Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 81 Tianyuan sneaks into Pangu Temple (first order required)

The man and the beast had just jumped down from Buzhou Mountain for a while when they saw Calabash Brothers suddenly sit up.

"Young Master, have you found anything?" Gungun stopped immediately and asked softly.

His senses quickly explored the surroundings, but he did not find anything strange.

Noticing Gungun's movements, Calabash Brothers quickly patted his forehead and said crisply: "Put away your divine thoughts, don't let them go around."

Gungun did not dare to hesitate and immediately restrained his own breath, but he was a little surprised.

The young master has profound Taoism and the spiritual treasure in his hand is so powerful, why should he be so cautious.

As he spoke, Calabash Brothers pointed to the front and said excitedly: "Go straight, hurry up!"

He had sensed a witch tribe with many witches in it.

As the words fell, Gungun flew away, and he saw a small tribe of witches from a distance.

Just as Gungun was puzzled, he saw Calabash Brothers throwing out the treasure gourd from his back.

Suddenly, in the tribe not far away, a group of witches were all in a hurry to fly towards the gourd in the air.

In an instant, the whole tribe was empty, and no figure was left behind.

"Let's go! The next witch tribe!" The gourd boy who recalled the treasure gourd gently patted the iron-eating beast.

"Ah? Oh oh oh!" Gun Gun was a little confused.

So this was the task that the gourd boy said. He was too familiar with this scene.

It's just that the master only captured some witches above the golden fairy in the past, but the gourd boy didn't even keep the monsters raised by the tribe.

Earlier, the two masters Hou Tu and Tian Yuan were obviously talking happily, so why did they start to capture witches again?

What kind of deep hatred does the master have with the witch tribe?

Gun Gun didn't dare to ask, so he could only rush forward with his head down, and at the same time restrain his own breath again.

Gun Gun knew the temper of the witch tribe very well. He had captured those many witches before. No matter what Hou Tu thought, the remaining witch ancestors must be in a bad mood.

If they were found rashly, Gun Gun dared not imagine what the result would be.

Although the young master was powerful, he was definitely not as good as the twelve witch ancestors.

They were all born sacred, and no matter how powerful the magic weapon was, it could not hurt their witch ancestors.

If there was a chance to choose, Gun Gun did not want to come out at all, and it was so comfortable to stay on Mount Buzhou.

Unlike Gun Gun's worries, Calabash Boy was full of excitement and joy.

Being able to help Father Mountain was the happiest thing in his life.

The treasure gourd had its own space, and it was no problem to capture as many witches as possible.

After a while, another witch tribe appeared in front.

According to Father Mountain's instructions, as long as there were creatures in the tribe, none of them were left behind and all were taken away.

Calabash Boy was wantonly capturing witches in the eastern land, but Tian Yuan, who was meditating on Mount Buzhou, opened his eyes faintly.

Glancing at his recovered arm, Tian Yuan glanced at the distance and whispered, "These ancestor witches actually have such patience?"

Not much time had passed, but hundreds of years had passed.

This amount of time was nothing to other creatures, but it was different for the ancestor witches.

He heard from Hou Tu that several ancestor witches had rushed to Zixiao Palace with great effort, but because the gate was closed, they waited for two or three days without being surprised, and ran back directly.

It didn't matter that Hun Dun had traveled for a thousand years, but he couldn't wait for a moment. With this irritable little temper, he had guarded him for hundreds of years.

The breath of Tianji Gonggong had not moved, which surprised Tian Yuan.

It was obvious that these ancestor witches were determined to deal with him.

"The stone man moved!" Xuan Ming lowered his voice, and he could clearly feel the anger in it.

The rest of Di Jiang and others exhaled lightly, with madness and violence in their eyes.

The stone man of Buzhou Mountain was definitely the first in history to allow so many witches to wait together for such a long time.

"Catch this damn guy, and smash him to pieces!" Gonggong gritted his teeth, his chest heaving violently.

Zhurong and the others beside him did not speak, but nodded their heads heavily.

In the past few hundred years, they have suppressed the urge to jump out and beat the other party countless times, just to wait for Tianyuan to leave Buzhou Mountain.

Now the other party has finally moved, it's time to go down the mountain.

Just as the several ancestors were full of expectations, there was a buzzing sound in the distance.

Dijiang and the others hidden in the void all trembled, and their expressions became extremely ugly.

With a rumbling sound, a vast power bloomed on Buzhou Mountain, accompanied by a powerful momentum.

That breath was the stone man of Tianyuan, he actually broke through.

The other party broke into the peak of Daluo Jinxian!

"Damn it! Damn it!" Gonggong roared in a low voice, his expression was a little ferocious.

"Why? Why is this happening?" Zhurong was angry and full of doubts.

The remaining Dijiang and several ancestor witches did not speak, but their faces were also extremely ugly.

Tianyuan could control the will of Buzhou Mountain, which made them furious.

At present, the power of Buzhou Mountain has increased greatly, and then Tianyuan has successfully broken through. It is obvious that the two are related.

This stone man must have stolen the legacy of the father god, and he relied on Buzhou Mountain to cultivate so fast.

These should have been controlled by their witch clan, but they fell into the hands of a big monster. How unwilling they are.

Dijiang took a deep breath and shouted in a deep voice: "Be quiet!"

Tianyuan broke through. If they were not careful or the other party sensed them, all their previous efforts would be wasted.

Xuanming and others also knew this situation, so they had to try their best to suppress the anger and mania in their hearts.

