Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 78 Feeling Insulted

Ignoring the anger on the faces of several people, Tianyuan said leisurely: "It's okay, I just came to see how your practice is going."

Houyi and the others heard this, and their expressions became more unnatural.

What practice, it's just to see them dredge the earth veins here.

Thousands of years have passed, and they have long lost their resistance to purifying the earth veins.

After all, it can not only increase strength, but also revive the will of the father god. Several people are too happy to wait.

But these words from Tianyuan always make them uncomfortable.

Feeling insulted!

No one said anything, but the eyes looking at Tianyuan became more and more angry.

Whether it was Kuafu, Houyi or Xingtian, they still obeyed the words of Hou Tu Zuwu.

Tianyuan didn't care, turned his head and looked at Xingtian: "This is your master's pet, you keep it first."

After speaking, he threw something out.

Xingtian, who was panting heavily, was stunned, and suddenly saw a twisted thing flying over.

Without thinking, Xing Tian chopped down with his axe.

A familiar breath, Xing Tian immediately looked down carefully.

His face immediately became anxious, and he quickly swung his axe and hit the thing.

With a puff, the green python, which was stunned by the thunder of the innate Wu Earth God, collapsed directly on the ground.

Xing Tian immediately walked forward and saw that it was indeed the pet green python of his ancestor witch.

The other party drooped his head, and his long body was tied into a bow, and thunder could be vaguely seen on the surface of the body.

Kuafu, Houyi and others naturally recognized the thing, and their faces became a little solemn.

The green python was the companion pet of the ancestor witch Gonggong, and was inseparable from the ancestor witch. Now it was thrown by Tianyuan like this.

Could it be that this hateful stone man really started to attack the ancestor witch?

"Tianyuan!" Xing Tian roared, raised the Ganqi and chopped towards Tianyuan.

This stone man is too arrogant, he is here to humiliate him.

Seeing the flash of heat in Xing Tian's eyes, Tian Yuan curled his lips. They say that the witch clan is brainless, but this guy in front of him seems to be not bad.

Probably because he feels that his realm has broken through, and he wants to fight with him again.

Although he is a famous witch in the prehistoric world, Tian Yuan has long lost interest.

He came here this time to hand over the green python and throw those witches away.

Several ancestor witches will be good seedlings for dredging the earth veins in the future, so Tian Yuan will naturally take good care of the green python.

These ancestor witches are still jumping around in the prehistoric land, but they have long been regarded by Tian Yuan as coolies for dredging the earth veins.

"Little witch, don't be arrogant!" The gourd baby next to him stepped out and slapped the treasure gourd on his waist.

The gourd plug burst open, and several divine thunders escaped from it, hitting Xing Tian who was running.

These great witches were so disrespectful to the father mountain, he had wanted to take action a long time ago, how could he miss such an opportunity.

The innate divine thunder fell, and Xing Tian, ​​who was coming with great momentum, froze and rushed forward.

On his burly body, dense thunder was wandering, but his eyes were wide open, staring blankly at the gourd baby who jumped out.

Where did the little guy jump out? He didn't notice him at all.

Ding! Bang!

Gan Qi and his huge body fell to the ground, and Xing Tian's body was still twitching.

The innate divine thunder was no longer something that a mere great witch could resist, and the gourd baby was even higher in realm.

"Xing Tian!"

Hou Yi and Kua Fu were furious and rushed forward.

Although they belonged to different ancestors of witches, they were all great witches of the witch clan. In addition, they had been together for thousands of years, and their relationship was even better than before.

The gourd baby raised the treasure gourd in his hand and was about to release the divine thunder again, but was interrupted by Tian Yuan waving his hand.

"Okay!" The indifferent words fell with a vast will.

He didn't come here to mock them deliberately. If they continued to fight, the self-esteem of these great witches would be gone.

Kuafu, Houyi and others who were running over froze, and their faces were all horrified.

They felt a strong pressure coming down, that was... that was the will of the Father God.

Looking at Tianyuan who looked indifferent in front of them, Houyi and others could no longer suppress their inner horror.

This stone man can control the will of the Father God? How is this possible?

Seeing Tianyuan speak, Calabash Boy retreated obediently, but raised his little head proudly.

"Thinking that you are lonely here, I found some tribesmen for you to have fun!" Tianyuan waved his hand, and suddenly saw dense figures falling in the air.

Xingtian, who had just climbed up, looked around and his eyes widened.

"Brother Xingtian! Why are you here?"


Xingtian's face trembled, and his face turned completely black.

Good guy, the stone man swept his tribe.

Houyi and Kuafu, who were not far away, also had livid faces, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

A quick glance in front of him showed that there were densely packed witches, probably tens of millions, and all of them were tribesmen above the Golden Immortal.

This abominable stone man went to the prehistoric land to catch witches everywhere again.

The many witches who were thrown out roared in anger, and they all roared continuously.

A roar full of anger sounded, accompanied by a long tail sweeping past, and a large number of witches screamed and fell in the distance.

The green python poked its head out and looked around angrily.

After being captured by Tianyuan, it came to a space full of innate Wutu divine thunder and was electrocuted enough.

If it weren't for its strong body, it would have turned into ashes long ago.

Tianyuan had no interest in watching the fun, and led the gourd baby to escape to the sacred mountain.

After landing on the majestic sacred mountain, Tianyuan's mind sank into Mount Buzhou and began to transfer the witches who had just dredged the branch veins.

Huluwa did not speak, but waited quietly by the side.

Due to the influence of the calamity, Tianyuan could not transfer too many witches at one time.

It took him half a day to put all the witches in that branch vein into the middle main vein.

Tianyuan exhaled lightly, and glanced at the increasingly chaotic main vein below, but he missed Houtu a little.

If this ancestor witch was there, at least a lot of time could be saved.

The will of Mount Buzhou still did not find Houtu's figure, and Huluwa had not seen her in these years.

It has been thousands of years, and no one knows where Houtu ran off to?

Tianyuan muttered, retracted his gaze, and said to Huluwa: "Let's go! Let's go back to Mount Buzhou!"

No matter how chaotic the main vein is, with great witches such as Kuafu and Houyi, those witches will eventually go to dredge the earth veins.

Tianyuan didn't mind if it took a few years or even more than ten years.

Huluwa was overjoyed and asked in a hurry: "Father Mountain, are you going down the mountain to capture the witches?"

It took a long time for him to transform, and he already knew that clearing and purifying the earth veins could revive the will of Father Mountain.

After a thousand years of guarding, his spiritual roots had no problems, so Huluwa naturally wanted to go down the mountain to capture the witches.

He was very positive about helping Tianyuan.

"Yes!" Tianyuan nodded.

The catastrophe was coming, and the fate of humanity was gathering the witches and demons. It would be easier for them to break through, so they had to hurry up.

"Okay!" Huluwa was overjoyed.

After touching the other's head, Tianyuan took Huluwa and disappeared on the sacred mountain.

The eleven witch ancestors were completely furious, and they had to discuss it carefully before going down the mountain again.

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