Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 38 A monkey falls from the sky

"It should be about the same after a few hundred years." Tian Yuan stood in the clouds and looked at the distant eastern land.

There were still endless mountains and no shadow of the majestic East China Sea.

The witch tribes around were much sparser, and there were fewer people. They were probably at the periphery of the radiation.

He carried several million witches, all of whom were efficient laborers. It was time to go back and dredge the earth veins.

Tian Yuan turned and flew towards Mount Buzhou, but he was a little confused.

He had already captured the great witches Kuafu and Houyi. He was very careful during this period because he was worried that the ancestor witch would appear.

Who knew that the entire Hou Tu tribe was almost swept by him, but the legendary ancestor witch still did not appear.

He remembered that the description in the prehistoric times was that only Hou Tu and Xuan Ming entered the Zi Xiao Palace. Xuan Ming did not understand half of what he heard, and left without giving Hong Jun face. Hou Tu did not go to the second sermon.

As for the other ten ancestor witches, they did not appear in the Zi Xiao Palace the first time.

Now that the 3,000th year is approaching and the Zixiao Palace is about to start preaching, could it be that these ancestor witches are all retreating in the Pangu Temple?

After thinking about it, Tianyuan still thinks this possibility is the greatest.

Otherwise, such a big thing happened in the Houtu tribe, there must be witches going to report to the ancestor witch.

The ancestor witch is retreating, I am afraid that the great witch dare not disturb it easily.

If this is true, then we can still make plans at the foot of Mount Buzhou.

Although the tribes under the jurisdiction of the twelve ancestor witches all belong to the witch clan, they have different ancestor witches, and the tribal buildings are still different.

The tribes under the jurisdiction of Houtu are almost all located in valleys and plains, and are generally built with huge stones.

In the northerly direction, Tianyuan found that some tribes lived by the Si River, and most of the buildings were made of wood.

If the ancestor witches are really retreating, I dare not say too far away, but I can completely grab them all around the foot of Mount Buzhou.

After catching more than tens of millions of witches, it is only a matter of time to attract the attention of the ancestor witches.

Tian Yuan thought about it, and he drilled into the ground and quickly fled to Mount Buzhou.

Only by unblocking more earth veins can one quickly improve his strength. When he reaches the point of ignoring the ancestor witch, why should he be so cautious?

Tian Yuan felt depressed just thinking about the situation in the earth veins.

In the past few hundred years, he only unblocked three branches, and one of them was purified by the blood dragon and other monsters.

After more than two hundred years of earth burrowing, Tian Yuan finally saw the foot of Mount Buzhou.

Thinking of the densely packed witches in the Nine Heavens Xirang at this moment, he couldn't help but feel hot in his heart.

After a few leaps, just when Tian Yuan was about to drill into Mount Buzhou, there was a scream in the sky on the right, and a petite figure fell from the air, smashing a cloud of dust.

As soon as his sight swept over, Tian Yuan was stunned and strode forward.

A yellow-haired demon monkey lay on the ground motionless.

On both sides of the messy monkey hair behind his head, there were three ears, with blood flowing out of them.

With such a strange sign, Tianyuan didn't know who the visitor was.

Liu'er Macaque, a quarter of the Chaos Demon Ape, was also an unlucky guy in the prehistoric world.

Liu'er didn't pass on a single word of Dharma. He survived the Zixiao Palace preaching until the Journey to the West, and he was still a little Karami.

Tianyuan looked up at the sky and muttered, "Time is really fast. The Zixiao Palace preaching has actually begun."

Looking down at the six-eared macaque who was only at the Golden Immortal level, Tianyuan injected a stream of magic power into his body and strode towards Buzhou Mountain.

Tianyuan didn't mind helping this poor guy by chance.

As for bringing him into that space, that was absolutely impossible. He didn't want to attract the attention of the Zixiao Palace so quickly.

Besides, the six-eared macaque was only at the early stage of the Golden Immortal, and his realm was really weak.

The six-eared macaque, who was lying on the ground, opened his eyes faintly, and a yellowish-brown figure flashed in his sight.

In the consciousness space, Tianyuan stood on the sacred mountain, looking down.

Forty branches have been completely dredged and purified, and most of the remaining branches are also surging, only the twenty-four at the end of the main vein are quiet.

Forty-four branches are purified at the same time, which is another reason for the slow speed.

Under the reflection of the gray sky, the twenty-four branches gradually darkened, and the last few almost merged with the sky and the earth.

"All branches should be purified simultaneously, so that people can be directly thrown into them in the future." Tianyuan muttered softly, slowly calming down.

Under the powerful will of Buzhou Mountain, many Taiyi Jinxian realm wizards appeared in the new ground vein.

The three brothers of the blood dragon who were struggling in the ground vein looked at the Xuanhuang aura that enveloped them, and their faces were full of confusion.

At present, this ground vein has just begun to be dredged, why did the senior let them go?

The glow of the sunset flashed, and the three demons looked around, and a strange look flashed across their eyes.

A new vein looked more severely blocked than the previous ones.

Before they could go forward to check, they saw a series of embarrassed figures falling from the sky, many of them begging for mercy.

Just a glance, the three demons already knew what it meant.

"The little demon should live up to the trust of the senior!" The three of them bowed respectfully in the direction of the sacred mountain.

One after another, the figures were scattered in many veins, and nearly ten million witches were evenly divided, while the many demons were thrown into the one where the blood dragon was.

Tianyuan, who had done all this, appeared in the main vein in the middle.

There was a constant roar, and Kuafu and Houyi danced in it.

Pieces of strange stones broke, turned into fragments and scattered around, and then were annihilated by them.

The moment Tianyuan appeared, the two stopped their actions.

"Tianyuan!" Kuafu panted, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

In the past thousand years, he has gained a lot and his body has become much stronger.

Just thinking of the white stone man he fought against, Kuafu was a little discouraged.

How could anyone refine the law of power so pure, at least he hasn't done it yet.

But Tianyuan, the stone man, can drive them.

Meeting the eyes of the two, Tianyuan grinned: "I sent you a little friend!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and a figure fell out in a mess.

In addition to Kuafu and Houyi, the last great witch in the realm of Daluo Jinxian in the Houtu tribe.


The great witch with a leopard head and a human body just appeared and let out an angry roar.

Seeing Tianyuan, the stone man, was about to pounce forward, but felt two familiar fluctuations on the side.

Turning around, he immediately looked overjoyed and shouted, "Brothers, this stone man bullied my people, we must capture him."

The stone man's magic weapon was too powerful. He had no power to fight back when he rushed into it.

Now that Kuafu and Houyi were here, there was no need to worry, and those captured people would be saved.

Kuafu, who was already angry, threw the wooden stick back.

The great witch who ran forward was knocked to the ground by a wooden pole before he could react.

He was strong, touched his head, and climbed up groaning.

He looked at Houyi on the side, but he didn't see him and raised his fist to hit the stones around him.

There was a rumbling sound, and the great witch looked at Tianyuan who disappeared behind him, and then looked at his two brothers, full of doubts.

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