

The next day, Zhu Gang sobered up. It was furious to see that I slept with the big tree all night.

Repeatedly came to the high-ranking External Martial Arts to make trouble.

The three of Sun Wukong.

At this time, the three of them have entered Gao Laozhuang, and are about to find a large family, who has a spare room for the night, by the way, both parties!

The people in this village saw their homes off the plateau.

At this time, Sun Wukong went to call the door. The housekeeper inside opened the door, and Sun Wukong was so shocked that he hurriedly closed the door and shouted.

“Well, a monster didn’t get away, but another one came.” At this time, Ao Lie smiled at Sun Wukong.

“Look at the look of your hairy face and Lei Gong’s mouth scared others.” Sun Wukong also looked helpless.

Xiao Bailong had to call the door a second time, and at this time the butler opened the door. Seeing that a handsome boy was even more afraid of 5.8, he quickly closed the door.

At this time, only three people were left at a loss. This Gao Laozhuang people are so strange!

Why can’t the door be opened?

This is because Jin Chanzi has no choice but to step forward and knock the door again.

At this time, dozens of family members came out from inside.

He was holding the guy in his hand, and there was an old-fashioned man in the middle, holding a mahogany sword in his hand.

“Three evildoers, don’t come to harass the Gao family Miss again, or the poor way will kill the three of you.”

Before he finished speaking, Sun Wukong jumped to the side of the old Dao with a stride, and he lifted his slap to the palm of his hand.

Gao Laozhuang.

Sun Wukong slapped the Taoist priest and turned around in a circle.

“Huh? Who hit me?”

The teeth from this slap on the old Dao also loosened, and his face swelled up.

Standing in place and talking nonsense. I don’t know who slapped him.

This old man was originally a Rivers and Lakes liar. I want to come to a senior member of External Martial Arts to cheat and cheat. Cheat some money.

Unexpectedly, a monster really came today. But there is no way, take people money and people to eliminate disasters.

Bite the scalp too! I asked for a lot of people outside of the senior staff.

Holding the peach wood sword again.

Give yourself a bit of courage. but who knows, he didn’t say a few words.

Just let people give a big ear of posts.

Old Dao 27 covered his face and stood aside and said nothing.

At this time, the old Taoist priests were all beaten.

Domestic slave laborers, of course they all ran away!

At this time, someone reported it to the senior staff.

“Besides reporting to the rapporteur, the Daoist we asked for was beaten.”

“What?” The veteran was stupid this time. He originally thought that his precious daughter would be saved when the Dao master came. I didn’t realize that the Pig Demon hadn’t come yet, so a new monster came to beat the Dao Master he had invited. !

“Then Daxian, please come in!”

The officer sighed and shook his head helplessly.

At this time, Jin Chanzi and the three walked into the living room.

“Amitābha, the poor monk came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, passing by Guizhuang and wanted to spend the night, these two are the apprentices of the poor monk.”

Jin Chanzi pointed at Sun Wukong.

This look is indeed a little bit fierce, and it scares you.

“They have made an agreement. If they are asked by someone, they will be called a master and apprentice to reduce unnecessary trouble.”

Sun Wukong had a curse on his head and didn’t dare to say anything, Ao Lie didn’t care about these false tricks.

“It turned out to be like this! It doesn’t matter, a few sages just need to rest.”

Speaking of this old man, he sighed!

How keen is Sun Wukong!

Have a panoramic view of this scene.

“Outside the veterans, my grandson has some tricks. If you have any difficulties, just tell me, my grandson can definitely help!”

Jin Chanzi also nodded, he knew that Dharma could not only be promoted along the way.

If you encounter difficulties in common people’s lives, you must help yourself.

Besides, the monks are compassionate!

If you see this people suffering, you don’t care. Then this Dharma is too cold!

At this time, the veteran sighed.

That’s fine, then trouble a few sages.

At this time, Lao Yuanwai, Jin Chanzi and others, all about bringing Zhu Gang into Zuigao Lao Zhuang from one to five to ten.

As soon as they finished speaking, the three of them were so angry that they were about to stand up!

Good not wanting face pig demon.

The three of them made up their minds to educate this brazen pig demon.

At midnight.

Today, I should have been unlucky for the pig.

As soon as the three of them finished planning, the hapless one came.

Suddenly there was a demon wind in the yard.

The clerk was sitting outside in the meeting room shivering.

He shouted at the door, “My son-in-law, you are here.

At this time, the pig just appeared in shape.

Still the appearance of Master Wen Sheng.

“Old man Yue Zhang, my son-in-law is here! Will my lady still refuse to see me?”

“No, Cuilan would like to see you.”

When the pig heard this, he almost didn’t jump out of his chair.

The face is full of disciples.

“Hehehe, that’s great, my old pig is going to be a bridal chamber today.”

He walked to Gao Miss’s embroidery room in stride.

Came to the door of Gao Miss’s embroidery room.

The pig has just trimmed the corners of his clothes. He patted the dust and cleaned up and down the whole body tightly.

Knocking on the door.

“Lady, Xiaosheng is polite!”

Only a sweet answer came from inside.

“come in.”

This is just so happy to the pig.

Push the door with both hands and enter Miss’s embroidery room.

This Miss is sitting in front of the dressing table, holding the comb in one hand and stroking the blue silk in the other!

An oil lamp on the dressing table.

As the saying goes, looking at beautiful women under the light, the more you look, the more energetic you look.

This high Miss is indeed born beautiful.

The eyes are as clear as a clear spring, very thorough, flexible and natural.

Really, Meidai Chunshan, Qiushui cut his pupils.

Very handsome coming out.

This pig is lusty at this moment!

Lost his mind, rushed up with a stride, and hugged Miss Gao Cuilan!

“Lady, you can be regarded as letting Xiaosheng come in!”

At this time, Gao Miss turned around and looked at Zhu Gang but also smiled without saying a word.

The pig just started talking to himself.

Gao Miss listened to him quietly. At this moment, the pig became anxious.

“Just say so, when can I get to the point today?”

It is not easy to marry this daughter-in-law by yourself. First lied to the old man.

In the end, I didn’t expect to drink and miss things. It has been in Gao Laozhuang for several years.

This time I finally succeeded, and my nameless daughter-in-law let me in!

But all night she was talking about herself, and she didn’t pay attention to herself.

This messed up pig just got a bit of a bitter pill.

“Lady, why are you ignoring me?”

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