Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 9: Another earth vein

"Hmph! It's impossible for these reckless men to catch me." Tian Yuan was holding a demon in one hand, jumping and running.

There was a rumbling sound behind him, accompanied by a thunderous roar.

One was killed by himself, and the other was contributed by the witch clan.

The witch clan was powerful, and there were fewer and fewer demons at the foot of Buzhou Mountain. Some fled from here, and the rest were hiding everywhere.

Tian Yuan went to explore in other directions, and the situation was almost the same.

He didn't know what the situation was in the prehistoric land, but the area around Buzhou Mountain had completely become the territory of the witch clan.

Tian Yuan knew very well that if he wanted to catch creatures to clear the earth veins, he would inevitably confront the witch clan.

When the lecture in Zixiao Palace was over, Di Jun and Taiyi established the demon court, and there would be even fewer demons in the prehistoric land.

Over the years, although he had never fought directly, Tian Yuan was already familiar with the witch clan.

They had strong bodies, were born with their own laws, could control the elements of heaven and earth, and could even control strange beasts, but their fighting style was extremely simple.

Only the purest and most brutal physical strength, other means are hardly used.

It didn't take long before the familiar Buzhou Mountain was in front of him.

Glancing at a hillside in the distance, Tianyuan rolled his eyes. This was not the first time that the Wu Clan surrounded him in Buzhou Mountain, but every time they hid well.

The bird feathers on the head and the tail swaying randomly in the weeds, he could easily see them from such a distance.

Shaking his head, he had no intention of going forward, his time was too precious.

Now is not the time to attack the Wu Clan, and even if he wants to attack the Wu Clan, he must plan well.

Tianyuan was about to turn around, and suddenly his whole body was shocked. The Buzhou Mountain in front of him made a buzzing sound, and then a vast power surged up.

The power of heaven was vast and rolling, and with the rumbling sound, the pillar of heaven began to explode wildly.

Finally, a vein of the earth was unblocked again.

In the ground under Tianyuan's feet, rich spiritual energy wrapped in the law poured into his body.

With a faint sound of "pop", a strong aura rose from his body, and a rich nine-color light also bloomed from his chest.

Taiyi Jinxian middle stage! He broke into the Taiyi Jinxian middle stage!

The many Wu clansmen who were ambushing were also stunned by the scene in front of them. They rushed out one by one, looking at the Buzhou Mountain with overwhelming power in surprise.

Then they all knelt on the ground and shouted: "Father God is above!"

As for Tianyuan in the distance, he had no time to pay attention.

The Wu clan did not worship the sky or the earth, but only respected Pangu, and Buzhou Mountain represented Pangu's will in their eyes!

Looking at the rumbling sound and the endless power of the Tianzhu, they were extremely respectful.

Tianyuan ignored it, carrying two monsters, and disappeared on Buzhou Mountain.

At this moment, in that consciousness space, Xue Jiao, Xiong Da and the other three were all shocked and looked around.

They were searching for rocks in the earth veins, but they were shocked all around, and a rosy glow gushed out from under their feet. The entire earth vein seemed to come alive and began to wriggle.

"Brother! Is this earth vein completely unblocked?" Xiong Da couldn't help but ask loudly, with surprise in his eyes.

Recently, the few people have been wandering around for a long time without any gains, and they have been thinking that this moment is coming soon. Now, a strange phenomenon has finally appeared in this earth vein.

Xiong Er didn't say anything, but also looked at the blood dragon with expectation on his face.

"Maybe it is!" The blood dragon nodded, and the surprise in his eyes could not be concealed.

The surrounding monsters were all shocked by the changes before their eyes.

Amid the joyful and excited cheers of the crowd, a strong golden light swept from the direction of Buzhou Mountain, accompanied by a lot of momentum, which caused the monsters to scream again.

"Breakthrough! I broke through a realm!"

"Haha. I broke through too!"

"Golden Immortal Perfection, only one step away from Taiyi."

"Great fortune, it is really a great fortune! Haha!"

The voice came from far away, and the three blood dragons had no time to take a closer look. The golden light swept past, and there were laws and spiritual energy flowing into the body, and then three auras rushed.

"Haha! I broke through! I broke through too!"

"Roar, roar!"

Xiong Da and Xiong Er roared, running and jumping excitedly.

In total, they have been here for less than a thousand years, and they have broken through a realm. How can they not be excited.

After entering the Golden Immortal, each of their breakthroughs in a small realm took tens of thousands of years, and they dared not imagine what was happening in front of them.

The blood dragon standing in the field also had a happy face.

Taiyi Golden Immortal, he entered the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and more importantly, the karma shrouding his soul instantly faded a lot and became almost nothing.

This means that even if he can't continue to comb the earth veins in the future, his cultivation will be much faster.

The only regret is that he did not see the legendary merits.

"Congratulations, big brother, for entering the realm of Taiyi!" Xiong Da and Xiong Er walked forward and congratulated respectfully.

Although the gap between the Golden Immortal and the Taiyi Golden Immortal is only one realm, it has blocked most of the creatures in the prehistoric world.

"Congratulations!" The blood dragon nodded, and then said loudly: "We should thank Senior Tianyuan even more!"

If there was no Tianyuan, he might still be hiding in that cave and practicing hard, and there might be no hope for the future.

"Big brother is right!"

Xiong Da and Xiong Er nodded heavily.

The three looked at each other, all facing the direction of Buzhou Mountain, and bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Senior Tianyuan!"

The many monsters around naturally did not dare to neglect it, and they all looked at the Tianzhu from afar and thanked Tianyuan.

At this moment, the monsters in the earth veins only had respect for Tianyuan in their hearts.

Except for the demons who came in a little later, they basically broke through a realm. With such a great feat, Tianyuan was not just a great power in the prehistoric world in their eyes.

Tianyuan appeared on the sacred mountain, and a strong will surged in an instant, and the mysterious and yellow air surrounding Buzhou Mountain expanded.

The eastern land has another golden vein, and the auspicious aura is rising, which is particularly dazzling.

In almost nine hundred years, he opened up the second branch vein, and the time spent in the future will be even less.

There are still five thousand years before the end of the Zixiao Palace lecture, which means that he can at least dredge and purify six more veins.

By that time, he may have entered the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

There are at least hundreds of thousands of years before the final battle between the witch and the lich, and perhaps all the veins in the east can be dredged and purified.

With three main veins and 108 branch veins to support him, what can a mere ancestor witch do to him?

After a long period of anxiety, Tianyuan's tense heartstrings finally relaxed a little.

Putting away his distracting thoughts, he slowly calmed down his mind, and a vast, ancient breath came to his face.

At this moment, he was the pillar of heaven, Mount Buzhou.

In order to move all the monsters to another vein, he needed the power of Mount Buzhou.

In an instant, he saw that in the vein covered by the glow, the mysterious and yellow air emerged repeatedly, surrounding those figures.

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