Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 50 Coming to my backyard

"Calabash Boy! Calabash Boy!" Tian Yuan called out repeatedly in a valley in Buzhou Mountain.

Without the strange will, he could easily escape with the calabash vine.

The Three Pure Ones and others were not weak in Taoism, and even several of them were better than him, but what could they do to him?

After carefully checking several times with the will of Buzhou Mountain, Tian Yuan finally confirmed that there was no abnormality in the calabash vine.

More importantly, this place was not far from the valley just now, but the Three Pure Ones did not feel anything at all.

This also further verified what Tian Yuan thought in his heart, that they could find the valley entirely because of those wills.

If Hong Jun merged with the Tao, the so-called manifestation of the Heavenly Dao was not a matter of waving his hand.


A slightly confused mutter followed by the doubtful voice of the calabash vine: "Father Mountain! Why am I here?"

Except for the cliff beside him, there was no sense of familiarity around him.

He left the valley where he had been living, but he had no impression of these things at all.

Seeing the gourd vine wake up, Tianyuan breathed a sigh of relief and asked in a low voice: "How do you feel now?"

I had felt that the gourd vine was not just a congenital spiritual root a long time ago, and after this incident, I was more certain of this idea.

Among the ten best congenital spiritual roots in the prehistoric world, there are still many other ones except the ginseng fruit and bodhi tree that have transformed.

Besides, Hongjun has no shortage of magic weapons, so why did he take away the last chaos gourd?

Thinking in his heart, Tianyuan looked at the last purple-black gourd.

Except for the different colors, he could not see any difference between the seven gourds.

"Huh!" The gourd vine exclaimed, and then said excitedly: "The origin of the last gourd is about to be complete, and I can transform in a thousand years at most."

I felt that the transformation was within reach earlier, but there was always a kind of confusion, and I couldn't find that opportunity.

Now that I have been confused for some time, I suddenly became clear about my own path, and I was a little confused.

"Good, good!" Tianyuan was overjoyed.

With seven top-grade innate spiritual treasures hanging on his body, Tian Yuan naturally worried about being remembered by others.

Once he transformed, he would no longer have such concerns, and he would also have an extra little helper.

As one of the ten top-grade innate spiritual roots in the prehistoric world, he should be as innate and sacred as Zhen Yuanzi and Zhunti.

Tian Yuan, who was excited, flew away again with the gourd vine, away from the mountainside.

Sanqing and others were still looking for treasures on the mountain, especially Jie Yin and Zhunti, Tian Yuan did not want to lose anything.

Now the natural materials and treasures on Mount Buzhou are all his private property.

"It has only been thousands of years, and the will of the father god has become more and more intense." Hou Tu felt the breath emanating from the sacred mountain, and her eyes were full of surprise.

Is this the reason why so many brothers appeared in Mount Buzhou?

"Hey! Why is that little guy here?" Hou Tu, who was about to escape to Dijiang, paused and looked in another direction.

Her little pet was actually in Mount Buzhou. With the strength of that little guy, he couldn't get here.

After a little contemplation, Hou Tu walked in that direction.

It didn't take long before a chubby guy was seen lying in a bamboo forest.

He was holding a bamboo in one hand and a spiritual stone in the other, eating very freely.

"He has reached the late stage of the Golden Immortal!" Hou Tu muttered, and stepped forward.

Gun Gun, who was originally leisurely, moved his ears slightly, looked up immediately, and his body froze immediately.

He saw a familiar figure. His former master had returned and found Buzhou Mountain.

Gun Gun quickly climbed up, but his peripheral vision was looking around, and the new master did not appear.

"Master~~~" Gun Gun moved his small body and rushed towards Hou Tu quickly.

Hou Tu frowned again. The mountains here were not low, and the power of Buzhou Mountain was even greater, but Gun Gun was not affected at all.

"Why are you here?" Hou Tu squatted down and rubbed his furry head.

