#160-Chapter 160

Wukong smashed his head and face at the nine-headed Yuansheng.

The nine-headed Yuansheng walked in a flash.

The left hand pressed Sun Wukong’s golden cudgel.

The palm of his right hand turned into claws, and the fingertips still gathered power.

This claw seemed to be able to cleave even air.

Wukong used the power of the nine-headed Yuansheng to move down one end of the golden cudgel.

Lifting the end he was holding in his hand, he blocked one of the claws of the nine-headed Yuansheng.

Sun Wukong secretly said a fluke.

If this claw was scratched on the body, I guess it would be uncomfortable.

Sun Wukong retracted the golden cudgel and raised his leg, which was full of golden light.

How far the Nine Head Yuansheng slid out on his toes.

It escaped Wukong’s leg.

At this time, Sun Wukong pierced a bunch of monkey hair and blew into the air to offer many monkey grandchildren.

They all rushed towards the nine-headed Yuansheng.

This place opened the bow from left to right to break up the monkeys.

At this moment, Sun Wukong shouted


The golden cudgel suddenly grew longer, and it stabbed the nine-headed Yuansheng

The nine-headed Yuansheng didn’t dodge and took a hit.

“Okay, dead monkey! Bi Mawen! There is a way to heaven, you don’t go, The Underworld has no way, you are a free voter!”

As soon as the voice fell, the nine-headed Yuansheng appeared in its original form.

This is a huge yellow lion, but it has nine heads.

The nine heads grew out of the neck like an eastern flower.

Sun Wukong saw that the old demon used his housekeeping skills secretly. “not good.”

The figure shakes, revealing the costume of the Monkey King.

He wears two precious crowns on his head, a golden chain link armor, and a pair of shining eyes.

Step on the lotus root silk cloud shoes, red loincloth rolling trousers.

Stepping on the colorful clouds, it is the somersault cloud with somersaults thousands of miles away.

His eyes looked like electricity.

The fear of dignitaries.

Facing the nine-headed Yuansheng.

The nine-headed Yuansheng roared wildly.

Just this sound is to go up through the Palace of Eight Treasure Clouds and down to the Yellow Springs Road through Yin Cao!

Sun Wukong hits as soon as he lifts the baton, which will make the lion flash and be flexible.

During the fight, Sun Wukong discovered that the eight heads of the nine-headed Yuansheng had different magic powers.

Spit fire, poison, spit water, explode thunder, protect the wind, contemplate the soul, cold, swallow.

But one head was full of veins, and it was smaller than the other eight heads.

Wukong took a look, and then wondered if this was the weakness of the nine-headed Yuansheng?

Sun Wukong makes a living at the center of the hands-on process.

Wukong urged somersault cloud to go straight to the nine-headed Yuansheng.

Wukong urged somersault cloud, and a somersault turned on the back of the nine-headed Yuansheng.

Just grabbed the youngest head.

This is why the nine-headed Yuansheng knows it is not good, and Sun Wukong sees through his fate.

He shook his body vigorously, trying to shake Sun Wukong off.

Wukong forcefully grabbed the head of the nine-headed Yuansheng which was full of veins.

Nine-headed Yuansheng knew that he couldn’t get rid of Sun Wukong.

He turned one of his heads and bit Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong took care of the pain and released his hand.

At this time, the nine-headed Yuansheng trembled all over and threw Sun Wukong down.

Sun Wukong was dumped so far.

Smashed heavily to the ground.

Sun Wukong stood up slowly, twisted his neck, and moved his muscles and bones.

Suddenly Sun Wukong shot two golden lights in his eyes.

Shoot at the nine head Yuan Sheng.

Nine-headed Yuansheng was startled, because these two golden lights carried an extremely pure killing intent.

The nine-headed Yuansheng was stunned fiercely.

Wukong suddenly swelled up, revealing the real body of Hunshi Demon Ape.

This chaotic demon ape is huge.

The ground cracked with every step.

At this time, Sun Wukong leaped forcefully into the sky.

