Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 18 Primordial Iron-eating Beast

Among the majestic mountains, Tianyuan emerged from the top of a mountain.

He looked around, with a gloomy look on his face: "Weird! After flying for hundreds of years, why haven't we encountered a Wu tribe?"

Some shamans have already explored Buzhou Mountain. This time Tianyuan came out and wanted to get enough information before going back.

Unexpectedly, after leaving Buzhou Mountain, along the way, except for a few scattered small tribes at the beginning, there was nothing behind.

He is not weak in moral practice now, and the witch clan's Qi and blood are strong. Even if he does not completely let go of his spiritual thoughts, it is difficult to avoid his perception within a million miles.

Along the way, there were quite a few stronger demon clans, but they hadn’t encountered a single witch clan in more than a hundred years.

The Witch Clan lives in tribes. If no Witch comes out to hunt, there is a high probability that there are no tribes around.

Looking around with a sullen expression, Tian Yuan flew straight ahead.

The prehistoric world is too big, so the probability of searching in a straight line is naturally higher, otherwise you will miss it if you run around.

After flying away for decades again, Tian Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Qi and blood! The unique Qi and blood of the Witch Clan!

Tian Yuan looked overjoyed and flew towards the northeast.

From a distance, in the forest below, dozens of shamans were seen running away carrying the corpses of huge monster beasts.

Following the direction of the shamans, Tian Yuan saw a large area of ​​simple stone houses. Distributed in the vast plains, you can't see the end at a glance.

On the endless plain, there are still stone pillars standing straight into the sky, estimated to be hundreds of thousands of feet high.

Such a huge and majestic altar, a large tribe, the largest witch tribe ever seen!

"Huh!" Tianyuan took a deep breath and quickly controlled his aura, but there was a suspicion in his heart.

The tribe of ancestral witches, this must be the tribe of Houtu ancestral witches!

This could also explain why there was not a small tribe around for such a long time.

After glancing at the figures below, Tian Yuan suppressed the thought of capturing them and fled towards the plain.

Hou Tu went to Zixiao Palace, but there were still great witches left, among whom Kuafu and Hou Yi were the most familiar.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches are still in the Daluo Golden Immortal realm, and these great witches are probably at the Daluo level, at the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, or have just entered the Daluo.

It's just that the Taiyi Golden Immortal is fine. If it's the Da Luo realm, it will be a bit troublesome.

In the past hundred years, two branches have been dredged and purified earlier, but he still has not made a breakthrough.

The gap between Taiyi Jinxian and Da Luo was far beyond his imagination.

Another important point is that Hou Tu actually went to Zixiao Palace, but the other ancestral witches are unknown.

For safety's sake, it's better to be careful. If an ancestral witch pops up, it will be troublesome.

Just as they approached the plain, Tian Yuan frowned and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

He restrained his spiritual thoughts, but there was no need to detect the qi and blood of the Wu clan. He could feel the heat from a distance.

As he got closer, Tianyuan didn't notice many powerful fluctuations, and there were only a few shamans coming in and out of the tribe's entrance.

"Is it also an empty shell?" Tianyuan muttered, feeling a little bad.

The figure escaped and appeared in the tribe.

There was silence all around, which immediately made him look extremely depressed.

Except for a few shamans walking on the road, many houses were simply empty, which made Tianyuan feel a little disappointed.

The spiritual thoughts spread rapidly underground, just as he thought.

The tribe stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles, but the tribesmen living in it are in twos and threes, almost all concentrated in the middle, less than 50,000 in number.

This number exceeded any tribe he had encountered earlier, but according to the size of the tribe in front of him, there were definitely no less than a million shamans living there.

Needless to say, these guys must be fighting for hegemony.

There are many shamans in the tribe who are in the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm, and there is even a peak Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Although he was slightly disappointed, Tianyuan was still very happy.

In the entire tribe, there are still more than half of the shamans above the Golden Immortal level, which can be considered a big gain.

Tian Yuan burst out of the earth, opened his mouth and spat out, and saw rolling loess sweeping out, quickly filling the tribe.

The sudden appearance of dust shocked many shamans, thinking that a great demon was coming.

Amidst the roars, a huge figure flew from the distance, it was the Taiyi Golden Immortal peak witch clan.

The opponent had the body of a leopard and the head of a human, with six legs and a long tail trailing behind him. He was not the giant Kuafu or Houyi in his memory.

Tian Yuan, who was feeling a little depressed, had no intention of stepping forward to fight.

There was a golden light flashing in the loess, and the shaman at the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal was already submerged before he could approach.

Shrouded in divine thoughts, the entire tribe was under Tian Yuan's perception, and no shaman could escape.

The yellow dust swept over, and all the shamans above the Golden Immortal realm were taken away.

"Hey!" Tian Yuan exclaimed and appeared at the altar in the middle.

In the open space next to the towering pillar, a furry guy was lying.

The other party was lying on his back in a pile of rocks, sleeping soundly with his son dripping, with half a piece of gravel still in the corner of his mouth.

Those stones are colorful and sparkle with divine light. They are all treasures of heaven and earth.

Tianyuan naturally looked down upon him, and his eyes were fixed on the naive little guy.

Iron-eating beast!

Just now, he was wondering how there could be the aura of the Demon Clan in the Witch Clan's tribe, but he didn't expect it to be this guy.

The iron-eating beast is also the national treasure panda of China in later generations.

Tianyuan vaguely remembered that the iron-eating beast seemed to be Houtu's pet.

This guy didn't react at all despite the big noise. It's good to have a big tree to lean on. There's food and drink, and no sense of crisis.

The iron-eating beast, which was originally sleeping soundly, suddenly smacked its mouth and turned over.

He jumped up and instantly stared at Tianyuan with wide eyes.

The hadazi that had been thrown away flowed out again. A pair of small eyes looked at him fieryly, and the joy was obviously visible on his silly little face.

"This idiot won't treat me as food?" Tianyuan looked strange when he met the other party's eyes.

He had eaten a lot of natural treasures in these years, and his body was probably rare in the prehistoric world.

The iron-eating beast likes to eat spiritual iron and spiritual stones, and he is its favorite.

Sure enough, the little guy, who was only half a meter tall, immediately ran over.

Tianyuan pursed his lips and swept it away with a magic power.

The excited and excited iron-eating beast kicked his limbs and immediately let out a low roar.

It was the favorite pet of Hou Tu Zu Wu. No one had ever dared to treat it like this, not to mention that it was a food.

While still in the air, the iron-eating beast had already expanded rapidly, and instantly became dozens of feet high.

It fell to the ground with a loud bang, its hair flying wildly, exuding a rolling fierce aura, and it also had the cultivation of the initial stage of Taiyi Jinxian.

It looked cute just now, but now it looked like a prehistoric beast, choosing people to eat.

This is the prehistoric iron-eating beast!

Looking at the guy taller than him, Tianyuan's eyes lit up, but this guy didn't seem to see the situation around him clearly.

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