Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 3 Blood Dragon's Shock


The huge roar was accompanied by a shrill scream.

The blood dragon felt his head was stunned, and his whole body was hit by a pile of rocks, and his internal organs seemed to have been roughly kneaded together.

The dust was flying, and the force pressing on the body made the blood dragon's eyes tear open.

The stone man who leapt down actually sat him down on the ground.

He easily broke through his magical power and was pressed in such a posture. The outright humiliation far exceeded the opponent's gravity blow.

Tianyuan didn't have as many thoughts as the blood dragon. He grinned, with uncontrollable joy in his eyes.

Because Buzhou Mountain was of great importance, he had been carefully hiding in the mountain for so many years and had never fought with anyone.

Right now, it's his first battle!

"It's not in vain to temper the physical body for so many years, it is indeed a strong one." He has been cultivating for these years, and his Taoism is all in the physical body. Today, Tian Yuan is very satisfied with his small test.

The fishy wind just now was very corrosive, but it didn't even scrape off any gravel on his body.

Listening to the painful groan of the blood dragon beneath him, Tianyuan touched his strong chin and slowly stood up.

Unexpectedly, just as he left the ground, he heard a "bang", blood appeared everywhere, and the blood dragon disappeared.

The blood mist overflowed and quickly spread around the cave, accompanied by a strong fishy smell.

Tianyuan was not surprised. He reached into the fog with his big hand and saw a somewhat cold body condensed in his palm.

With a flick of his right arm, the long figure of the blood dragon was pulled out, carried upside down and headed towards Buzhou Mountain.

The blood dragon felt like the world was spinning, and his somewhat confused head kept rolling in the air, but his heart felt extremely wronged.

I was quietly meditating in the cave, when a guy broke in for no reason and took him away without saying a word.

The powerful power coming from the tail, as well as the situation just now, the other party's Dao Xing was obviously superior to him.

Stone men are just ordinary creatures in the ancient world. Those who are a little powerful will basically become materials for refining weapons. Even if they are lucky enough to gain enlightenment, they will shed their original bodies. This one in front of me is too weird.

"Fellow Taoist! We have no grievances, why are you arresting me?" the blood dragon asked anxiously with a sad face.

He is not very old, only tens of thousands of dollars. Longhan was born at the end of the first calamity, and he was not contaminated by many calamities. He also concentrated on meditation these years and never made enemies with others.

The opponent's base refutes him. There is no reason to come here to take him out. The blood dragon is a little puzzled.

"Don't panic! Everyone said that I will give you a great blessing!" Tianyuan did not look back, and jumped up and speeded up.

The corners of the blood dragon's mouth twitched slightly, and his face looked uncertain. Being dragged upside down to the ground like this, where did the fate come from?

He stopped talking and was thinking about a way to escape.

He was born in the Dragon Clan, so he naturally had many methods at his disposal, but no matter how many secret techniques he used, the big hand that was holding him would not move at all.

The angry blood dragon, using the momentum of the bumps, straightened his waist, turned around and bit the arm.

Accurate hit!


There was a crisp sound, and the blood dragon's eyes widened, staring blankly at the eight big teeth flying in front of his eyes.

Dragon clan battles involve biting, and the teeth are definitely harder than the human body, and now they were knocked off.

How terrifying must this stone man's body be?

No wonder this guy didn't pay any attention to his attack and didn't take him seriously at all.

After thinking about this, the blood dragon immediately felt sad and angry!

Knowing that he was unable to escape, the blood dragon could only shrug and let Tian Yuan do what he did. He guessed that there might be someone behind him.

After seeing Tian Yuan's direction clearly, the blood dragon also strengthened his thoughts.

Buzhou Mountain!

He once went to Buzhou Mountain to hunt for treasure, but the power in the mountain was too terrifying. He only stayed there for a few years before escaping in embarrassment.

This stone man went straight to the Tianzhu. The person behind him may be the great magical person on the mountain. Otherwise, how could he have grown to such an extent?

Thinking of this, the blood dragon raised his head and looked at the sky.

He also heard the Taoist sound not long ago, but it was chaotic and terrifying, and he couldn't go there.

If there was someone behind the stone man, he would definitely go to the Chaos Purple Sky Palace to listen to the sermon. How could he come here to catch him now?

Full of doubts, and under the rough movements of the stone man, they arrived at Buzhou Mountain.

But before the blood dragon could feel the familiar power, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and he had appeared on a sacred mountain shrouded in endless black and yellow energy. The pressure directed at the soul made his heart tremble, but it disappeared instantly.

The sky was gray, and there seemed to be many golden streaks on the distant earth.

Before he could see clearly, the blood dragon felt the strong wind lashing his face, and his body was shaking violently in the whistling wind.

The stone man jumped off the sacred mountain while carrying him, so rough!

A golden light flashed before his eyes, and endless warmth enveloped him, and his soul couldn't help but let out a lazy moan.

The injuries in his body healed instantly. The blood dragon turned a deaf ear and stared around blankly.

Spiritual energy, the flowing spiritual energy that can be seen with the naked eye, can be seen endlessly. Like a vast river, flowing through his body, blooming with rich golden light.

"Spiritual veins! There is such a huge spiritual vein in Ju." The blood dragon hanging upside down in the air had its eyes as wide as copper bells.

The Dragon Clan was the former overlord, so they naturally had a lot of spiritual veins, but they had never been so huge.

Moreover, they only absorb spiritual energy through formations. How can they directly drill into the spiritual veins to practice? This may contaminate the entire spiritual veins.

He opened his mouth wide and could clearly feel the spiritual energy entering his body, but it all flowed through and was not absorbed by him.

But it was these spiritual energies that instantly repaired his injuries and grew eight baby teeth.

Tianyuan didn't say anything, glanced at the blood dragon, and threw it on the ground.

Spiritual veins? This is the earth vein!

The earth vein is the artery and aorta of the prehistoric world, and the many spiritual veins can only be regarded as capillaries.

The prehistoric world is huge, and all the spiritual veins are attached to the earth veins.

There are countless spiritual veins in the eastern land, but there are only three main veins and 108 branches in the earth veins, which is the number determined by heaven.

The spiritual veins are almost all innate spiritual energy, but the earth veins not only have huge spiritual energy, but also laws, and even the origin.

The earth veins are tangible and intangible, and are shrouded by the prehistoric will. How can ordinary people see it? It is normal that the blood dragon has no knowledge.

Tianyuan looked into the distance, and in the wisps of golden light, blood light and dim light rose and fell from time to time, and the farther away, the denser it was.

These are the results of the erosion of the wandering will between heaven and earth. They not only block the earth veins, but also absorb energy to grow stronger.

Only by removing these impurities can the earth veins be completely unblocked and purified.

The blood dragon climbed up from the ground and couldn't help but secretly swallowed big mouthfuls. The spiritual energy poured into the body and still escaped on its own.

This innate spiritual energy that seemed to flow like a golden galaxy was close at hand, but it was impossible to absorb it.

The blood dragon suddenly came to his senses and quickly turned into a young man in black. He turned around and saluted Tianyuan respectfully: "The blood dragon greets the senior. I wonder what the senior wants?"

Great fortune, it is really a great fortune.

This stone man is definitely a great master who has such a huge spiritual vein.

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