"Hahaha, not bad, not bad!" Tianyuan laughed loudly on Buzhou Mountain, his face full of excitement.

Tianyuan, who was excited in his heart, quickly calmed down.

Of the 108 branches in the Eastern Land, 79 have now been cleared.

Originally, according to his estimate, he could only break through if he completely purified 80 branches.

Who knew that he would break through to the peak of Daluo Jinxian in advance after covering for Calabash Brothers on Buzhou Mountain.

Leaving a small wisp of will, Tianyuan began to throw the witches in that branch to the main vein one by one.

After half a day, Tianyuan stood up, took a step forward, and disappeared on the spot.

Many ancestor witches who were carefully observing from a distance were overjoyed and looked at Gonggong one by one. They were a little worried that Tianyuan would find the mark left by the green python after breaking through.

Gonggong did not speak, and his figure quickly fled in one direction.

Many ancestor witches behind him held their breath and followed quietly, only a pair of eyes were filled with anger.

But the next moment, they were no longer happy.

"What's going on? Why is this stone man practicing again?" Zhu Jiuyin stared, panting heavily.

"I can't wait any longer!"

"Brother! Don't worry, let's rush up. I don't believe we can't catch him even if we search the entire Buzhou Mountain."

"That's right! No matter how mysterious that space is, we can still find it."

Seeing that Tianyuan was practicing again, many ancestor witches were furious.

It was really uncomfortable to wait aimlessly like this.

Dijiang didn't speak, but his eyes swept over all the brothers and sisters.

Although he didn't speak, the meaning in his eyes couldn't be more obvious.

Gonggong and others were not surprised, but they could only lower their heads obediently. Only Xuanming knew what Dijiang was thinking.

The heart of the Father God was originally connected to that world. They tried everything some time ago, but nothing happened.

Buzhou Mountain was transformed from the spine of the Father God, but the heart of the Father God was under the blood pool.

This means that even on Mount Buzhou, they are unlikely to find that space.

If they want to deal with the stone man, they have a chance only outside Mount Buzhou.

The angry witch ancestors can only wait in the void again.

Tianyuan sat quietly on Mount Buzhou, with a strong will of Mount Buzhou emerging from his body, surrounded by nine-color light.

After a while, the glow dimmed, and the burly stone man practiced silently, with white light covering his body.

At the foot of Mount Buzhou, millions of miles away, a stone man carefully drilled out, it was Tianyuan.

Standing still for a long time, the breath of Gonggong in the distance did not move at all.

"I really didn't notice it." Tianyuan touched his chin, with excitement in his eyes.

He just left a fake body, plus the magic treasure of Jiutian Xirang.

Such a simple plan to escape, but the witch ancestors did not notice it at all.

Taking this opportunity, he planned to take a walk in the sacred place of the witch clan, Pangu Temple.

Pangu's heart, Tianyuan was really greedy, this thing will definitely play a significant role in the restoration of the earth veins of the prehistoric world.

If he hadn't suddenly broken into the peak of the Golden Immortal, Tianyuan would not have planned to go to Pangu Temple so soon.

The body of the ancestor witch is extraordinary, and without the protection of the Nine Heavens Xiran, even if he is close to Mount Buzhou, there may be accidents.

But it's different in the same realm, Tianyuan is still very confident in himself.

For safety reasons, Tianyuan did not go straight to Pangu Temple, but changed several places in succession, and finally rushed to the eastern land.

In the distant perception, Gonggong's breath is still motionless.

"Huh! I hope there is no ancestor witch in Pangu Temple!" Tianyuan whispered softly, no longer hesitated, and went straight to Pangu Temple at the foot of Mount Buzhou.

After half a day, the familiar valley appeared in front of him.

The pressure coming in the face did not make Tianyuan feel uncomfortable, but instead felt a sense of home.

The valley was silent, no living creatures were seen, and no breath fluctuations could be felt.

The temple was formed from Pangu's heart, and its might far surpassed Mount Buzhou, so ordinary witches could not get close to it.

Tianyuan, who had no obstacles at all, successfully arrived outside Pangu Temple.

Many towering stone pillars stood around, and the temple quietly sank in the middle, shrouded in thick clouds and mist, exuding a vast and vast atmosphere.

"It seems that the ancestors of witches are really not here!" Tianyuan was overjoyed.

He had already walked here openly, and had not caused any movement. Dijiang and others must have surrounded him at the foot of Mount Buzhou.

Tianyuan, who was pouting, strode into the temple, and indeed did not see the figure of the ancestors of witches.

The temple was built of huge stones and covered with mysterious Taoist patterns. In the center of the entire hall, there was only a blood pool floating.

Billions of stars flashed above the blood pool, shining with dazzling starlight, giving the blood pool a layer of strange glare.

After a careful search, there was nothing else in the entire temple except the blood pool.

Tian Yuan, standing in the temple, looked at the blood pool in the middle: "Pangu's heart turned into Pangu Temple. Are we going to move the entire temple away?"

The many stone pillars outside were shrouded in an inexplicable aura. It must be a powerful magic array that lifted the temple in the air.

If it was moved rashly, it would definitely attract the attention of the ancestors of witches.

And Tian Yuan felt that it would not be so easy to move the entire temple in a short time.

Pangu Temple is the holy place of the witch clan, but the most important thing for the witch clan is the blood pool in front of them.

Tian Yuan came closer and put his hand in it. His eyes immediately lit up and he plunged directly into the blood pool.

In an instant, a rolling bloody aura surged, accompanied by a crazy and violent breath.

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