Chapter 119: Collapse

Even if there are any other means afterwards, it is estimated that they will not be able to move the clouds.

If it continues, the world will collapse.

He didn’t forget the words of entering the prehistoric master.

However, he certainly wouldn’t stop Yuanshi and the lead, so he said this.

“Xuandu, shut your mouth. You are not those two bald sects, so why give me false mercy here.”

Yunxiao doesn’t eat this set. But there is no denying that this movement is indeed a bit overdone.

After all, it is the power of Sage, which is no longer what the prehistoric land can bear.

However, how can someone who is acting on behalf of the teacher allow others to talk too much?

Yun Xiao stopped his movements and began to analyze the situation.

Sage, if she strikes at the same time, she is indeed not something she can resist.

Although she is strong, when these three people are familiar with the use of Hunyuan Jindou and Wuji Xinghuangqi, then they really can’t beat them.

Just as she was uncertain, a voice came from her ear.

“You don’t want to stop if you don’t know the heights of the sky and the earth, and wantonly destroy the wild land?!”

Yuan Si is really an old man who doesn’t wanting face. When it comes to the destruction of the primordial land, the person present here is the most.

Even though Yunxiao and Xuantu competed, the damage caused was very high. However, if there is no “foundation” that Yuanshi laid down earlier.

How could this world be so fragile?

It’s really bad!

But Yun Xiao really didn’t care about him now. Because her body and mind are devoted to the recollection of the words that have just been transmitted.

Just before Yuan Shi made his voice, You Dao was very familiar with these lazy voices and said to her: “If you are unwilling, let’s make an appointment to fight! What about the three teachers? I am not afraid of him on behalf of the teacher, so I directly make an appointment to Yujing Mountain. That’s it.”

“These three people have already entered the Tribulation of the Conferred God in this lower realm, so don’t worry.”

This statement can be described as comprehensive. The first is to set the tone for the start of the war. Secondly, how could Yunxiao not be shaken by the fact that Yuanshi and these people were in trouble?

However, she never doubted the authenticity of these words from beginning to end, because the person who transmitted her sound was her teacher, and Zhang Qing silently nodded. Yun Shi did not have the previously pungent appearance at all, and was so cute and cute. Dazzled.

Yuanshi. Why do you need to say it again?

“Since you are fighting against Heavenly Dao’s wishes in private, you are already robbed. If so, I will ask you again.”

“If you have the courage, come to Yujing Mountain for a test, can you dare?” As soon as the voice fell, a chaotic god thunder struck from the top of the sky.

It can be said that the world is vast. Although this divine thunder did not hit anyone in the room.

But for Yuan Shi, it was tantamount to being hit hard!

Because, the appearance of this divine thunder meant that Heavenly Dao agreed to this fight. Agree to Yunshi’s just now.

It can be said that it is also from another angle, the punishment of him and the lead. The war will begin.

Sage has already taken action, so there is no intention to stop!

Although Yun Xiao said, it can be regarded as a sect war, which has nothing to do with the matter of conferring the gods.

But it’s okay to blame, when I’m stupid?

Yuan Shi was a little angry, but more at a loss.

The current strength of Chanjiao, even with the introduction of Buddhism, is estimated to be still not an opponent against Daijiao.

Should or should not?

After a glance, there are already mortals, the half-dead Burning Lantern and others lying on the ground.

All that flashed through Yuan Shi’s eyes was tyranny.

Afraid of a hammer!

After all, it is the cultivation of Devil Dao Cultivation Technique.

If Yun Xiao said that, Yuan Shi still should not fight, and Heart’s Demon has already been produced.

Not to mention that I want to make further progress in the future, it is estimated that in order to preserve, I have to disperse all this Cultivation Technique!

It’s better to give it a try! But Yuan Shi still didn’t answer in a hurry.

Instead, he glanced at the mysterious capital not far away. Buddhism must be in the same spirit as himself. Even if you want to escape, you can’t escape.

But if it can be taught by others, the odds of winning this time are much greater. But how can Xuan Du care about him?

Originally there was a complaint about the heart of the lower realm, but also because of saving Yuanshi and Yunxiao each other. Xuan Du is not stupid, is anyone aimed at me?

how? Really dare not!

Yun Xiao looked at Yuan Shi with a sneer.

She really wanted Yuanshi to fight.

When the time comes, you will not be fighting on your own.

Yun is also clear about the strength of substitute education.

Since its inception, I have never been afraid of anyone. How dare you?

“I responded to this battle with Buddhism!” How could Yuanshi stand it?

Regardless of Xuan Du’s reaction, he immediately responded.

“I’m waiting for you to come!” After speaking, Yun Xiao collected the Hunyuan Jindou and Xinghuangqi.

Take the three of Qiongshi, and go away fit!

After Yuanshi and liberation, the lead always stared at the direction of the four people leaving.

Each has its own plan, and each has its own calculation. Yuanshi knew that the interpretation and teaching alone was meaningless.

Must be like a way to restore the strength of Ran Deng et al. The lead is complaining and helpless.

Also added a thick layer of resentment!

The complaint was that Kai Yuanshi responded without saying a word. His Buddhism incident was a huge casualty.

“The second generation of disciples, almost the entire army is annihilated! Secondly, it is helpless. If a few people have not been on the list of gods, it will be fine.”

But after being on the list, even if it is a Buddhist disciple on the top of the list, it is still subject to Wu Tian’s control.

Even if it was him, there was no way. Anger is easy to understand.

This is why even after Yuan Shi had agreed, the lead still acquiesced.

He wants revenge! Revenge is bound to

“Take the lead, I will return to Yu Qingtian before making plans.”

After Yuanshi left this passage, he also left with Randeng and others.

The only thing he can think of to restore vision to a few people is!

But even so, we must race against time. After all, Yu Qingtian is in chaos, and with these mortal disciples, Yuan Shi can’t guarantee that he will be there soon.

“Okay.” Can only nod in agreement.

He casually pulled up the long-eared Dingguangxian who was pretending to be dead next to him.

Jiuying followed Yuanshi.


Xuan Du sighed heavily, glanced at Yun Shi’s defensive line, turned around, and followed.

However, there was more than one cloud who was transmitted by Zhang Qing.

In Yujing Mountain, this situation was also received.

In Yujing Mountain, the six-eared macaque, as the Head Teacher, is sitting next to the Great Hall.

But the mind is not here. As the master of a sect, how could he not pay attention to such important matters as the consecration of gods.

What’s more, nowadays, it involves people who teach on his behalf. It turned out that he already knew what Joan had done.

Moreover, the scene of Yunxiao against the Three Saints was clearly seen.

After all, Yujingshan is in a prehistoric state, although he is not a quasi-sage.

But the powerful roots and feet of the six-eared macaque, even if the door does not go out, it can still know the world.

As early as Qiong Xiao and others were about to have an accident, Liu Er planned to take action.

However, he was locked in by the qi machine in the dark.

This Qi machine is extremely familiar. That’s why he didn’t go to help.

“Master, what Senior Sister Yunshi said…” Liu Er asked, although he had already guessed it.

“It’s my arrangement. Go and do what you should do. In this battle, my substitute teacher has no reason to lose. It’s also an exercise for you.”

Six ears nodded heavily.

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