Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 56 This thing is destined to be with me

Jie Yin and Zhunti were searching everywhere when suddenly there was a rumble beneath them.

Thunder flashed on the top of the mountain, and along with a huge momentum, the mountain exploded rapidly.

"Senior brother?" Zhunti looked in all directions, with surprise on his brows.

They all had just returned from chaos, and there was a strange phenomenon manifesting in Buzhou Mountain, which was really weird.

Jie Yin was also shocked. When the surroundings were quiet, he couldn't help but suggest softly: "There may be spiritual beings born in the mountains. We will separate and meet again in the west in a thousand years."

Buzhou Mountain is too huge, and it is difficult for them to explore all of it with their strength.

The two of them were investigating a large area, and they had a better chance of encountering the gourd vine with the best innate spiritual root.

After all, at this moment on Buzhou Mountain, in addition to their brothers and sisters, there are also Sanqing and others who are innately sacred.

Zhunti obviously understood the meaning of his senior brother's words, nodded, and with a slight signal, he fled in two directions.

Walking in the vast majesty of Tianzhu, Jie Yin suddenly felt a slight echo in his heart.

The ethereal feeling made him stunned for a moment, and a faint smile appeared on his dazzling and painful face.

The way of heaven is revealed! The opportunity came for him to take over.

The things that resonate with him right now are definitely not that far off.

Earlier, I was envious of Sanqing and others for having the chance, but I didn't expect that I would be here so soon.

With joy in his heart, he quickly quickened his pace. Soon, a patch of green was visible in the distance.

In a mountain valley, green bamboos stretch for thousands of miles, with no end in sight.

It sways in the strong wind in the mountains, like a green sea wave, beating the sky again and again.

Just by looking at him, a smile appeared on Jie Yin's cheeks.

The vibrant green bamboo seems to be shrouded in endless misery. Looking at it for a moment can make people feel like they are dead.

Bitter bamboo! It is actually a top-quality innate spiritual root!

"It's very consistent with my way of cultivation, and it should be used by me!" Jieying sighed in his heart, and immediately accelerated his speed to escape into the mountain valley, but he looked around carefully from the corner of his eye.

There were no familiar fluctuations, and no one came to compete with him.


There was no figure around, but he saw a cute little child outside the bamboo forest.

The figure passed by, walked closer, and understood the opponent's base at a glance.

The iron-eating beast is not only a strange species from ancient times, but more importantly, it can come here with the body of a mere golden immortal, which is really extraordinary.

The top of Buzhou Mountain is in heaven and earth. This place is not far from the top of the mountain. Only Da Luo cannot enter.

"Little friend! You have a destiny with me in the West." Jie Yin walked closer and his gentle voice sounded.

The barrenness of the West not only refers to spiritual roots and spiritual objects, but also includes living beings.

During the fight between demons, Luo Hu exploded himself, shattering the spiritual veins of the West, killing many living beings, and the rest fled to various places.

Such a humble creature is just right to be a boy by your side.

The figure lying in a green bamboo was startled, and he immediately turned over and jumped up.

Seeing the pained Taoist in front of him, he frowned instantly. The other Taoist was far above him.

Gungun pursed his lips and muttered loudly: "You are so rude, my master is... Master Houtu, the ancestral witch!"

The owner of the stone man has always been mysterious, but Gungun still feels that Master Zuwu's name is more resounding.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the Taoist in front of him looked surprised.

But the next second, Gungun was stunned, and the Taoist clasped his hands together in a salute: "My kid is joking, this bamboo is destined to Pindao, and my friend is destined to Lingzhu, that means I am destined to Pindao."

Gungun heard this and his eyes were stunned. This man is very good at reasoning.

If you don't give Hou Tu Zuwu face, not only will he be kidnapped, but this piece of green bamboo will also not be spared.

Regardless of whether Gungun agreed or not, Jie Yin directly picked up the other party and waved his hand.

Suddenly, in the emerald green wave, a spiritual light rose into the sky and was immediately enveloped.

Gungun, who was about to speak, was also stunned by the scene in front of him. He looked towards the valley not far away in shock.

Among the countless dense green bamboos, there is a bamboo that is no different from the one everywhere, blooming with rich Taoist charm and glow.

With his cultivation in the Golden Immortal realm, he could also know that the spiritual object must be extraordinary.

When he first discovered this piece of green bamboo, he spent a lot of time wandering around in it. There was no treasure there.

I was very satisfied and happy in my heart. The key was that there was still no one around.

Regarding Sanqing and others, Jie Yin was still quite wary, especially since he and his junior brothers were from the West.

Buzhou Mountain is obviously the ancient Tianzhu, but these guys call it an oriental thing.

If you attract the attention of others, you will definitely get into trouble.

"This is the master's treasure, you can't take it away!" Unexpectedly, someone beside him exclaimed, but it was the little iron-eating beast who spoke out.

Jie Yin lowered his head slightly, glanced at the other party, and reached out to grab the spiritual root.

Who in the prehistoric world doesn't know that ancestral witches don't cultivate their souls, and their spiritual roots and magic weapons are completely useless to them.

Besides, this bitter bamboo is destined to him, and this is the manifestation of the way of heaven.

Feeling the approaching breath, the pained face became much gentler.

He missed the gourd vine, but found a bitter bamboo. After a little refinement of the bamboo body, it becomes a top-quality innate spiritual treasure.

The remaining rhizomes can also be planted on Mount Sumeru to improve the spiritual veins of the West, killing two birds with one stone.

The bitter bamboo was close at hand, but unfortunately he did not touch Cuili's bamboo body. A huge fist appeared out of thin air and blocked him.

"Stone man!!!" Jie Yin exclaimed loudly with a familiar breath, looking stunned.

A layer of ripples appeared in the void, and the huge body of the stone man squeezed out and rushed towards him with great momentum.

Jie Yin had never expected such a change, so he had to hurriedly use his magic power.

With a bang, the defense was shattered, and Jie Yin hurriedly used his treasure tower to protect his body.

The terrifying power swept through, as if he was hit by a punch from the ancestor witch. Jie Yin groaned and shot out.

The Jie Yin treasure tower covering his head also shook repeatedly.

"Master!" Gun Gun shouted in the air, his little face full of joy.

The West is so barren, how can it be comfortable to stay on Buzhou Mountain? He had guessed that the master would appear, but he didn't expect him to come so timely.

Tian Yuan ignored Gun Gun, pouted his lips, and looked depressed.

He didn't go to Pangu Temple, and Jie Yin actually found the bitter bamboo, which is also one of the ten best innate spiritual roots in the prehistoric world.

There are several top-grade innate spiritual roots on Mount Buzhou, but unfortunately only the gourd vine has spiritual intelligence.

Whether it is bitter bamboo or banana tree, they will only instinctively seek good fortune and avoid danger, and they will have nowhere to hide when they meet the Golden Immortal.

Looking at Jie Yin who stabilized his figure in the air, Tian Yuan's eyes began to become hot.

If he can't deal with the ancestor witch, Tian Yuan still has some confidence in fighting one of the future Western Saints.

Jie Yin now is only in the late Golden Immortal, if he can capture the other party.

Thinking of this, Tian Yuan glanced at the treasure tower above Jie Yin's head, and his expression was a little helpless.

Those with extraordinary roots all have companion spiritual treasures. It is easy to defeat the other party, but it is not easy to capture them alive.

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