Chapter 127

I saw that the side of the flag with six ears on it was suddenly a masterpiece of golden light.

There is also a trace of metaphorical magic erupting.

In such an emergency situation, the long ears can’t control that much, and he didn’t pay attention at all.

But what did the other key person feel?

Liu Er immediately felt that it was wrong.

This is definitely not easy!

His strength, although he didn’t want to be like an ordinary quasi-sage setting.

Ten does not save one, but only one-fifth of the Magic power is left.

All others were banned. This impact is not trivial.

Although these Zhuxian Swords were mobilized.

The Magic power spent is not much, and the formation Realm of the six ears is much higher than that of Jiang Ziya. However, it can’t hold up too much! To mobilize this billions of immortal punishment swords, it is Liu Er.

Also have to swap out nearly one-third of the Magic power. More importantly, six ears can feel it. This is Devil Dao’s method.

But I don’t know, who is it?

Following this opportunity, Liu Er first retracted most of the Zhu Xian Sword he controlled.

But the number is close to hundreds of millions.

Without Magic power control, Liu Er was also afraid that this chaotic Zhuxian Sword would hurt his family.

And also have part of the Magic power reserved for emergencies.

After that, he used his own natal magical powers against the ten thousand immortals and ten thousand Buddha formations.

Six-eared macaque, good at listening, able to perceive, know before and after, everything is clear.

Even if the person is in the formation, he still cannot escape the detection of the six ears

It turned out to be him!

Liu Er still has an impression of Chang Er Ding Guang Xian. It’s just that he didn’t expect him to have such a method.

However, it is harmless.

You wait for formation, I’m broken!

Wait for your life, I will accept it!

Liu Er smiled wildly.

As a head teacher for so long.

Although it wasn’t the reckless monkey who didn’t know how to do it at a glance, it’s a reckless monkey who doesn’t accept it.

However, his six ears, the wildness is still there, the blood is still there, and the will to fight is still there.

Uncle Burning Lantern, these six soul flags are really effective.

Shen Gongbao stayed by Ran Deng from beginning to end. After all, Burning Lantern, as the strongest person under Sage on his side, still feels safe.

And, good friends, shall we go together? Indeed, but the opponent I am waiting for is not only a six-eared macaque

Ran Deng now recalled the Jiuqu Yellow River Array arranged by Qiong Shi, Bi Xiao and others, and felt a little frightened in his heart.

Shen Pact also knows what he is talking about.

I can only stay by my side in silence.

After all, he was taken special care of by others, and he was the one who felt the deepest.

He can’t even think about it now.

I don’t know if it coincided with the meeting, or if the two of Joan felt the thoughts of the two.

At this time, the two of them have to use the Nine Tribulations of the Yellow River Array. Just the billions of Zhu Xian Sword Array could not resist it.

“How can Randeng and others let these two arrays form long ears, and the six soul flags will continue to move!”

Explain and teach the commander-in-chief of the ten directions, follow me to attack Qiongxiao!

Under the order, the long ears immediately urged the six soul flags.

Although the other Twelve Golden Immortals are unwilling, they also want revenge on another level.

So they changed directions one after another and attacked both Qiong Shi.

All directions are so powerful!

This formation can be said to be able to slay all enemies under Sage!

It is also the cause of the ten directions, including the heaven, the earth, the east, the west, the south, the north, the life gate, the death position, the past, and the future, almost everything.

Those who are beheaded by it will not fall into the sacred list or fall into Samsara.

It will only be dead and soul, and become the nourishment of the prey.

Suddenly, there was dense smoke around the two of Joan.

And there is the chaotic position, the ability to destroy the mind.

It is also impossible to go up to the earth, all of which are imprisonment.

Several people urged Magic Treasures to kill.

There is no entity, but power is cohesion.

It seems that these ten people have become one.

Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao didn’t panic, but they had to stop thinking about the formation.

The golden Jiao scissors and Hunyuan golden bucket were offered respectively.

But the formation is not as simple as they thought!

Although it is offering Magic Treasures, there is no direction at all.

Forward can also be said to be backward.

Upward can also be said to be downward!

Here, there is no concept of space and time.

“Pretending to be a fool…”

Bi Xiao immediately exploded with Magic power, wanting to suppress the smoke.

However, due to the existence of the six soul flags, there is not only no retreat.

On the contrary, a heartache came.

“Yuyu, are you okay.”

Qiong Xiao looked at Bi Xiao, and although he was supporting him, it felt like he had touched a virtual body.

Vague and indistinguishable.

There is no time to think about it, because Ran Deng and others have already been killed!

“Get out of here!”

Qiong Xiao cut the golden dragon into two heavenly dragons.

Its phosphorescence is shining brightly, which can actually illuminate the dense smoke.

Then whizzed to meet Ran Deng and others.

However, Randeng is a quasi-sage late stage, and Fan Tianyin has also been strengthened.

Coupled with the help of other people, the two flood dragons in the formation can’t tell the direction, let alone kill the enemy.

In just a moment, one was suppressed by Fan Tianyin, and the other could only be delayed.

After all, it underestimated the power of this big array.

Qiong Xiao felt a little regretful. She was not worried about herself, but was afraid of Little Sister’s comfort.

At this moment, an extremely dazzling white light struck in.

Actually hit this endless thick smoke through.

In an instant, the surrounding scenery can be seen!

Immediately afterwards, more than a million Zhuxian Swords struck in, but they repelled Ran Deng and others in one breath.

“Sister, I’ll come.”

This person is six ears!

With his own ability to perceive, know before and after, everything is clear.

It can be said that he is facing all directions and destroying Tianke!

The situation of Qiong Xiao two is even more clear. The white light just now was because he called Yang Jian to use it.

Then he came to the rescue alone by himself.

“Junior Brother, do you have a broken formation?”

In terms of strength, even if it is the last entry of Liu Er. But they are not weaker than Joan, even a bit stronger.

After all, as the Head Teacher for so long, the teacher’s luck has been absorbed more than the two.

Especially after slicing Wu Zhi Qi again, Ascension was quicker.


“The two elder sisters, let’s go to rest, and leave it to me when I am young.”

Naturally Qiong Xiao was most worried about Bi, so he took it away.

On the other hand, Liu Er faced the Ten Burning Lamps and said, “I’m not targeting anyone, anyway, you and I will kill all of you!”

Even if there is a doomsday scene ahead, Liu Er must go alone!

Ran Deng and the others can be said to be facing an enemy, but the situation just now gave them confidence.

With all directions, I can wait to kill him!

The dense smoke gathered again, even more oppressive.

Fan Tianyin withstood the violent bombardment of tens of thousands of Zhu Xianjian, and Ran Deng and the others could only take care of Liu Er.

The six ears at this time can be said to be gods and gods.

He was originally dressed in extraordinary clothes, and after activating the Magic power, there was the rhyme of the great road all over his body.

The lotus grows step by step!

The golden lotus of ten second-grade merits is at its feet, and the real body is not revealed.

But just because of this compelling situation, there is still a hundred feet of thick smoke that can’t be approached, and it shines in the posture of buying.

It has already scared the burning lamp and others.

Similar oppression, Ran Deng and others have felt in Zhao Gongming and Shi Ji.

But Liu Er is more tyrannical than Zhao Gongming, and more noble and majestic than Shi Ji!

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