Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 30 From the Netherworld Blood Sea?

"Huh! We are finally almost at Mount Buzhou!"

Looking at the foot of Mount Buzhou, which was so close, Tianyuan exhaled lightly.

Although it was protected by the Nine Heavens Xirang, this magic weapon had not been completely repaired, and it was difficult to sacrifice for a long time.

It was able to maintain this hundred years, but it still relied on the endless mana in his body.

Although he failed to find the main force of the Houtu tribe on this trip down the mountain, he still gained a lot.

It was just that the dredging of the earth veins made Tianyuan a little depressed. Last time, millions of witches were invested, and the number of people doubled, but the speed slowed down.

In the two hundred years of going down the mountain, only ten branches were dredged.

According to Tianyuan's estimation, if you want to break into the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, you will need about five branches.

The speed of dredging may be reduced in the future, unless more witches are captured.

Glancing at the arrows flying in the air behind him, Tianyuan slightly sped up.

It can be said that he was chased by Houyi all the way.

Kuafu didn't know where he landed, but Houyi followed closely, and his attack never stopped.

The nine arrows were like a high-speed mobile turret, no wonder it became the direct fuse of the final battle between the witches and liches.

Fortunately, he had the Nine Heavens Xiran to protect him, otherwise he would have been shot into a hornet's nest.

However, Tianyuan did not fall on the tribes he passed along the way, but only those in a straight line.

Next, if he wants to improve the efficiency of capturing witches, he may have to solve this trouble behind him.

Looking at the Buzhou Mountain that is already approaching, Houyi's face is a little anxious.

With the continuous attack of the Sun-shooting Divine Bow, he can still clearly feel the situation of Tianyuan.

It is entirely because of that top-grade innate spiritual treasure that the other party can escape for so long, but that spiritual treasure seems to have some restrictions.

Otherwise, if a top-grade innate spiritual treasure is sacrificed, he will also need to respond cautiously.

But for such a long time, Tianyuan has never been sacrificed to him, only used for self-protection.

The elder brother said that the stone man disappeared after jumping into Buzhou Mountain, and it seemed that he was not affected by the will of the Father God. Whether it was true or false, Houyi did not dare to bet.

In addition to the tribe that was looted by Xianyuan long ago, the stone man probably had millions of people in his hands.

In the thousands of years of expansion of the tribe, not so many people died. How could Houyi be willing to accept it.

However, the difference in physical strength was almost the same, and his strongest attack could not break the opponent's defense in a short time.

Houyi, who had never spoken, could not help but shout loudly: "You have escaped for so long, which is a loss of the reputation of Daluo Jinxian."

His archery skills were so exhausting that no one was willing to learn from him.

At this moment, Houyi also understood the feelings of those great witches.

He used all his strength to exert his means, but the other party did not respond at all, just doing his own thing.

In the past, he went to Buzhou Mountain. Although he failed to reach the top, he had never heard of any powerful stone man on it.

Hearing the words behind him, Tianyuan turned his head slightly and responded loudly: "I will compete with you in a few years."

After hundreds of years of chasing back and forth, Tianyuan has already been very clear about the strength of the Great Witch.

It is impossible to suppress it without a realm, and fighting is just a waste of time!

In Houyi's eyes of hatred, Tianyuan plunged into Buzhou Mountain.

After retracting the arrow, Houyi jumped down, and there was indeed no breath of the stone man.

It was really as the eldest brother said, the place where the stone man disappeared, there was no fluctuation, and it disappeared out of thin air.

"The Father God's will is shrouded, how can this stone man do it?" Houyi looked around and couldn't understand it.

Because they are the authentic Pangu, they are not affected by the power of Buzhou Mountain. The stone man is more exaggerated than their witch clan?

Houyi, who looked around, suddenly narrowed his eyes.

A big head popped out from the hillside not far away. It was the stone man who just disappeared, grinning at him.

Tianyuan opened his mouth and vomited, and suddenly saw a lot of embarrassed figures spurting out, screaming and falling to the ground, and there were quite a few of them.

Houyi was stunned, and he didn't understand Tianyuan's behavior.

But after a closer look, he found that they were all tribesmen below the Golden Immortal. But even so, he still puzzled him.

Before Houyi could go forward to check carefully, the stone man's head shrank into the mountain and disappeared again.

There were hundreds of thousands of witches vomited out, and now they were piled at the foot of the mountain, roaring, cursing, and roaring.

Houyi ignored it and came to the place where Tianyuan disappeared and carefully explored it again.

It was exactly the same as the place just now, without the slightest fluctuation.

The witch clan did not have a soul, but they were born with laws, and their perception of laws was far better than other creatures.

Powerful magical powers and magic are just the application of laws, and there is no reason to leave no trace.

Houyi was puzzled!

Tian Yuan returned to the will space of Mount Buzhou, and his eyes swept over the many veins, and he was slightly happy.

Although only ten branches were dredged in the past two hundred years, the seven or eight below have faintly risen with auspicious auras, and it will take less than a few years to completely purify and dredge.

The middle stage of Daluo Jinxian is within reach.

In order to shorten the speed of breakthrough, Tian Yuan distributed the witches captured this time to the more than ten branches that the Wu clan was dredging and purifying.

After doing this, Tian Yuan looked at his body.

Sure enough, his arms and other injured parts were surrounded by Xuanhuang Qi, and Mount Buzhou was repairing his body.

Touching the hole on his arm, Tian Yuan whispered: "It's a good time to explore under the veins!"

The last time he explored, Tian Yuan still remembered the bloody scene below.

Houyi must be guarding outside, and those ground veins are about to be completely opened. When they break through, they will be captured.

Then we can test the reason for the strange sound at that time.

Tianyuan flashed and came to a purified branch vein.

Looking around, Tianyuan's expression became solemn.

At first, it was just blood mist, but now it has thickened like blood, and there are dripping sounds at the ground veins.

Tianyuan disappeared and came to the bottom of a main vein.

A winding blood river was tightly attached to the main vein, with rolling blood waves.

The ground veins are constantly being dredged and purified. Does this blood evil aura also aggravate the erosion of the ground veins?

Tianyuan didn't know if it was this reason, or whether he did it or not, it would be like this.

Tianyuan, who was wrapped in the Xuanhuang aura, looked down with a gloomy face.

The only thing in the prehistoric world that can cause such a scene is the Netherworld Blood Sea in the underworld.

Could it be that all these bloody evil spirits came from the blood sea?

But the blood sea is clearly under the western land, how could it come to the east?

With this thought flashing through his mind, Tian Yuan fled downwards with a powerful momentum.

Although he had just entered the Daluo Jinxian realm, he was protected by the will of Buzhou Mountain, and the blood waves could not do anything to him.

As he continued to dive, the blood turned into blood mist, and then gradually began to fade.

An inverted blood river?

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