Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 71 Calabash Brothers Transplant Spiritual Roots

Kunpeng created the demon script and passed down the method of cultivation. The prehistoric demon tribe was grateful.

Only the several witch ancestors in Pangu Temple were angry and angry.

Not only because of the merits of occupying the sky, but also because of the three thousand demon scripts that appeared in front of them.

They are the witch tribe, the authentic Pangu, why do they need these demon scripts? This is an insult to them.

Gonggong smashed the characters with a punch and shouted angrily: "The demon tribe has demon scripts, and we witch tribes should also have our own characters."

"That's right! Big brother, the witch tribe should also create its own witch script." Zhurong echoed loudly, agreeing with Gonggong's words for the first time.

Although the remaining witch ancestors such as Xuanming did not speak, they all nodded heavily.

Whether the witch script is needed or not is one thing, but if the demon tribe has it, they must also have it.

Dijiang looked at the excited Gonggong and Zhurong with a gloomy face, and said solemnly: "In this case, the matter of creating the witch script will be handed over to you two."

Ah? ? ?

Zhu Rong and Gong Gong were stunned and stood there in a daze.

The Wu clan always speaks with fists, and the ancestors of the Wu clan are even worse. They have never used their brains, let alone creating characters to develop their brains.

"This is related to the inheritance of the Wu clan. You two are fully responsible. Don't slack off!" Di Jiang gave instructions and sank directly into the blood pool.

Seeing this, the rest of Xuan Ming and others also rushed down one after another and began to close their eyes and meditate.

The blood pool was originally lively, but in the blink of an eye, only Gong Gong and Zhu Rong were left staring at each other.

The gurgling blood pool fell into extreme silence.

As for creating Wu characters, they had no idea at all and had no idea where to start.

The two people looked at each other and finally had no choice but to climb out of the blood pool.

The eldest brother had spoken, and it was related to the entire Wu clan, so they had no choice but to refuse.

"Gong Gong! What do you think?" Zhu Rong looked at Gong Gong angrily.

I shouldn't have agreed with him just now, otherwise why would I take on such a difficult task.

Gonggong was panting, his eyes were full of anger, he wanted to vent.

Zhurong understood Gonggong's eyes and strode out of Pangu Temple.

Let's not talk about creating witch characters first, let's fight first.

Zhurong, who had already walked out of Pangu Temple, frowned slightly, Gonggong didn't follow him out.

Among the twelve witch ancestors, they were incompatible and had fought the most times. Zhurong also knew Gonggong best, this was not like his style.

Turning his head, he saw Gonggong standing at the door of the temple, staring at the stone door of the temple.

"Gonggong! Don't come out yet!" If he wasn't afraid of disturbing the brothers' meditation, he would have rushed up and punched him.

Pangu Temple has been back and forth so many times, what's so good about a gate.

Gonggong didn't answer, but shouted excitedly: "Zhurong, come here quickly."


Zhu Rong, who showed the body of the ancestor witch, suppressed his anger and walked back.

Glancing at the stone door, Zhu Rong said in a deep voice: "I am very angry now, let's calm down first!"

With the bloody aura rolling out, he just wanted to beat Gong Gong severely, which was much easier than creating a witch text.

"Wu Wen! Wu Wen!" Gong Gong stroked the stone door, his face full of excitement.

Zhu Rong, who was furious, was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at the Taoist pattern engraved on the stone door in astonishment.

His face sank instantly, and Zhu Rong said angrily: "I asked you to create a witch text, not to let you fool your brother casually."

Find a few Taoist patterns on the stone door and treat them as the witch text of the witch clan. You think your brother has no brains.

"This is the witch text. I said it is a witch text, and it is a witch text!" Gong Gong looked at the mysterious Taoist patterns on the stone wall of the temple and responded seriously.

Kunpeng created three thousand demon characters, but there are more than three thousand Dao patterns on the Pangu Temple, which is definitely stronger than them.

Zhu Rong was stunned, as if what he said made some sense.

"Good, good, good! This is the text of our witch clan!"

Before Zhu Rong could speak, a rough and loud laugh was heard in the temple.

The blood pool surged, and figures escaped one after another.

Xuanming and other ancestor witches looked at the dense Dao patterns around them, and they were more and more happy.

Pangu Temple was transformed from the heart of the Father God. These Dao patterns were naturally engraved. What else is more suitable to be witch characters than them?

This is a relic from the Father God, and it will also be passed down by the witch clan. This is what the real Pangu authentic should do.

"Hahaha, I said these are all witch characters." Gonggong raised his head and glanced at Zhu Rong proudly.

The task assigned by the eldest brother was completed by him in just a few breaths.

Among the ancestor witches, Gonggong is indeed the smartest!

Gonggong said, proudly touching his python head, feeling very happy.

"Since the witch text has been discovered, we quickly sorted it out and have passed it on to all the witch tribes." Dijiang walked back and looked at the people in the hall.

Many ancestor witches nodded in agreement. The demon text has spread throughout the prehistoric world, and they cannot fall behind.

All the Dao patterns in the entire hall were copied, and a sacrifice was made in the temple. The eleven ancestor witches then determined the text of the witch tribe.

As for what the heavenly way judges? Their witch tribe does not respect the heaven, so there is no need for this.

For efficiency, the eleven ancestor witches left the temple together, returned to their respective tribes and began to pass down the witch text.

Because of the transmission of the method of cultivation, the entire prehistoric world fell into a cultivation craze.

Earlier, except for a group of innate sacred beings, all things and spirits in the prehistoric world almost only breathed in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth instinctively, and the efficiency was very slow.

Now that the method of cultivation has been obtained, the prehistoric world has repeatedly experienced breakthroughs and fluctuations.

Because of the gratitude of the demon master, more and more big demons have poured into the demon court, and there are also many Daluo Jinxian.

Tian Yuan, who was meditating in a valley in Buzhou Mountain, suddenly opened his eyes.

He frowned slightly and looked at a place in Buzhou Mountain.

Bitter bamboo! There was no bitter bamboo smell on Buzhou Mountain.

In order to prevent someone from stealing, he left a trace of Qi on those top-grade innate spiritual roots.

Tian Yuan could detect any unusual movement in the surrounding area at the first time, but the bitter bamboo smell just now disappeared out of thin air.

He was the only one who could do this in the entire Buzhou Mountain, of course, there was a gourd baby now.

After calming down, the will of Buzhou Mountain came out. Tian Yuan opened his eyes suddenly and disappeared in an instant.

In the air of Buzhou Mountain's consciousness, Tian Yuan appeared on the sacred mountain and looked at the eastern land.

On the slightly gray land, he saw a faint rhyme light swaying, which was particularly conspicuous.

And beside the rhyme light, there was a child standing, it was the gourd baby.

Calabash Brothers transplanted the bitter bamboo to the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain, and also planted it outside the earth veins full of free will.

Tianyuan took a deep breath, and his figure instantly appeared at the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

There, the bitter bamboo bloomed with a bright and radiant light, supporting a light curtain of moderate size on the gray earth.

There was a free will in the air, and the bitter bamboo shook slightly, and it easily absorbed the will.

Faintly, Tianyuan noticed that the light curtain seemed to expand a little bit.

Innate spiritual roots actually have such an effect?

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