Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 16: One Step Away from Daluo

Tian Yuan opened his eyes faintly, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

After Bu Zhou Mountain's will became stronger, he could clearly communicate with this body at such a long distance.

"It would be even better if we could send living beings over long distances." With a mutter, he quickly ran towards Bu Zhou Mountain.

Only by standing on Bu Zhou Mountain can he enter that consciousness space, otherwise he could save a lot of time.

The prehistoric land is larger than the space manifested in that consciousness world. After all, the spiritual veins attached to the earth veins also occupy a large space.

With full force, Tian Yuan rushed to Bu Zhou Mountain in a few years.

After clearing another earth vein, the Xuanhuang Qi covering the sacred mountain became thicker, and he could feel the mixed will floating in the air more clearly.

In the new earth vein, many witches rumbled and ran, like a black torrent.

Many witches were captured this time, and Tian Yuan planned to throw them into a new earth vein.

It takes more than a hundred years to completely clear and purify a branch vein. Throwing some witches into it will reduce the efficiency.

The branch vein is much smaller than the main vein, but it is also huge. It may be effective in the early stage, but it will be a waste of manpower in the later stage.

In the new branch vein, Wu Man rode in the front, and the strange stones blocking the front were broken one by one under his fist.

There were many witches captured by the stone man, but almost all of them were in the Golden Immortal Realm. He was in the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and few were stronger than him.

The bigger the strange stone was broken, the better the effect, so he naturally wanted to take the lead.

While punching repeatedly, Wu Man paused and looked in front of him in confusion, where there was a mysterious and yellow air surrounding him.

Wu Man was naturally clear about the familiar scene, but this vein had just begun to be cleared.

"What does the stone man want to do?"

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Wu Man saw a flash of light in front of him.

He came to a brand new vein, empty, with only him, a witch.

Wu Man frowned and was about to shout loudly, but his eyes froze.

In the golden flowing spiritual energy, a dark yellow dust rolled by, and figures fell from it.

Wu Clan!

The densely packed Wu Clan fell from the sky with a crackling sound, and they cursed and roared in the air.

Wu Man's face twitched, and there was anger in his eyes.

That stone man was really hateful, and he captured so many of his people.

This guy must know that several ancestor witches went to the chaos, so he dared to be so unscrupulous.

Compared with Wu Man's clear understanding, these captured Wu Clan did not know why.

Most of them stayed in the tribe, and then a gust of dust rolled by, and they were inexplicably captured.

Looking at the abundant spiritual energy around, the witches ignored it, but angrily looked for the initiator.

Some witches found the sacred mountain outside the earth vein, and immediately a group of figures ran out.

Wu Man knew Tian Yuan's purpose very well. Because of his strong strength, he had done a lot of explanation work.

Although he was very angry, he could only walk towards the figures.

He opened his mouth and sucked back the Nine Heavens Xirang. He glanced at the many figures kneeling below and Tian Yuan disappeared in the field.

Unblocking a vein of the earth, Bu Zhou Mountain's will became stronger, Wu Man knew what to do.

The Wu Clan, who claimed to be the authentic Pangu, was definitely more eager for Bu Zhou Mountain's will to become stronger than those monsters.

Moreover, this move could also improve their own strength, so they would only work harder and there would be no passive sabotage.

After returning to Bu Zhou Mountain, Tian Yuan did not hesitate and fled to the eastern land again.

After unblocking three veins of the earth, he must have practiced much faster than before, but Bu Zhou Mountain was his foundation.

Feeling the rolling power of Bu Zhou Mountain behind him, Tian Yuan was full of expectations.

Time passed slowly, and Tian Yuan captured the Wu Clan everywhere in the tribes under Hou Tu.

Because of the expansion of the four directions, the strongest people in the tribe are almost all new to Taiyi, so how can anyone resist him.

A hundred years later, he dredged another vein. With the accumulation of two veins, he successfully entered the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian.

After the realm breakthrough, Tianyuan acted more recklessly.

However, because many tribesmen disappeared, there were occasional witches in the middle and late stages of Taiyi Jinxian.

They searched everywhere and explored in many tribes, but unfortunately, all those who met Tianyuan were captured.

In the same realm, no one could resist the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Jiutian Xirang.

Hundreds of witch tribes under Houtu's jurisdiction have been plundered by him.

Even if he does nothing now, he can dredge two branches in a hundred years.

In the Buzhou Mountain Consciousness World, Tianyuan stood on the sacred mountain and looked towards the eastern land.

The dozens of branches near the foot of Buzhou Mountain were full of rosy clouds and exuded a strong auspicious aura.

The dazzling brilliance even overshadowed the main vein to which it was attached.

"Strange! Did it take longer this time?" Looking at the branches in the distance, Tianyuan frowned slightly.

Six hundred years have passed since he broke into the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian, and ten branches were purified in the first five hundred years.

Among the many branches, the demon clan only purified one, and the rest were the efforts of the witch clan.

When he successfully cleared the eighth branch, he broke into the perfect state of Taiyi Jinxian, and was only one step away from Daluo.

But in the past hundred years, according to Tianyuan's estimation, at least three more branches should be cleared, but none of them have been cleared.

Did the witch clan slack off?

Tianyuan frowned, thinking it should be impossible.

The stubborn witch clan would never be careless about Pangu's will.

With a flash of rosy clouds, Tianyuan appeared in a vein cleared by the witch clan.

Just appeared, his face was stunned, and the surrounding witches had not reacted yet, and he immediately disappeared in the scene, flashing quickly in the ground veins.

Relying on the will of Buzhou Mountain, Tianyuan flashed one by one in many ground veins that had not been dredged.

Half a day later, he returned to the top of Buzhou Mountain, his face was a little depressed.

One vein was almost purified, but the remaining two would take some time.

It was not the witch clan's fault, but the blockage of the ground veins was different.

Three main veins connected to Buzhou Mountain, but 108 branch veins were attached to the main veins from near to far.

The blockage of the branch veins near Buzhou Mountain was not serious, only the latter half was a little troublesome.

But the situation of many branch veins far away from the main veins was getting worse and worse. The end ones were completely blocked, and huge strange stones could be seen everywhere.

When he first entered this space, the sky was gray, and the distance was far, so those branch veins did look a little dim, and he didn't think much about it.

He had only walked through a few nearby branches and the main vein, and didn't know the whole situation.

"It seems that we can only clear the branches from near to far." Tian Yuan looked back, a little depressed.

The time to open up all the veins will be much longer than he expected.

Every time a branch is cleared, Buzhou Mountain can give him feedback, so he should improve his realm first.

There are already witches exploring the tribe, so he has to hurry up!

After throwing the captured witches into a branch near the foot of the mountain, Tian Yuan disappeared in the air.

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