Chapter 121: A Blessing in Disguise

After he took Gold Core, he didn’t play an effect the first time, but became more cohesive.

After that, a giant golden light burst out unexpectedly.

Even in this Yu Qingtian, it still couldn’t hinder it.

Shoot straight into the chaos, where you can’t see the end.


Behead the corpse and become a quasi saint late stage! Unexpectedly, really unexpectedly. Burning light turned out to be a blessing in disguise this time.

If you really should not die, you will have a blessing.

However, Yuan Shi looked at him, but there was something wrong.

Because the Magic Treasures he used to chop the corpse were nothing else, it was the death of Fantianyin Antarctic Weng. Yuanshi knew about it, but he couldn’t blame it.

But this burning lamp used it privately this time to slay the corpse to prove that it was indeed a bit wrong.

“Fine. Give this thing to him.”

Rao is totally unhappy, but at any rate, lighting a lamp is also a high-end combat power for interpreting and teaching.

Just when the burning lamp ended everything, everyone else stopped moving. At a glance, he recovered the strength of Da Luo Jinxian Realm.

However, only Ran Deng advanced. Several other people, let alone promoted, and even those who didn’t get promoted but dropped.

Just like this Chi sperm who ran to Yuan Shi’s side as soon as he became conscious.

“Master! Master! Bixiao and their Hunyuan Jindou and Jiuqu Yellow River Array are too weird. Among them, the realm of the unjust souls is not weaker than me. If it weren’t for the Master’s help, I There will be no return.”

After finishing speaking, he knocked Yuan Shi a few heads.

“Hey, if I didn’t see your performance in the formation, I would really believe it. It was nothing more than an ordinary grievance, probably just a large number. At the beginning, I knew that I was running away, and I became a mortal in the back, and I was even more shocked. Past. You said, what can I say to you?”

However, no matter how angry Yuanshi was, he did not intend to pursue the fault of Chijingzi or others.

Without him, it’s useless! Even if you do it again, it still looks like this!

The key now is the coming war.

“You wait to adjust your interest rate first and restore your strength as soon as possible. There is no need to think about it, I will call you to wait three days later.”

Throwing a few healing healing potions, Yuan Shi can make a few people go down.

Everything needs to be done one by one, and the meal needs to be eaten one bite at a time.

Saved people, even if I told them. There will be no good results.

It is even possible that Realm is unstable, directly Qi Deviation. Let’s talk about it after it eases, Yuanshi now has other things.

At this moment, two more people came over!

These two people are Xie Yin and Chang Er Ding Guang Xian!

But it’s not that their speed is really so slow, it’s too late until everyone in the interpretation regains their strength.

It’s just that although Kassapa and others are dead, they are after all the apprentices of the lead. When facing the Hunyuan Jindou sent by Yunxiao, the guide also took advantage of the opportunity to enter and collected the corpses of several people.

Although they were all in the Conferred God List, they weren’t really dead. But Buddhism people are still different from Xuanmen, disciples of high-level Magic power fall, and they will surely drop the Buddha’s light relics. The lead is for this.

Only by relying on these Buddha’s light relics, when Kassapa and the others resurrect, can they truly recover their strength!

Therefore, the corpses of the people were placed and the Buddha light relics were taken out. The lead came so long late.

It can be due to good luck. Upon receiving the lead, I saw the only remaining Nine Cycles Gold Core besides Taishang Jade Bottle.

“Brother Taishang. Can this Nine Cycles Gold Core be bestowed on my apprentice? Most of my second-generation Buddhist disciples died in the Yellow River Array. And my apprentice, Chang Er Ding Guang Xian, although rich in blessings, is still lacking in strength. . I also hope that senior brother can help.”

Too really fascinated at this time. Good guy, do you really want to smash me?

However, the lead is one of the best people in the prehistoric crying world. Between the words, the sadness has been overwhelming. If it weren’t for Sage’s identity, there was an apprentice next to him. It is estimated that the lead will be able to cry on the spot and show it to Taishang Laojun.

“Hey! This is the only remaining pill, I will give it to you. Pass this Gold Core to Chang Er Ding Guangxian, too, without even looking at it, just got up and left.”

He could see that this long-eared Dingguangxian had a profound blessing, and it was clear that he had the destiny in his body.

But whether it is good or bad is really uncertain.

However, seeing the appearance of the lead, he could no longer refuse.

It’s better to be out of sight and out of mind. Chang’er Dingguangxian swallowed it as soon as he received the Gold Core.

After the news, he turned out to be the late stage strength of Da Luo Jinxian.

Rao did not expect it to be a lead.

On the other side, after returning to Yuqingtian Great Hall, Yuanshi walked into a secret room.

It’s very secret here, with various avenues and secret patterns intertwined, and there are many shielding formations.

There must be an ulterior secret. Sure enough, when Yuanshi really walked in.

It turned out to be a change in the characteristics of the Cultivation Technique of the Xuanmen, and no longer added to the whole body Taoist rhyme, and the bones of the fairy-style Taoist will last forever. Instead, it turned into a smoke billowing with evil spirits, killing Shura all over her body!

This is probably the place where this meteorite usually cultivated Devil Dao Cultivation Technique. He was also cautious, even if he entered it, he still checked the surrounding environment.

After that, I sat down again and offered a streamer.

This flag is very different. It is different from the Monster Qi, which is soaring to the sky, changing colors with wind and rain, and surrendering all monsters.

It is also different from Pangu banner’s awe-inspiring awe-inspiring, full of fierceness and overwhelming power.

This banner seems to be an ordinary thing. I looked at it between my eyebrows, but I couldn’t see the magic.

However, this banner can turn the surrounding magical energy into the sky, and the Killing intent is so unusual. Moreover, the strangest thing is that it is like inclusive of all things.

Absorb the devilish energy around, Killing intent.

It looks slow, but it is compressing and pure. After a while, it changed its appearance.

The evil spirit lingers, Killing intent can burn people’s eyes.

Where is the initial “normal” feeling? !

The most important thing is that among these flags, they have begun to separate.

One divides two, two divides into three, three connects four, four transforms five, five summons six.

But the magic is that although it has become six small streamers. But from any direction and angle, only one side can be seen.

See nothing else. But it is this side, but it is the cohesion of six sides, which can kill people’s bones and pecking people’s hearts. It can be said that this sentence is born from the devil from the heart!

At this time, Yuanshi who held this flag was already sweating. It can be seen how much effort it has put into this.

But it’s not over yet!


Yun gave a bit of blood, and directly “heed” to this banner! Yuanshi is now considered to be a great achievement of Devil Dao Cultivation Technique cultivation.

Naturally, I know how to maximize the power of this flag. But this banner is weird,

After drinking Yuanshi’s heart and soul, there is still a sense of hunger and thirst. Even without the wind, he whizzed to Yuanshi to ask for it.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Shi was not angry but was happy. This means that this Magic Treasures is more powerful than he thought

Without him, continue. One after another mobilized the heart and blood spurted out.

Although the hard work is extremely important for Sage, it takes time to replenish it.

But obviously Yuanshi can’t manage so much now. He wants a lot, and he wants to destroy everything on his behalf.

He wants Zhang Qing to pay, how can he give up?

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