Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 5: Sorting out the earth veins, a long way to go


Tian Yuan, standing on the sacred mountain, exhaled lightly.

Although he successfully brought the blood dragon into this space of consciousness, he was not sure whether it had any effect.

Now that he saw that the other party had really removed a piece of impurity, it was also confirmed that this path was feasible.

The blood dragon tasted a little benefit, and I am afraid that it will also dredge and purify the earth veins day and night.

Moreover, this move can also eliminate karma, which is of great benefit to cultivation.

Being in the earth veins, the benefits are far more than these.

As for the blood dragon knowing the secret of the earth veins, Tian Yuan is not worried. No one can leave here before they have absolute strength.

After the prehistoric creatures become immortals, as long as they are not killed, they will not fall. This is a permanent labor force.

Looking at the figures in the distance, Tian Yuan's face was a little solemn. Once the removed stones and foreign objects were peeled off, they all disappeared instantly in the earth veins.

Including the red stones that have some similarities with the blood dragon's breath, they also disappeared.

Even if a branch vein has been cleared now, he still can't figure out where these foreign objects have gone.

The consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain is far more extraordinary than he imagined, and these ground veins are also not that simple.

Tianyuan thought, looking at the other three directions of Buzhou Mountain.

The ground veins in the east are still intact, but the other places are not so lucky.

In the north, black smoke is rolling and evil spirits are overwhelming, and there is no trace of ground veins at all.

In the south, fireworks are blazing, and the whole earth is red, accompanied by thunder from time to time. A main vein can be vaguely seen.

As for the west of Buzhou Mountain, what is in front of us is an abyss like a natural moat. In the farther places, there are only pieces of broken void, where is the shadow of the ground veins.

The north and south are unclear, but the ground veins in the western world are probably all broken.

As long as the eastern ground veins are cleared, as long as the creatures are constantly caught in, the speed of purification can be accelerated. These three sides still need to be repaired or even rebuilt.

Tian Yuan estimated that there might be some spiritual veins left around Mount Xumi in the West, which could support the Western religion in the future.

Without the support of the earth veins, the spiritual veins will inevitably dry up as time goes by.

This is probably the reason why the prehistoric world is constantly declining, so that in the Conferred God Tribulation, only the saints have some Daluo Jinxian.

This is also the fundamental reason why the saints fought and shattered the prehistoric world.

Although the saints of the Heavenly Dao are strong, they are not a little bit inferior to the foundation of the prehistoric world.

In the final analysis, it started with the collapse of Mount Buzhou!

Tian Yuan put away his distracting thoughts and his figure slowly disappeared from the top of the sacred mountain.

There is a long way to go to comb the earth veins. The first thing now is to survive the witch and demon tribulation. He wants to capture more creatures.

Tian Yuan guessed that the more the earth veins are unblocked, the greater the changes in this space may be. After all, this is the consciousness space of Mount Buzhou, and it is also the consciousness world of the prehistoric world!

The figure appeared at the foot of Mount Buzhou, still on the unblocked spiritual vein, but in a different direction.

It didn't take long for him to meet a suitable target.

It was a giant bear in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, three feet tall, covered with golden hair, with vertical eyes on the forehead, and golden light spewing from it. At this moment, it was basking in the sun beside a marsh.

Tianyuan fell from the sky, and the bear demon was knocked unconscious by a palm before he could react.

He picked it up and whizzed towards Buzhou Mountain.

At this moment, in that vein, the blood dragon was excitedly waving a pickaxe, with a look of longing for the future on his face.

Suddenly, a rosy glow flashed in front of his eyes, and a golden figure fell, accompanied by a pickaxe falling to the ground.

At the same time, Tianyuan's faint voice came to his ears. "He is handed over to you!"

The senior's actions were still so rough.

The blood dragon put away the pickaxe and responded loudly: "Don't worry, senior, Xiaolong understands!"

He was very happy about Tianyuan's instructions.

There are still many stone men in the vein, but Tianyuan gave him this task, which is definitely a sign of his appreciation for him.

