Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 26 The Return of the Ancestral Witch

Outside the prehistoric world, the earth, wind, water, and fire were gushing, and there was a hint of chaotic thunder.

In the surging chaos, ten figures crossed over and plunged into the starry sky.

They had strange appearances, but without exception, they were tall and majestic, and all were surrounded by rolling evil spirits. They were the famous ancestors of the prehistoric world.

In front of the familiar world, all the figures secretly exhaled, and then turned into a curse.

"Huh! Finally back to the prehistoric world."

"If it weren't for the body of the ancestor witch, how could it be so easy."

"I wouldn't have gone there earlier, causing me to run back and forth for more than two thousand years."

"That's right, if we were to meditate in the temple, we would all break through a realm."

Most of them cursed, and the remaining few who didn't speak were all angry.

Obviously, they were all very angry about this trip to the chaos.

More than two thousand years ago, Hongjun's voice spread throughout the prehistoric world, and those who were destined could go to Zixiao Palace to listen to his teachings.

Many of the ancestor witches disdained him, but the magnificent holy power still made them quite afraid.

At the repeated requests of Houtu and Xuanming, they planned to go to the chaotic Zixiao Palace together to take a look.

With the powerful ancestor witch body, it took more than a thousand years to find the Zixiao Palace, which was more than half faster than the three thousand years set by Hongjun, which made many ancestor witches very proud.

But who knew that in front of the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun closed the palace door tightly and asked them to wait outside the Zixiao Palace.

How could a dignified ancestor witch have ever suffered such grievances? Even Dijiang, the head of the ancestor witch who had some intention to come earlier, was secretly angry in his heart.

If it weren't for the fact that Hongjun was so powerful, he would have smashed the palace door.

The angry ancestor witches couldn't stay, and Houtu and Xuanming couldn't suppress these angry brothers at all.

After waiting for two or three days, Dijiang and others who were impatient returned one by one, only Houtu and Xuanming stayed.

After going there once, it was much easier to come back, and it only took hundreds of years.

The ancestor witch Zhurong, who had a beast head and a human body, was covered with red scales, had a fire snake in his ears, and stepped on a fire dragon, said loudly: "Now that we are back, we can just bring the witch clan's momentum and unify the entire prehistoric land!"

"Not bad, not bad!" Tianwu, the ancestor witch with eight human heads and a tiger body and ten tails, echoed softly.

The ancestor witches such as Gonggong and Qiangliang also agreed.

Although they handed over everything to the great witches of each clan before leaving, it would be faster if they came in person.

They were confident that when the Zixiao Palace finished preaching, the prehistoric land would be the world of the witch clan.

The remaining ancestor witches such as Ju Mang did not speak, but looked at Dijiang next to them.

Dijiang, the leader of the twelve ancestor witches, looks like a yellow sac, red like fire, with six legs and four wings, and is faceless. He is the ancestor witch of space speed.

Although many ancestor witches have bad tempers, the eldest brother still makes the decision on major matters in the clan.

Dijiang turned slightly, as if his eyes pierced through the endless chaos, and saw the mysterious palace that was floating in the earth, wind, water and fire.

"This matter can be handed over to the great witches in the clan. We will explain it later and go to the temple to meditate immediately."

There were only a handful of people who could go with them to Zixiao Palace this time, and there were not many people in front of Zixiao Palace.

Dijiang didn't take the Daluo Jinxian of the prehistoric land seriously, but he still had some concerns about Yu Hongjun.

Hongjun preached that those Daluo Jinxian would definitely gain something, and they couldn't fall behind.

Moreover, many of the great witches in the clan have entered the Daluo Jinxian. There is no opponent in the prehistoric land at the moment, so why should they take action?

After hearing what Emperor Jiang said, Zhu Rong and other ancestor witches said nothing.

In order to consolidate the dominant position of the witch clan, the ancestor witches are the top priority.

"Go back to your respective tribes. You can go to Hou Tu and Xuan Ming's tribes one more time." Emperor Jiang said, and his eyes swept to Gong Gong and Zhu Rong beside him.

Gong Gong and Zhu Rong nodded in agreement. Hou Tu's tribe was close to them, so they were just on the way.

During the flight, Zhu Jiuyin looked at the towering Buzhou Mountain in the distance and exclaimed loudly: "Brother, the will of the Father God on Buzhou Mountain seems to be much stronger."

Several ancestor witches who fled in the starry sky heard the words and turned their heads to look, and also looked sideways.

"It's true!"

"Yes! The will of the Father God is strong, and the power of Buzhou Mountain has also increased greatly."

"This is the momentum of our witch clan's great prosperity. It is time for our witch clan to unify the prehistoric world."

Many ancestor witches praised loudly, with joy in their eyes.

Even the usually solemn Emperor Jiang could hear a faint laugh.

Buzhou Mountain represents the will of the Father God, and this is the most direct manifestation.

When they reached the top of Buzhou Mountain, many ancestor witches separated, and Gonggong took the lead to fly to the area under the jurisdiction of Hou Tu.

In a high mountain, the great witch Houyi looked towards Buzhou Mountain with a solemn expression.

No demon tribe could resist the witch army.

The few times he made a move were only by the guys at the peak of Taiyi Jinxian. One arrow is enough!

It has been hundreds of years since Kuafu left, and his brother has not returned yet.

Houyi was naturally very sure of Kuafu's strength, and it was difficult for anyone in the entire witch tribe to match his edge.

But there was no response for such a long time, which really puzzled Houyi.

At this moment, the rolling power above the sky rolled up, and Houyi was stunned.

A majestic figure with a python head and a human body, covered with black scales, stepping on a black dragon, and holding a green python in his hands descended from the void. It was Gonggong, the ancestor of water among the twelve ancestor witches.

Houyi did not dare to hesitate and flew forward. "Houyi meets the ancestor witch Gonggong!"

He was a little confused in his heart. How could the ancestor witches go to the Chaos Zixiao Palace together and come back so soon?

Gonggong nodded slightly, looked at the tribes in the distance, and heard a deep voice: "Are there any obstacles on this trip?"

"Report to the ancestor witch! The demon tribe is weak and it is difficult to resist the warriors in the tribe." Houyi responded respectfully.

Gonggong nodded. These were already expected by him. This trip was just a formality. Although it was strange that he did not see the great witch Kuafu, Gonggong did not think much about it.

"Hou Tu stayed in the chaos, and we will come back first. If there is any emergency, we can go to the temple."

After speaking, Gonggong did not wait for Houyi to respond, tore open the void and escaped into it.

Seeing Gonggong's figure disappear, Houyi glanced in the direction of Buzhou Mountain and rushed towards the densely packed tribe behind him.

Although it was a bit strange that Hou Tu did not come back, Houyi did not think much about it.

The Golden Immortal of Daluo went to the chaos, and the expansion of the tribe was enough with their great witch.

As for the matter of Kuafu, if the ancestor witch Hou Tu asked, he would tell it clearly.

The other ancestors came to ask, he didn't want to weaken the reputation of his own ancestors, and Houyi believed in his brother.

However, there was no news about Kuafu for a long time, and he planned to send someone to investigate.

At the foot of the distant Buzhou Mountain, Kuafu exuded a strong and violent aura, and there was only the figure in the distance in his eyes.

It had been a hundred years, and he had chased for another hundred years, but he still couldn't catch up with this hateful stone man.

He thought about contacting his brother Houyi, but he couldn't swallow this breath.

Obviously, this stone man was not his opponent.

It was just those tribesmen who were captured

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