Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 95 Nuwa surrenders

"Brother Tianyuan, what are you doing?"

Tianyuan, who was trying hard to capture the two tribes of witches and liches, suddenly heard a slightly puzzled female voice.

Tianyuan was startled. Through the gorgeous magical powers and magic, he saw a dignified figure waiting in the distance, staring at him with wide eyes.

The demon king and the ancestor witches did not find him, but Nuwa saw him first.

The witches and liches had been fighting for a while, and Tianyuan remembered that he had never seen the other party from beginning to end.

Tianyuan's mind was turning quickly, but he replied calmly: "I can't bear to see them die in the catastrophe, so I came to rescue them."

Tianyuan said, and casually swept away the two fighting Taiyi Jinxian peak guys.

Nuwa had no intention of the witches and liches, and appeared here must be worried about Fuxi's safety.

As for the fact that she found herself, it was probably because of the Nine Heavens Xirang.

This top-grade innate spiritual treasure is related to Nuwa's enlightenment, so it is reasonable to have some reaction.

Looking at the other party's expression, he should not intend to report him.

Nuwa was obviously stunned, and her eyes looked at Tianyuan more and more strangely.

The two tribes of witches and demons are not the spiritual roots of Buzhou Mountain, and they can be fine if they are protected a little.

The witch tribe and the demon court have already become a big trend, and they all have the luck gathered, so there is no possibility of peaceful coexistence.

Even if they are separated temporarily, it doesn't matter, they will inevitably fight after all, and there are so many tribes.

Tianyuan's strength alone is completely a drop in the bucket.

This is also the reason why she repeatedly persuaded her brother to stay away from Di Jun and Tai Yi, but unfortunately her brother didn't listen at all, and now he is getting deeper and deeper.

"There are so many creatures in the tribes, and there is a battle of luck." Nuwa frowned, and didn't say the rest of the words.

The luck of heaven and earth is related to the future of the two tribes. The witch tribe and the demon tribe will never coexist in the prehistoric world.

Tianyuan grinned. "Everything depends on human efforts. Save one if you can!"

While speaking, Tianyuan's hands were moving fast.

Nuwa was somewhat indifferent. Now that the calamity of heaven and earth had arisen, it would be so difficult to escape. She looked at Fuxi in the distance unconsciously.

She didn't want to involve the two tribes in a fight, but Fuxi was so for the demon court, and their brother-sister relationship had a rift.

Nuwa didn't know why, she obviously doted on her brother, but he was so stubborn in this matter. She had no way out now.

Nuwa retracted her gaze, looked at the yellow clouds floating in the sky, and thought of Tianyuan's peculiarity.

He had been in the Buzhou Mountain without showing his mountains and rivers, and had not even been to the Zixiao Palace. He seemed to know his future path.

After hesitating for a while, Nuwa's ethereal voice came: "Brother Dao, can you point out a clear way?"

The calamity of heaven and earth began, and Nuwa was very worried about Fuxi's safety, but she couldn't always stay by his side.

The calamity spread, and the response between them was weakened. As the war became more intense, this situation would only become more serious.

Tian Yuan, who had swept away a group of figures, paused and looked at Nu Wa in the distance.

Tian Yuan naturally understood the meaning of the other party's words.

"Help me capture some witches and liches, and save Fu Xi's life!" Tian Yuan's leisurely words came.

Long ago, Tian Yuan wanted to knock out the three thousand guests of Zi Xiao Palace one by one and throw them into the consciousness space, so that they could sort out and purify the earth veins, and manifest more laws along the way.

But now seeing the horror of the quantitative calamity, so many lives have died, he thought that the prehistoric land also needs people to manage.

And Nu Wa in front of him, one of the six saints of the future world, is undoubtedly the best candidate.

If Nu Wa can listen to advice, he doesn't mind giving her some advice, and it doesn't matter if she creates a person, and by the way, capture Fu Xi with the help of internal and external forces.

Tian Yuan was thinking in his heart, but Nu Wa's face changed drastically.

Save Fu Xi's life? Tian Yuan was sure that his brother would die in the quantitative calamity.

Tianyuan's curse-like words not only did not make Nuwa angry, but she felt that what the other party said was true.

"Okay!" After just a little hesitation, Nuwa agreed to Tianyuan's request.

Tianyuan didn't even want to hurt her innate spiritual roots, so Nuwa still believed what the other party said about saving the two tribes of witches and liches.

But this stone man of Buzhou Mountain was too mysterious, and she knew too little about Tianyuan.


Tianyuan was slightly stunned by Nuwa's straightforwardness.

Surprised, he looked up and down at the delicate figure in the distance.

Fuxi and his sister were born at the foot of Buzhou Mountain. They were innate and sacred. It was rumored that they were transformed from the eggs of Pangu, the great god, but it was unknown whether it was true or not.

But no matter what, Nuwa is indeed one of the six saints of the future world, and the first person to become a saint, with great courage.

Tianyuan unconsciously thought of Fuxi in his heart. It stands to reason that Nuwa is so extraordinary, and Fuxi must not be much worse.

The divination technique is unmatched in the prehistoric world, but in the end, she died in a catastrophe.

Without waiting for Tianyuan to say anything, Nuwa passed by and faded in the air.

The faint demonic aura began to spread in the sky, and from time to time, figures disappeared out of thin air.

"It's an unexpected gain!" Tianyuan, who was touching his chin, was too lazy to think about it. It was more important to capture living creatures.

