Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 58 Fuxi's Divination Technique

"Haha! So cool!"

Compared to Jie Yin's depression, Tian Yuan felt extremely comfortable in his heart.

The magic weapons of the two hit their bodies. Although there was some pain, it was still much worse than the ancestral witch.

Tianyuan also had a relatively intuitive understanding of the power of his physical body, and it was easy to beat these three thousand guests from Zixiao Palace.

Unless you are a purely aggressive innate spirit treasure, it will be difficult to hurt him.

If the body cannot be broken, it is already invincible.

Of course, Tian Yuan also understood in his heart that due to the power of Buzhou Mountain, the reception and quasi-ti were still not at their strongest at this moment.

Buzhoushan's will gradually recovered, and even Daluo Jinxian could not ignore the coercion it exuded.

And not only was he unaffected, he also had to increase Zhou Shan's will.

One increase and one decrease, and the two of them were no better or worse than before.

If you fight alone, defeating the opponent is not a big problem, but capturing it is somewhat difficult.

"Senior brother, it's Nuwa and the others." Zhunti also noticed the approaching aura in the distance at this moment, and was immediately a little anxious.

Forget about the gourd vine, the bitter bamboo was discovered by my senior brother, and it is very close to my senior brother, so I must not lose it.

He didn't know how many innate saints there were on Mount Buzhou, but none of them were simple people.

No matter what position the stone people are in, they who are from the West will definitely be the first to be excluded.

Jieyin didn't reply, but the whisk in his palm and the treasure banner bloomed with more power.

However, although the stone man is a little embarrassed, he is still full of energy and seems to be getting more energetic.

In the sky in the distance, two figures rushed towards them. Fuxi glanced at them and looked surprised: "Sister! It's the stone man!"

The stone man snatched away the gourd vine in the hands of a group of innate saints, but it shocked many people.

After the other party escaped, Sanqing and others found nothing, and his divination skills also failed to find any trace of the other party.

Now that he saw him fighting alone to lead and mention two people, Fuxi's eyes lit up even more.

Although Fuxi was quite disdainful of Jie Yin and Zhunti as people, he still knew a thing or two about their strength.

Being able to survive through the chaos and occupy two futons in Zixiao Palace speaks for itself.

This stone man just appears and disappears on Buzhou Mountain. I don't think Taoism is so good, but why didn't I hear anything about it earlier?

As Fuxi was thinking, a wisp of Qi hidden under his robe flickered on his fingers, emitting mysterious fluctuations.

Nuwa glanced at the bamboo forest in the distance and said quietly: "It must be the bitter bamboo."

The turbulent green waves exuded bursts of sorrow, making people feel inexplicably dead.

Another top-quality innate spiritual root!

After a moment's thought, Nuwa already knew what had happened.

There is no doubt that she is also more curious about the stone man in the field.

Whether it is bitter bamboo or gourd vine, Nuwa is not interested in it now. She wants to know what the echo of her soul is about.

After so many years of practice, nothing like this has ever happened.

She is now in the late stage of Daluo Jinxian, and that feeling may be related to her Tao.

Nuwa didn't speak any more and stood in the air, quietly watching the battle in the field.

"Weird! Weird!" Fuxi raised his head slightly and frowned deeply.

Seeing Fuxi's appearance, Nuwa turned her head slightly and asked softly: "Brother, how are you doing?"

Just after a trip to Zixiao Palace, such a mysterious stone man jumped out of Buzhou Mountain, and Nuwa was equally curious.

My brother's divination skills are unparalleled, and he seems to be encountering difficulties now.

"It's chaos, not heaven and earth, not the Five Elements!" Fuxi's face was solemn, and his eyes were very confusing.

When it came to fighting skills, Fuxi didn't dare to say how good he was, but in the art of divination, he was unparalleled.

He actually didn't get any information about the stone man in front of him.

It's all gray, and I don't know its origin and present life. It's really weird.

Nuwa was also stunned, and then comforted her: "Brother, there are all kinds of creatures in the ancient world. How can we all know about them? There are always exceptions."

Fuxi shook his head and did not reply.

He did not tell Nuwa that he had secretly deduced the person in Zixiao Palace.

Although Taoist ancestor Hongjun was profound in Taoism, Fuxi still vaguely knew his origins by relying on his divination skills.

The stone man in front of him is certainly mysterious, but he is also a great Luo Jinxian. There is no reason why he should be more mysterious than Hongjun, right?

Fuxi, with a sullen face, was unwilling to do so and secretly divined again.

Nuwa didn't say anything after seeing her brother's movements. She still knew her brother's character very well.

In addition to doting on her extremely, she is also obsessed with the art of divination. It is useless to persuade her.

Tianyuan, who was dancing with his fists, was a little surprised when he saw Nuwa and Fuxi not moving.

With the strength of the two of them, they could easily spot Kuzhu in the distance, and he was worried that the two brothers would take the opportunity to snatch Kuzhu away.

Unexpectedly, after appearing, it has been waiting in the air.

Being able to resist the temptation of the best innate spiritual roots, this Nuwa is indeed an extraordinary person.

Among the Six Saints of Heaven and Earth in the future, everyone said that Laozi was the most mysterious, but in Tianyuan's view, it was Nuwa.

He is just an ordinary innate holiness, whose roots are not as good as those of the Three Pure Ones, but he is the first to become a saint.

The sanctification of Sanqing and others is entirely dependent on the human race created by Nuwa.

If Nuwa doesn't become a saint, Sanqing doesn't know when she will be able to "enlighten" herself.

"Senior brother, what should I do?" Tianyuan felt relieved, but Zhunti had a frown on his face.

The stone man was too resistant to being beaten. The Seven Treasures Tree swished twice, but the opponent only grunted twice.

This is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. If an ordinary Daluo Jinxian is hit by it, he will spit blood and flee.

Jie Yin was also angry. He had called his junior brother, but he still couldn't do anything to the stone man.

Looking at the green in the bamboo forest from a distance, Jie Yin had no choice but to send a voice: "Go!"

The other party was able to escape with the gourd vine in an instant, which means that the stone man can also escape with the bitter bamboo.

The other party chose to stay and fight with their brothers. How could Jie Yin not understand the stone man's intention? This was obviously a test for them.

Continuing to fight would only be a waste of time. However, this kind of cause and effect was formed today.

Zhunti is also a man of great wisdom. He understood his senior brother's intention in an instant.

The spiritual treasure in his palm bloomed with dazzling brilliance at the same time, and then turned into two rays of light, one gold and one silver, and fled into the distance.

"Hey, hey. Run away now?"

Seeing the two people withdraw and leave, Tianyuan was a little reluctant.

Unfortunately, Jieyin and Zhunti made their decision without stopping and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Tianyuan knew in his heart that he was afraid that the two guys had already hated him, but he didn't care.

Jieyin and Zhunti disappeared, and Nuwa and Fuxi hurried forward.

"Nuwa (Fuxi) greets fellow Taoists!" The stone man is so extraordinary that they deserve to be friends.

Facing the polite two people, Tianyuan's figure turned into a person's height, bowed his hands and responded: "Tianyuan!"

Nuwa may be related to humanity, and Tianyuan estimated that the other party must be related to the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain, so if he can make friends, he will naturally make friends.

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