Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 52 Hou Tu's shock

"Hou Tu! I have heard of your name for a long time!" Tian Yuan cupped his hands and looked up and down at the Hou Tu Niangniang of the later generations.

Although she was transformed into a human form, she was indeed very different from other ancestor witches.

Even if the remaining ancestor witches had not yet manifested their ancestor witch bodies, they still exuded a violent aura around them, and their eyes were undisguisedly irritable and fierce.

But the Hou Tu in front of him, looking carefully, actually gave people a gentle feeling.

If she didn't know her roots, she would not be able to connect with the ancestor witches at all.

Hou Tu was stunned, and her heart became more and more confused.

She was the youngest among the twelve ancestor witches, and her reputation was not prominent. The stone man was really coming for her.

"I wonder what your name is?" Hou Tu walked forward slowly, and also looked at the stone man in front of him carefully.

At such a close distance, she still couldn't feel the slightest fluctuation.

It can be said exaggeratedly that if she didn't see it with her eyes, she would not have noticed the other party's existence at all.

Hou Tu had an inexplicable illusion that the stone man was completely integrated with the Buzhou Mountain under his feet.

Glancing at the rolling man who buried his head in the ground not far away, Tian Yuan said calmly: "Tian Yuan!"

Hou Tu thought in his mind, it seemed that this was the first time he heard this name in the endless years of cultivation.

Hou Tu did not ask about the tribesmen, but curiously asked: "Fellow Daoist Tian Yuan has profound Taoism, why didn't Hou Tu hear about it earlier?"

Hong Huang was unknown, and he didn't even go to Zixiao Palace to preach, which was really strange.

Tian Yuan smiled, did not answer the other party, but asked back: "May I ask fellow Daoist, what is the meaning of the existence of the witch clan?"

Hou Tu was stunned. She didn't expect Tian Yuan to ask such a question, and then she thought of the many tribesmen captured by Tian Yuan.

The Father God created the world and transformed into all things, and the twelve ancestor witches were all transformed by blood.

After countless Hui Yuan's practice, the ancestor witches transformed one by one.

Later, she felt that the temple was a bit deserted, so she used the remaining blood of the father god to breed many great witches, and then bred countless witches.

As for the meaning of the existence of the witch clan, she had not thought about this question.

Probably like many creatures in the prehistoric world, surviving and practicing, but this is obviously not the answer Tianyuan needs.

After a little contemplation, Hou Tu responded softly: "Follow the will of the father god and take charge of this world for the father god."

The prehistoric world was opened by the father god, and they are the authentic Pangu, so it should be so.

Tianyuan's eyes flashed with sadness, which was probably the real reason why the witch clan wanted to unify the prehistoric world.

However, the ancestor witch absorbed the turbid air of the opening of the sky, and the ordinary witches were wrapped in evil spirits, and they were all a group of irritable guys.

I am afraid that only the witch clan themselves believe that they have the ability to manage the prehistoric world.

Obviously, Hou Tu has not seen the suffering of the prehistoric creatures in the future.

Tianyuan did not speak, but slowly stretched out his right hand, with a weak will surrounding it.

"The will of Father God, it is really the will of Father God!" Houtu finally could not remain calm, and walked forward with a shocked face.

Although she knew it from her brother, she was still shocked to see it with her own eyes.

Houtu stretched out her hands tremblingly and touched the invisible fluctuations, with shock mixed with piety.

Tianyuan did not move, but just looked at the other party quietly.

Pangu is the supreme existence in the hearts of the witches, and this will is enough to explain any problem.

At present, it seems that it is also effective for Houtu.

The other ancestor witches are not so calm. They are afraid that he will blaspheme Pangu and want to capture him for a good study.

In fact, it can be understood if you think about it in your heart. The ancestor witch has a violent temper and claims to be the authentic Pangu.

Who knows that the will of Buzhou Mountain is closely related to a stone man, so he is naturally very angry.

Hou Tu took a deep breath, raised her head slightly, and looked at Tian Yuan in confusion: "Why is it so?"

She is the ancestor witch, and this stone man who came out of nowhere can control the will of Buzhou Mountain at will.

Tian Yuan did not answer Hou Tu, but turned his head to look at the boundless eastern land: "Combing the veins of the prehistoric land, reviving the will of Buzhou Mountain, and stabilizing the prehistoric world, this is the mission of the witch clan."

As soon as the words fell, Tian Yuan was slightly startled, and a strange flash flashed in his eyes.

That is, a rumbling sound came from the top of the head, Buzhou Mountain exuded a strong momentum, and the entire mountain began to explode.

It was really timely, and a branch vein was dredged at this time.

Hou Tu's eyes were dull, staring at the scene in front of her.

At this moment, in her eyes, it seemed as if Tian Yuan controlled Buzhou Mountain at will.

Buzhou Mountain, transformed from the spine of the father god, stood in the center of the prehistoric world at the beginning of the world. In the past, the catastrophe killed countless beasts that caused chaos in the world.

Hou Tu never thought that one day Buzhou Mountain would be controlled by someone.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never believe it.

Tianyuan didn't say anything else, just looked at Houtu quietly. It was time for the other party to make a decision.

After a while, Buzhou Mountain stopped growing, and Houtu felt that the will covering Buzhou Mountain was much stronger.

The repeated surges of Buzhou Mountain mentioned by her brother were indeed caused by the stone man.

Houtu took a deep breath and turned to Tianyuan: "So Kuafu and those tribesmen are dredging the earth veins?"

"Yes!" Tianyuan nodded and admitted generously.

He was not surprised that Houtu knew that Kuafu and others were not dead.

"Take me to the earth veins!" Houtu didn't doubt it anymore and chose to believe Tianyuan.

Tianyuan glanced at the foot of Buzhou Mountain and said softly: "The rest of the ancestors?"

Only by completely persuading the twelve ancestors of witches can all the witches be brought, and Tianyuan also has some ideas about the blood pool in Pangu Temple.

The heart of Pangu is not only useful for dredging the earth veins, but also for reviving the will of Buzhou Mountain.

Houtu naturally knew Tianyuan's idea, but she sighed slightly in her heart, and then responded softly: "When I see the earth veins with my own eyes, I will help you convince them."

However, Houtu had no idea about this idea.

As the witch clan continued to grow, many brothers, including the eldest brother, only wanted to unify the prehistoric world.

The witch clan is the authentic Pangu, and they are the masters of the prehistoric world!

Tianyuan saw the strangeness in Houtu's eyes and was not surprised.

The ancestor witch was already irritable, and with the rise of the calamity in the world, he was afraid that he would be even crazier.

Otherwise, why did the witches and demons explode one by one in the decisive battle, and Gonggong even broke the Buzhou Mountain representing Pangu's will.

Tianyuan was very satisfied that Houtu could take the initiative to help persuade.

"Let go of yourself, I will take you there!"

The will of Buzhou Mountain was not strong enough, and he could not force an ancestor witch to go there.

Hou Tu chose to believe in Tian Yuan without any hesitation. Instantly, a familiar breath rose from her feet and slowly enveloped her.

This feeling was the embrace of the Father God. She had not felt it since she came out of the form.

This thought just turned around in her mind, and in the time between the stars, a thick and vast breath came to her face.

Looking closely, a sacred mountain covered with a rich and dark aura stood in front of her.

"Is this the Father God?" Hou Tu was stunned, and then staggered forward.

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