As time passed, it was only a matter of time for Dijiang and Taiyi to find out.

Now that one more person can take action, more witches and liches can be captured.

More importantly, if you want to ambush the Demon King, the Ancestral Witch, or someone else in the future, you can ask Nuwa for help.

As for saving Fuxi's life, it's not easy. Just catch him and throw him into the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain, and that's it.

Nuwa was happy, and he was happy too, killing two birds with one stone.

Tianyuan, who was excited in his heart, immediately became more motivated!

In order to avoid exposing a large blank area, Tianyuan fled slightly to the distance.

The battle between the witches and liches was not only between the demons of the demon court, but also figures leaped up from time to time on the eastern land.

They were the demons who stayed behind, and because of the influence of the calamity, they also rushed into the battle.

Tianyuan had no idea how many creatures participated in the battle. Anyway, at this moment, he looked around, and there were figures fighting in the sky and underground.

Tianyuan was excited to catch, and a figure fled in the distance, accompanied by the slightly surprised voice of Calabash Brothers.

"Father Mountain! That Nuwa is robbing us of people!"

Calabash Brothers had already felt the breath of the Nine Heavens Xirang, but for the sake of Father Mountain's instructions, he just worked hard to catch creatures.

Who knew that he would meet a fellow traveler, or the Nuwa he had seen on Mount Buzhou in the past.

"Nothing, she's helping me catch them."

Tian Yuan responded softly, and then asked casually: "Huluwaer, how many have you caught now?"

Looking at the figures disappearing in an instant as the yellow cloud of Tian Yuan rolled by, Huluwaer was a little depressed.

"In order to hide the means, the efficiency is not as good as that of the father mountain!"

His treasure gourd cannot be unfolded like the Nine Heavens Xirang, and more importantly, it has to hide its tracks, so it is much slower.

Glancing around, Tian Yuan suggested: "Then you should set your target on Taiyi Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian."

As long as the Nine Heavens Xirang has enough mana, it will unfold endlessly.

If it weren't for not attracting attention, Tian Yuan would have captured more creatures.

The two talked for a few more words and fled in their respective directions.

The blood evil and demonic energy covered a large area of ​​the world, becoming the best barrier for Tian Yuan and his men.

Even if the demons and witches occasionally felt strange, they were already glued in the battle circle and were equally powerless.

As for the demon kings and ancestor witches, unless the demon saints and great witches fell, nothing could attract their attention.

However, what Tianyuan and his men did was just to capture the two tribes of witches and liches, so they would not pay special attention to this.

Fuxi, who was fighting Zhurong at the moment, looked at the battle circle in the distance.

Nuwa was also the demon king of the demon court, but she did not show up in such a battle. Fuxi was a little angry.

But just now, he actually felt the breath of Nuwa in the battle circle, how could Fuxi not be happy.

My sister has never been able to understand what he did, but now she finally agrees with him.

Finally, in the constant search, Fuxi felt the fluctuation of Nuwa.

As Nuwa's breath surged, Fuxi clearly saw several figures of the witch tribe disappear.

"Huh! It's a good start!" Fuxi only thought that Nuwa was still a little angry when she did not appear in the battle circle of the ancestor witch.

Choosing to attack the witch tribe at least shows that my sister has recognized his decision and recognized the demon court.

Fuxi, who was just happy in his heart, suddenly frowned slightly. He seemed to see several demons.

As Fuxi was about to take a closer look, a roar exploded in his ears.

"Roar! You dare to be distracted when fighting with me!"

Under the feet of Zhurong, who was covered by fireworks, two fire dragons roared and rushed over with wild momentum.

Fuxi glanced at the other party, dancing his hands repeatedly, and an inexplicable aura emerged. His figure was flexibly flying in the void, and his peripheral vision was still looking into the distance.

Zhurong was very annoyed because he did not choose Dijun and Taiyi because of their slow speed, and then chose Fuxi, who was also a demon king.

Unexpectedly, this person was surrounded by strange energy and could easily avoid his attacks every time.

After fighting for so long, Zhurong felt that he was always fighting with the air.

Although the opponent could not break his defense either, it undoubtedly made Zhurong very annoyed, and he couldn't help but think of Gonggong.

Earlier, he chased Kunpeng away, and there was no movement for so long, and he didn't know what was going on.

Zhu Rong thought, his eyes passed through the rich golden flame of the sun in the starry sky.

Glancing at Fuxi who was still absent-minded, Zhu Rong pulled back and jumped directly to the top of his head.

The golden flame of the sun is one of the four chaotic spirits, and he, the ancestor of fire, really wants to try it.

"What is my little sister doing?" At this moment, Fuxi finally discovered Nuwa's weirdness.

The other party not only captured the witch clan, but also did not let go of the monster clan of the monster court.

The figure flew through the battle circle, and there were figures disappearing there.

Fuxi frowned and jumped quickly to chase Zhu Rong.

He didn't know what his little sister was doing, but it was obvious that he couldn't get away now.

The sound of the piano rang out between his five fingers, and ripples appeared in the space above Zhu Rong's head.

Zhu Rong, who was escaping quickly to the top of his head, began to slow down gradually and was caught up by Fuxi in an instant.

Fuxi noticed the appearance of Nuwa, and Nuwa in the battle circle also felt Fuxi's attention.

"I hope I won't let Brother Tianyuan down!" She was clearly far away, but they were very close.

Nuwa, with a worried look on her face, sped up the pace of capturing the two tribes of witches and liches.

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