Chapter 113

“Many situations, wait for me to come back.”

After talking, I no longer care about the situation of a few people.

Burning lantern got up and left.

In the Yuqing sky, a figure appeared, and it was Daoist.

Chaos is far away, but with his quasi-sage Cultivation Base, he can go back and forth within a day.

Of course, it is also because the teaching is closer to Yuqingtian, and there is a reason for shortcuts.

Otherwise, the predecessor is so big, it would take a lot of time to burn a lamp.

“Ran Deng, you haven’t thought behind closed doors in teaching, why are you here?”

Yuanshi is now a red-eyed dog, who has to bite.

However, Sage, after all, has returned to normal.

Indeed, no one can be blamed.

The post of vice-chief was removed by himself.

“Master, I am here to discuss countermeasures with you and listen to your instructions.”

Then why did you talk so much that Shen Gongbao couldn’t kill it.

Yuan Shi was both questioning, but also thinking that Burning Lantern could give him a step down.

Speaking of which, Burning Lantern is still his own.

If you just listen to what you said before you stop thinking, wouldn’t it be a fall?

Pride is like the beginning, so Zhun will not be given this opportunity.

“The leader.”

“Shen Gongbao is not only a disciple of my interpretation and teaching, but also a person of my sect to go to Xiqi.”

“Although it caused the death of Yun Zhongzi and his grandson, it is not considered apostasy after all.”

“Besides, his person does have the right to speak in Xiqi.”

I teach that if I want to help Xiqi, I still need to use the power of people. ”

Look, Burning a lamp is a veteran, and his speech is really unusual.

In a few words, Shen Gongbao’s fault was wiped out more than half, and the effect was even more obvious.

As soon as Yuanshi heard it, it gradually eased.

After all, the robbery of the Conferred God is related to one’s own life.

Yuan Shi is unwilling to tolerate a little mistake!

Since Shen Gongbao is useful, keep it!

But he didn’t plan to finish.

In any case, he is the only one on the Fengshen ranking list, which is more or less justifiable.

Moreover, it has been said earlier that this battle is dominated by Buddhism, after all, Xiqi respects Buddhism.

His explanation is a supplementary effect.

It’s better to see it now, it’s just one’s own people who died, but Buddhism didn’t make a difference. This is not justified.

Furthermore, Yuan Shi was aiming to stop himself from being upset.

No matter what he says is right or wrong, it’s right to be unhappy!

“Zhun mentioned, do you remember what you said earlier?”

Quasi-Ti was suddenly blinded. I just happened to have something, but now why are you aiming at yourself again?

“What did you say before?”

All Xiantian creatures are present, why pretend to be confused?

Yuanshi Tianzun immediately turned cold and looked at Zhunti aggressively.

“I have already said that it is your Buddhism that is the main thing to do this time. After all, it is your Buddhism that has the greatest vested interest. And my interpretation is to perform auxiliary matters.”

But now, you Buddhism showed a face besides you, and no one else participated! On the contrary, what should you do if I explain and teach the disciples to die one after another? ”

“How do you say the past?!”

The sun shines thousands of light, shining all over the world, and Huipu breaks through the dark sun, Bodhisattva actually connects with the power of the sun and the stars.

Suddenly, the area that was originally dark and covered with yellow sand suddenly became extremely shining.

Shino shines!

The gathering of these two lights, coupled with the Magic power Realm, the pharmacist Buddha’s quasi-sage, was able to push the yellow sand away again.

Watching this scene, the Buddhists even showed a little smile.

However, if you don’t break the formation, it will eventually become empty!

How could Qiong Xiao and the others let them have the last laugh?

Really, my Jiuqu Yellow River Array is so simple?

“Let’s watch.”

When the sun sets, the moon is still missing. The Yellow River flows all day long, and the nine bends remain unbroken.


In a crash, the world shook again.

The shock was strongest where the four Buddhists were.

Although it was repelling the yellow sand, it was still in the formation.

The shaking under the four people’s feet became stronger and stronger.

The power of the shock prevented the sun and the moon from being truly condensed.



Just a moment.

The earth broke apart, and countless torrents of rivers emerged, and Rao was unable to avoid the strength of the Medicine Master Buddha.

Was wrapped in an instant and stuck.

By the time it reacted, it was no longer able to differentiate.

This water has slowly invaded the body.

He is like this, let alone daylight and moonlight.

But surprisingly, Chang’er Dingguangxian was not contaminated, even Chang’er Dingguangxian didn’t know the reason.

In fact, it is simple, everything is a number of days.

Chang’er Dingguangxian still has its destiny unfulfilled, so before that, it is absolutely impossible to die.

And the power that hinders this river is the Heavenly Dao Chaotic Origin Qi.

There is no side effect, just to protect its safety before the fate.

“Daylight, moonlight.”

“You wait for traction. Even if you die, you have to earn a chance.”

Listen, how righteous and fearless is what Medicine Buddha said?

But is that the case? Why can the Buddha of Medicine be called a Medicine Master?

Because it can drive away the “five turbidity” and can pass the world

Five turbidity is the turbidity of robbery, the turbidity of seeing, the turbidity of troubles, the turbidity of sentient beings, and the turbidity of life.

These are the five states of beings.

And his Medicine Master Buddha can unify and even disperse these five turbidities.

More importantly, he can convert five turbidities.

To put it simply, it is state restart! Go back to before.

That’s why he wants the sun and the moon to draw the power of the sun and the moon again.

In this way, even if the two of them are dead, as long as he has the power of the sun and the moon, he can take the opportunity to go back to before he was turbid by the river!

Sunlight and moonlight subconsciously are the orders.

Regardless of physical condition, still forcefully traction.

However, just a quarter of an hour before it was about to succeed, it fell short!

Because three thousand weak water can sink people.

Yellow Springs water can make people amnesia.

The Qi of Gui Yuan can turn his Zhou Movement Technique power into nothingness.

How to communicate?

Use your mouth? Still brush your face!

Under this situation, the traction was fruitless, and the two Bodhisattva, daylight and moonlight, also lost their last remaining time in this world.

Within two seconds, it will be nothingness.

Keep up with Kassapa’s footsteps and be on the list of conferred gods!

So far, apart from Medicine Master Buddha and Chang Er Ding Guang Xian, the six people visited by Buddhism have already died.

Observing this scene, Medicine Master Buddha no longer hesitated.

Immediately use the five turbidities to transform supernatural powers, going back to before the infection.

At that moment, he urged Magic power to force the river to two feet away from his body.

However, as the water pressure is getting heavier and heavier, he is getting heavier and heavier.

Weak water, but a feather can’t pass it.

The limited person can only sink a little bit!

But Pharmacist Buddha does not intend to sit still, he still has the hope of life!

He also has two Magic Treasures, one is the priceless pearl of medicine, life is priceless, and medicine is priceless. Although this pearl has no power to attack, it can heal people’s pain and even restore state and magic power.

That’s right, it is one of the few Magic Treasures that urge Magic Treasures to restore Magic Power without consuming Magic Power!

The other is a glazed pagoda. Although it is not a Xiantian spiritual treasure, it is indeed a Houtian spiritual treasure, and it is not weak.

This treasure can replace the golden body of Buddha!

Can be described as unparalleled defense!

It’s not that he didn’t want to use it before, it’s just that if this treasure is used, it will lose merit, and he has used it twice before.

Eliminate five turbidities every time, kill good corpses once!

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