Chapter 137

Zhunti also looked shocked and couldn’t believe it.

But in the next second, they knew that everything was true.

Because the Bodhi array was broken, the power of the terrifying backlash was madly impacting them.


A mouthful of blood spurted.

Tongtian, I am not at odds with you!

However, today’s Tongtian is not good compared to them, and even more injured.

How can it be so easy to break Wanfa?

If it were not for the last blow of the sky, this Bodhi formation would certainly not be broken.

It won’t even take a moment to return to its original appearance.

This is also the reason why Tongtian has to stabbing the sword himself even at the risk of serious injury.

After the police took a look at the burst, he furiously asked and received the lead, but Tongtian simply ignored it.

Instead, he shifted his gaze to another battlefield.

At this time, Kong Xuan no longer looked like a half-lying lazy person.

The Zhuxian Sword Array is indeed extraordinary, only with the five-color light, although it can resist it, it is more reluctant.

But the peacock has made Kong Xuan invincible.

That is to say, his personal clothes were scratched a few times, and he looked a little embarrassed, but he was not injured.

Seeing this situation, Tong Tian did not rush forward to help.

Didn’t you see Yellow Dragon with blazing eyes and wanting to do it?

My family still endures it, so I’d better not intervene.

Tongtian put the Chaos Bell Sacrifice and the top of his head as a protection, and then began to heal his injuries.

As for the introduction and quasi-promotion of the two, after cursing.

It is also learning how to start healing.

Actually, I don’t want to help Yuanshi and them, but it’s really not helpful.

As a result, the weird scenes came into being.

A killing intent is constant, and the battle is fierce.

Meditate everywhere to heal the wounds, and ignore them.

Very boring, dozing off.

The last person is of course Yellow Dragon, no doubt

It’s hard enough to be a dragon.

However, this situation did not last long

“Yuanshi, come and die quickly.” A voice of anger came. When the summoned Yuanshi heard this, he couldn’t help but shudder.

When Dingqing saw it, it was Yunxiao!

After placing Liu Er and the others, and after a simple treatment, she hurried over.

Now she is extremely tyrannical. Hun Yuan Jin Dou resorted to fighting directly towards Yuan Shi.

This is no joke!

Yuan Shi has also seen the power of Hunyuan Jindou.

The warning was announced, and the subject was immediately transferred.

Holding the Slaughter Immortal Sword, Ruyi Scepter, the Three Treasure Jade, greeted him.

Yuanshi was also angry. The four of them didn’t take down Kong Xuan for a long time, and they were still facing the enemy with one hand. They really lost face.

Why didn’t Yun Xiao come here?

The nine five-clawed golden dragons reappeared, and the meritorious golden lotus is not in Yunxiao’s hands now, and Yuan Shi is not afraid.

However, his expression freezes in the next second!

Hunyuan Jindou is in Yunshi’s hands, but he has never lost the Ten Second Rank Merit Jinlian or the nearby Magic Treasures.

All power has long been mastered. The Qi of Returning to the Origin gushed out immediately, and at the same time the Golden Bucket of Hunyuan opened its blood basin and Da Luo was about to swallow all the nine dragons.

At this time, it is inevitable. Either it was invaded by the Qi of Guiyuan, or it entered the stomach of Hunyuan Jindou.

Yuanshi decisively chose the former.

Otherwise, if you go in, don’t even think about returning one of the nine dragons.

However, he paid wrong after all!

The Qi of Returning to the Yuan can exchange everything for the Yuan.

Even the five-clawed golden dragon is no exception. When the dragon waiting for dozens of miles was thrown away from the Qi of Returning to the Origin.

It turned out to be three feet long, with thin arms!

Originally, Yuan Shi, who was about to kill Yun Shi with the Slaughter Immortal Sword, didn’t feel stopping.


Upon closer inspection, where is this five-clawed golden dragon? Each claw is left, which is worse than the newly born Cone Dragon.

Yuanshi was regretful and angry.

Why is there so many fate to prove the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi Scepter?

It had been ruined by the middle-aged teacher in the past, repeatedly and twice.

The original Zhang Qing cut it in half at once! Now not to mention whether it can be accumulated, according to past experience.

Even if it doesn’t last ten thousand years, it can’t reach it.

Still thinking of Nine Dragons pull. The car is all ruined! But when Yuan Shi wanted to attack Yunxiao again, he was stunned.

The original tyranny disappeared in his eyes, and there was even some feeling of fear, and then turned around and looked at other people.

Taishang, Guangchengzi, and Xuan are all like this, because Kong Xuan and Yun need the same!

The quasi-lifting and receiving not far away also interrupted the healing, and even crawled to run the warehouse here.

Just because Tongtian also has it! And the most important thing is that beside the huge dragon head of the Yellow Dragon, there is also a handle!

Wouldn’t it be that the four swords gathered together? But, but how is this possible?

Yuan Shi looked at the sword in his hand and compared it to the cloud. The scene of more than 10,000 red flowers and green leaves in my heart.

Because Yunxiao held something the four of them held.

It is the Four Swords of Zhuxian! However, it is different from the Zhuxian Four Swords of the Yuanshi Four. Their Zhuxian Four Swords are Xiantian Supreme Treasures

The horror was so horrible that Yuanshi realized only then. Why did Kong Xuan’s few people not arrive, just rely on the four swords they hit.

Then he was able to break through the attack of the Immortal Jade Sword Formation on his own side. Because they are also the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, and their rank is better.

Well, I have to say that the strength of the holder is also stronger!

But what Yuanshi was puzzled was that these four swords were standing there just now. Why didn’t they realize it

Or is there a way of concealment!

The most important thing is that he also knows why Kong Xuanhui alone treats himself and the others, but let the Yellow Dragon perform the trapped dragon formation.

Without him, it is to prevent oneself and others from escaping.

Good calculation.

Although Kong Xuan and Yellow Dragon and others have extraordinary speed and strength.

But it takes a lot of effort to kill yourself. Even if it was Kong Xuan who used the four swords of Zhuxian alone.

Even Xiantian treasures. But after all, there are four of them, and if they run away, it is definitely not a problem.

Kong Xuan is just waiting and delaying.

On the one hand, he attracted himself and others, on the one hand, he waited for the arrival of Yunxiao and Tongtian.

It’s amazing! However, only he can do it. When replaced by someone else, he was already dead in the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Yuanshi regrets a bit, too, too. However, it is too late to regret!

Tong Tian also drove Zhunti and Receiving two here. While six people gathered, four people gathered at the same time.

But on the contrary, the six people have no bottom.

Zhu Xian Sword Array, get up!

Following Kong Xuan’s words, the Yellow Dragon changed his body to hold a sword, as did Tongtian and Yunshi.


The earth shook away immediately, and one after another began to crack.

The entire prehistoric land is constantly turbulent.

More than that, the stones that were lifted off the ground due to the shock, no matter how big or small, were instantly cut by Sword Qi.

In no time, it will become nothingness, even smaller than dust!

The same is the Zhuxian Sword Array, and the array diagrams are similar. But needless to say, it must be Kong Xuan and others who are more powerful.

Even when Yuan Shi and others were crushed here, they had already gathered when they started. The four stood at the four corners, and Yu Kongxuan and others faced each other.

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