Walking forward, the blood dragon kicked the golden figure on the back, and the bear demon who was thrown to the ground woke up.


The roar stopped before it was completely released. The bear demon jumped up and looked around with wide eyes.

Spiritual energy, innate spiritual energy that was so thick that it turned into a river.

The surprised giant bear opened his mouth and sucked it fiercely. There was spiritual energy entering, but it all passed by without leaving any in his body.

This strange phenomenon shocked the bear demon and he swallowed hard again and again.

"Don't waste your energy, you can't absorb these spiritual energies!"

The strange voice made the bear demon instantly remember that he had been slapped by someone just now.

He turned around angrily, and a young man in black stood in front of him. He couldn't see through the other party's realm.

After his face changed repeatedly, the bear demon turned into a strong man in golden clothes and said respectfully: "Big Bear has seen the senior!"

He smacked his mouth and found that he really didn't gain anything.

While waving his pickaxe, Xue Jiao explained: "Fellow Daoist, you are welcome. It was Senior Tianyuan who brought you here."

Senior Tianyuan?

Xiong Da frowned slightly. He did not know this person. Seeing Xue Jiao's actions, he was even more confused.

Xue Jiao did not say much, and explained the situation here one by one.

"Combing the earth veins??" Xiong Da exclaimed loudly, and then shook his head like a rattle, and waved his hands repeatedly.

"Not interested! Not interested!"

In such a place with abundant spiritual energy, he should retreat and practice in order to break into the ranks of Taiyi. He had no time to mess around.

Xiong Da, with his hands folded, apologized and said: "Fellow Daoist! We will say goodbye now!"

Although I was slapped in the face for no reason, it was still worth coming to such a blessed place, but my second brother was unable to go with me.

The blood dragon, who was still knocking hard, was stunned. This guy actually looked down on such a great fortune?

It was related to the order of the senior, and the blood dragon could not let Xiong Da go.

The aura of the Golden Immortal was wafted out, and with a plop, Xiong Da, who had just turned around and left, was directly pressed to the ground.

"Daoyou! Stop! Stop!"

Xiong Da waved his hands repeatedly, and picked up the pickaxe on the ground with a distressed look.

"What a fool, combing the veins of the earth is a feat that benefits the prehistoric world, and there may be merits left." Facing the other party's reluctant look, the blood dragon shook his head repeatedly.


Hearing this, Xiong Da was still a little puzzled. He heard this thing for the first time.

The blood dragon did not hide it and told the records of the dragon clan.

In the distant ancient times, fierce beasts wreaked havoc on the world, and the three tribes came out to kill the fierce beasts, and merits were bestowed by heaven.

Merits can not only gather in spiritual treasures to increase the power of magic treasures, but also make cultivation clear and break the shackles, which is an extremely rare thing.

If it weren't for Tianyuan's order, he would not bother to tell the other party about this.

Seeing that the other party said it in a serious manner, and then feeling the faint dragon breath on the blood dragon, Xiong Da was a little skeptical.

He took a few breaths of spiritual energy again, but still had no effect.

Xiong Da had to move forward and looked at the miscellaneous stones adsorbed in the air curiously.

Seeing that the blood dragon did not break the finger-thick suction cup for a long time, Xiong Da couldn't help but whispered: "Daoyou, let me try?"

The blood dragon did not object, but just stopped beside it.

Sweeping the pickaxe in his palm, and then looking at the vague figures in the distance, Xiong Da smashed the pickaxe hard.

With a thump, Xiong Da's eyes widened.

In order to regain his dignity after being pressed to the ground, he exerted all his strength. But the small suction cup only trembled slightly and remained firmly attached to the air.

Taking advantage of the gap, the blood dragon swung the hoe to catch up. Xiong Da hesitated for a moment and raised the pickaxe again.

He looked around carefully and found it was indeed very strange. Xiong Da planned to try it first.

The two of them hit the rock hard one by one.

Of course, the blood dragon knew what Xiong Da was thinking, but he knew that when the rock fell, Xiong Da would also enjoy it.

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