The two giant beasts fought together.

The devil ape hit the nine lions, and the nine lions pounced on the devil ape.

The battle between these two behemoths is devastating.

The Hunshi Demon Ape punched the nine-headed Yuansheng.

The nine-headed Yuansheng jumped outward and patted the Hunshi Demon Ape with his two front paws.

The Hunshi Demon Ape grasped the two front paws of the Nine-headed Yuansheng with two hands

The two are in a stalemate like this.

In this way, the two giant beasts fought for three days and three nights.

At this time, the Hunshi Demon Ape hit the nine-headed Yuansheng’s thin head with a punch.

The nine-headed Yuansheng screamed, and the Hunshi Demon Ape punched and then punched.

Constantly hit the nine-headed Yuansheng on the head.

Finally, the nine-headed Yuansheng was defeated.

At this time, Sun Wukong was also injured all over.

Both of them received Magic power and turned back into their bodies.

At this time, the nine-headed Yuansheng was dying.

“Dead monkey, do you think you can beat me because you are strong? You are wrong. This is not three thousand years ago!”

Three thousand years ago, when the Nine Head Yuansheng was cultivating the ninth head, Tathagata was still a real Jade Ding.

While the Nine Head Yuansheng was not paying attention, a spell sealed the own Cultivation Base.

And also let him surrender to himself, if the Nine Spirits Yuansheng does not comply, it will detonate the spell in his body.

Nine-headed Yuansheng had no choice but to surrender to him.

Then for thousands of years, the nine-headed Yuansheng, as long as he refines his own ninth head, he will feel tens of thousands of needles piercing him.

Sun Wukong sighed after listening, looking at the nine-headed Yuansheng.

“You are very strong. If you have cultivated ten heads, I guess Heavenly Dao won’t be able to bear you.”

The nine-headed Yuansheng closed his eyes and waited for death today.

At this time, a golden light of Wukong flew into the body of the nine-headed Yuansheng.

Wukong followed Qi Sea of ​​the nine-headed Yuansheng to Dantian.

He found that there was a slight golden chain on top of Dantian, the nine-headed Yuansheng.

Wukong stepped forward and touched it. At that time, the light bounced away from Sun Wukong’s figure.

This power contains the purest Buddha power.

Sun Wukong picked up the golden cudgel and smashed it against the chain.

In this way, a tiny slit was finally planted.

Sun Wukong came out of the body of the nine-headed Yuansheng.

Send a piece of True Qi to the body of the Nine Head Yuansheng.

He gave him some elixir and some peaches.

Try your luck, it may be very painful, you must hold on.

Nine head Yuan Shengqiang struggled to stand up.

He transported the Cultivation Technique, and at this time, his whole body was like ten thousand golden needles piercing in at the same time.

Sun Wukong was also meditating in the Lotus Position at this time, showing the nine-headed Yuansheng his work.

Nine-headed Yuansheng could feel the needles all over his body.

But own True Qi seems to have a place for breakthrough.

This place is much weaker than other places.

He mobilized his whole body, True Qi, to attack a place.

After a long time, he finally broke something.

The acupuncture sensation of own body is gone.

At this time, the ninth head of own also began to grow richer.

Has the seal been unlocked?

It’s the monkey’s credit.

At this time, the nine-head Yuansheng Cultivation Base soared.

One step directly into the quasi-sage middle stage peak.

Sun Wukong suddenly vomited blood.

The nine-headed Yuansheng grabbed Sun Wukong’s hand, and the Meridians all over were broken.

Nine Spirit Yuansheng is stupid, he doesn’t know why Sun Wukong wants to save himself.

He started to transfer power for Wukong.

Although it is impossible to repair all Meridians at once.

However, life is guaranteed.

Sun Wukong opened his eyes slightly and found himself lying on the jade couch.

Surrounded by Ao Liejin Chanzi and others.

The nine-headed Yuansheng was also “Aren’t you saving me too?” “Me?”

“Monkey, why are you helping me?”

Sun Wukong smiled.

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