Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 14 Nine Heavens Xiran

Wu Man was full of murderous energy and roared continuously.

Under Buzhou Mountain, towering trees, rocks and earth mounds all shattered in his hands.

The monsters collapsed to the ground, trembling and terrified.

Wu Man was very angry, very angry.

He was actually very reluctant to stay under Buzhou Mountain.

This was the base camp of the Wu Clan. Although there were many monsters, they were all cunning and rarely encountered them.

The powerful monsters would fly away as soon as they met.

He yearned for a place beyond the foot of Buzhou Mountain, a wider world, where he could fight without restraint.

But at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, the hateful stone man had repeatedly provoked them, and now he actually rushed into the tribe and captured his people.

How could Wu Man not be furious!

He chased after him in anger, but there was no trace of the stone man. He did not dare to disrespect Buzhou Mountain and could only vent at the foot of the mountain.

At this moment, there was a whirring sound above his head. Wu Man looked up and his eyes immediately spit fire.

Stone Man!

It was that damned Stone Man!

The earth cracked, and Wu Man burst out, carrying a body wrapped in a strong murderous aura and directly crashing into the opponent.

The body is the strongest means of attack for their Wu clan.

Tian Yuan, who was flying down, saw Wu Man's move, and his eyes lit up.

He recognized the newcomer, who was the only Taiyi Jinxian Wu clan in the small tribe just now.

He was one realm lower, so he should be able to give it a try.

Without the slightest defense, Tian Yuan took advantage of the momentum of falling and rushed forward with his whole body.

With a dull sound, Tian Yuan stopped in the air, but Wu Man fell at a faster speed and smashed into a ten-thousand-foot high peak under Buzhou Mountain.


The sound was like thunder rumbling, and the mountain burst open, turning into rubble and trees all over the sky.

In the dust, a tall figure attacked again.

The evil spirit was surging around him, and there was blood mist and thunder flashing faintly.

"The body is really abnormal!" Tianyuan was surprised to see Wu Man, who was even more powerful than before.

He shook off the remaining lightning in his hand, and this guy could barely let him go.

There were no dazzling magic, only the most direct and brutal battle.

The huge fist blasted out, and facing Wu Man's attack, Tianyuan had no defense, the purest physical collision.

Wu Man's body flew out again and again around the exploded mountain.

Wu Man's angry roar, mixed with Tianyuan Langshuang's rolling laughter, echoed in the air.

In the distance, dust was flying, and the tribesmen of the Wu tribe had just arrived at this moment.

Just looking at the scene in the field, they were stunned, and their faces were all incredible.

Their leader, the strongest warrior in the tribe, was completely suppressed and beaten by the stone man, without any power to fight back.

If Tianyuan relied on magical powers and magic, it would be fine, and it can only be said that the other party was very advanced, but the stone man relied entirely on his flesh.

They had fought many battles with monsters, how could the monsters dare to fight like this?

A witch came to his senses and shouted loudly: "Quick! Help the leader!"

Swish, swish, swish, several arrows flew from the crowd in an instant.

The remaining witches also ran out fiercely, seemingly not afraid of Tianyuan's terror.

Tianyuan raised his hand to slap the arrows away, knocked Wuman to the ground with a punch, and grabbed his ankle as a human weapon and swept behind him.

With the sound of bang, many figures were thrown away under Wuman's burly body, mixed with many cries of pain.

Those witches were only at the Golden Immortal level, and Tianyuan's casual attack was not something they could withstand.

Tian Yuan was about to pack them up and take them away, but he looked up to the northwest. There was a rumbling sound and many figures were running over there. They must be witches from other tribes who heard the noise and came here.

"Just take them down together!" He threw the Wu Man in his hand as a weapon.

Under Tian Yuan's series of attacks, this guy was completely confused.

The prehistoric tribes inhale and exhale spiritual energy to strengthen their souls, and few have tempered their bodies. Even if there are beasts with strong bodies, they cannot compare to the Wu clan.

The Wu clan has the best body in the prehistoric world, no one can compare!

The stone man in front of him was beyond his cognition.

The Wu clan who were running wildly were knocked to the ground by Wu Man's body before they could see the situation clearly.

Following closely, a burly figure fell.

Some witches recognized that it was the hateful stone man on Mount Buzhou.

They were all witches in the Golden Immortal Realm, and Tian Yuan had no interest in fighting anymore. He opened his mouth and spit out yellow light, which covered all the witches and then sucked them into his stomach.

The witches are good. They are not like the earlier capture of the demons, which required searching all over the mountains and fields, and they could only capture them one by one.

It is different when catching the witches. They can be caught in a basket.

He glanced around and saw that there were no more witches. Tianyuan jumped in and disappeared on the Tianzhu Buzhou Mountain.

After half a day, Tianyuan appeared at the foot of Buzhou Mountain again, with a smile on his face.

This time he did not have the patience to teach them one by one, but just threw them to Wu Tie and then returned to the sacred mountain to watch.

The monstrous will emanating from Buzhou Mountain is the best excuse.

The witches are different from the demons. They are not afraid of the mixed will in the air, and Tianyuan is not worried about danger.

Those demons are near the north, and the witches are on this side. There are two main veins in the middle, so they cannot meet for the time being.

Just as Tianyuan expected, after just looking around, they rushed around in the earth veins, venting their anger.

The efficiency of purifying the earth veins is comparable to that of the demon tribe, which can be said to be one against a hundred.

Recalling the many witch tribes he had encountered in his mind, Tianyuan flew directly to the nearest one.

In half a day, he arrived at the destination of this trip, a vast plain, stretching for several miles. It was much larger than the previous tribe, with nearly ten thousand people.

The surging blood of the witch tribe could be sensed from afar.

There were three witches in the early stage of Taiyi Jinxian in this tribe, and most of the rest were in the Jinxian realm, at least five or six thousand.

There were as many Jinxian as dogs, it was true.

Tianyuan opened his mouth and spit out a golden yellow, and yellow dust rushed towards the distant tribe.

In an instant, three figures with strong momentum rushed out from below, but unfortunately a flash of yellow light was about to drown the three witches.

The dust rolled down and enveloped the entire tribe.

After a few breaths, the yellow soil faded, leaving only the witches below the Jinxian realm roaring in panic in the tribe.

Jiutian Xirang!

The best innate spiritual treasure, the only magic weapon that Tian Yuan has refined. It rises with the wind, and its magical uses are endless!

Jiutian Xiran is a kind of divine soil that can grow continuously. There are many of them on Buzhou Mountain, but the real innate origin soil is only the one under the innate gourd vine.

These in his palm are still the ones that the gourd vine gave him.

"Good treasure! After another ten thousand years of sacrifice, it should be almost completely repaired!" Touching his chest, Tian Yuan was very satisfied.

The origin is in harmony, this is the most suitable magic weapon for him.

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