Hou Tu clearly felt that the other party was different, and with many of his brothers in Buzhou Mountain, he was even more confused and asked again in a low voice: "But something happened in the tribe?"

Gun Gun swallowed his saliva, and his mind turned quickly. Then he whispered: "Gun Gun doesn't know. It was a stone man who brought Gun Gun here and gave Gun Gun a lot of delicious food."

Gun Gun is very entangled now. Hou Tu treats him well, and Tian Yuan treats him well.

Why can't he have two masters at the same time?

"Stone man?" Hou Tu was stunned, and a figure flashed in her mind immediately.

Just now in that valley, a stone man rescued the innate gourd vine. Could it be the same one?

Hou Tu was not interested in the top-grade innate spiritual treasure. At that time, she felt that the stone man was not simple, and later it was true.

Gun Gun didn't know whether Hou Tu knew about the tribe, so he could only nod repeatedly.

"Do you know where he is?" Hou Tu said, looking around.

It was just a slightly special bamboo forest, and there was no stone man figure.

"The main stone man came and went without a trace, and Gun Gun didn't know where he was." Gun Gun shook his head like a rattle.

After not seeing him for a while, the little guy felt uneasy.

But thinking that this was Buzhou Mountain, the temptation for the iron-eating beast was too great.

Hou Tu didn't say much, and rushed to Di Jiang's location with the iron-eating beast. Now that she took Gun Gun away, the stone man would definitely come to find her.

Gun Gun looked at the bamboo forest with a little nostalgia, and didn't say anything.

He still felt a little guilty about Tian Yuan's capture of many witches.

After a while, a figure quickly fled from a distance, it was the ancestor witch Di Jiang.

"Little sister!" Dijiang was happy after not seeing each other for thousands of years.

When he looked at Gungun, a strange color flashed in his eyes, but he didn't ask much.

"Big brother!" Houtu nodded, and then asked softly: "What happened? The brothers gathered at Buzhou Mountain."

Their ancestors spent most of their time in meditation, and occasionally one or two would sit in the tribe, but there were very few scenes at the moment.

Dijiang sighed softly, and did not hide anything, and told everything after Hun Dun came back.

They had been looking for him on Buzhou Mountain for almost three thousand years, and except for the last encounter with the stone man, they had never seen each other again.

"It's that stone man again?" Houtu muttered, with a strange color in her eyes.

She felt very clearly that Kuafu, Houyi and others, including those tribesmen, were still in resonance, but she just couldn't find the direction.

He captured so many of her tribesmen, and even her pets were not spared. What does this stone man want to do?

"Have you seen him?" This time Dijiang was stunned.

They had been searching for so long but to no avail, but Hou Tu had just returned from Zixiao Palace and had gained something.

Hou Tu nodded and said softly, "The stone man is most likely coming for me, so you should go back to the temple and meditate."

The Three Pure Ones and other innate gods could not trap the other party, and the ancestor witch with only brute force was afraid that he could not do anything to the stone man.

She now understood why Tian Yuan grinned at her in that valley.

It would be a waste of time for the ancestor witch to continue searching.

"This" Di Jiang hesitated.

Kua Fu and others disappeared for thousands of years, and it was his fault that they, the brothers, did not handle it well.

"Brother, just listen to my little sister." A cold voice came from the side, and Xuan Ming appeared.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Figures flew in the air in the distance, and they were the other ancestor witches who had received the news from Di Jiang and rushed over.

"Little sister!" Gong Gong looked embarrassed and looked at Hou Tu with a little guilt.

Meeting everyone's gaze, Hou Tu smiled and said, "Nothing! It's not your fault."

Kuafu and others are not worried about their lives, so naturally nothing serious will happen.

"So! Just follow my sister's words." Di Jiang nodded, making a decision.

After several people asked about the Zixiao Palace, Di Jiang and other ancestor witches left one by one.

But before leaving, Xuan Ming glanced at the iron-eating beast with doubt.

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