Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 132 Hope for Humanitarian Recovery

Above the sky, Emperor Jun and Taiyi had gloomy faces and extremely solemn expressions.

The ancestor witch was defeated. The witch clan, which was regarded as the enemy of the demon court, was defeated by the stone man of Mount Buzhou, and it was so thorough.

The ancestor witch Emperor Jiang even gave up the prehistoric land and led all the witch clan to retreat to Pangu Temple.

Such changes were completely beyond the imagination of Emperor Jun and Taiyi.

How domineering the witch clan was earlier. When they came out from the bottom of Mount Buzhou, all the clans avoided their edge. Countless big monsters fled to the sea and fled to the prehistoric starry sky.

It can be said that they were unstoppable and directly occupied the eastern land with the most spiritual energy in the prehistoric world.

They were able to quickly gather the demons of heaven and earth, and a large part of the reason was due to the witch clan.

Because they ate all the clans to strengthen their blood and qi, the demon court easily incorporated many demon clans.

But now, the ancestor witches, whose bodies were terrifying and could resist the innate treasures, were extremely embarrassed by a stone man.

The twelve witch ancestors were so powerful that they shocked the world. Now only Di Jiang and a few of his brothers were left, hiding in the Pangu Temple.

Looking at the scene below, Di Jun felt that his brain was a little confused.

With this situation in front of him, the witch clan would not dare to fight against the demon court, let alone walk out of the Pangu Temple.

Not only those ordinary witch clans, but also those few witch ancestors would probably not dare to show up casually.

This catastrophe is still a hammer!

"Brother! We need to know the mysterious space on Mount Buzhou as soon as possible." Taiyi's solemn words sounded on the side.

After the first battle between witches and demons, Tianyuan captured many demons, and the demon court began to focus on the stone man.

But this guy seemed to appear suddenly, and the only information was that he kept capturing witches.

They knew very little about Tianyuan's past and cultivation experience, but the only thing they could be sure of was that there was a small world on Mount Buzhou.

The other party threw all the captured witches and demons into it, and the captured creatures would eventually turn to Tianyuan.

As for that space, he guessed that it had a lot to do with the pillar of heaven, Mount Buzhou.

If he could explore that space, he would be able to see through all of Tianyuan and the secrets of Mount Buzhou.

Mount Buzhou has been surging recently, and it would be fine if its power increased greatly, but now it can even directly shock the ancestor witch.

If this drags on, will Mount Buzhou jump up and suppress the prehistoric creatures?

This fleeting thought in his mind made Taiyi shrink in his heart.

Mount Buzhou, the pillar of the prehistoric sky, was transformed from Pangu's spine.

Now that he paid a little attention, even he felt the huge power coming down, and couldn't help but feel his mind swaying.

If this pressure came head-on, his innate treasure, the Chaos Bell, would be difficult to resist.

Because Mount Buzhou is not just a mountain, it also represents the most terrifying trend in the prehistoric world.

With the power of heaven and earth, it is better to cover the thirty-three heavens, even the saints in the Zixiao Palace would be difficult to bear.

Di Jun nodded and frowned, asking, "Second brother, the Chaos Bell in your hand can suppress time and space, can't you find that space?"

The power of the ancestor witch was blown away by Buzhou Mountain, so it is conceivable how difficult it is to explore that space.

Moreover, there are stone men who come and go freely on Buzhou Mountain, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty.

"The innate treasure is used by the saints. I am just blessed to be able to control it, so it is difficult to exert its full power." Taiyi frowned and looked a little depressed.

If he could exert half the power of the Chaos Bell, Taiyi estimated that he could find that space.

Unfortunately, the innate treasure is too strong. Even if he has entered the Hunyuan Jinxian now, he is just a simple sacrifice.

The most powerful power to suppress the world and the power to reverse time and space are still difficult for him to exert.

The key is that the space is on Buzhou Mountain, how can it be so easy to find.

Di Jun didn't say anything else, and looked at a figure on Buzhou Mountain.

Fuxi, the Xihuang Fuxi of the Demon Court!

If he can help, perhaps he can see through that space.

Seeing Di Jun's gaze, Taiyi knew what his brother was thinking, and hurriedly said: "Buzhou Mountain is too strange, we must not set foot in it easily."

The Xuanhuang Qi swept away the ancestor witch. If we rashly set foot on Buzhou Mountain, who knows if we will be suppressed directly.

"Well! The most urgent task is to prove the Dao of Hunyuan, and the vast land of Honghuang!" Di Jun looked at the eastern land with fiery eyes.

The witch clan retreated, and the Demon Court just happened to invade the Honghuang land in one fell swoop, which was bound to make the Demon Court's luck soar.

The growth of luck, in addition to the number of creatures in the Demon Court, naturally also has the jurisdiction of the area.

In the Honghuang world, the Eastern Fairy Mountain has the most blessed land and abundant spiritual energy, which is definitely covered by great luck.

The two looked at each other, looked at the towering Buzhou Mountain, and led the Demon Court to the thirty-third heaven.

Next, Taiyi will retreat and cultivate, while he will plan the eastern land to completely let the demon court dominate the prehistoric world.

The witch clan is already on the decline, and the stone man of Buzhou Mountain is the biggest enemy of the demon court.

In the sky of the western world, two figures looked at the direction of Buzhou Mountain with fear, and fled towards Mount Xumi together.

The three pure ones standing in the air all had solemn expressions.

Originally, they were shocked by the strength of Tianyuan, the stone man, but now the three of them only have the towering Buzhou Mountain in their eyes.

"Brother! What is the relationship between this stone man and Buzhou Mountain?" Yuanshi Tianzun stared at the Tianzhu in the distance.

No matter how powerful the stone man is, he disdains it in his heart, after all, if he does not become a saint, he will be an ant.

They, the three pure ones, are the authentic Pangu, and are the disciples of Daozu. They will definitely become saints in the future, so he has never taken Tianyuan seriously from beginning to end.

If he was not afraid of being contaminated by the catastrophe and affecting his sainthood, he would have settled the cause and effect on Buzhou Mountain in the past.

But Bu Zhoushan's current behavior was completely beyond his imagination.

Tianzhu is not around the mountain, but he actually helps this stone man?

They were transformed by the spirit of Father God, and they also transformed on Mount Buzhou a long time ago, but they were unable to communicate with Mount Buzhou, but now the stone men who appeared could easily do so.

Tongtian smiled and said softly: "Brother, let's go down and get acquainted, maybe we can find out."

As soon as I finished speaking, before I could respond, Yuanshi Tianzun just snorted.

"Third brother, don't weaken the reputation of Sanqing!"

They are Sanqing, the direct disciples of Zixiao Palace Taoist. It is too cheap to get to know others, if others take the initiative to make friends with them.

Besides, on Buzhou Mountain, this stone man repeatedly robbed them of opportunities, and Yuanshi Tianzun wanted to kill him.

Tongtian Nunuuzui, knowing the character of his second brother, did not say much.

Although Tongtian was surprised by the anomaly in Buzhou Mountain, he didn't care too much in his heart.

The great road is divided into fifty and forty-nine, and one of them escapes. Everything has its own opportunity. No matter how weird it is, Tongtian still thinks it is reasonable.

Existence is reasonable, reasonableness is normal!

Therefore, Tongtian didn't pay attention to the earlier incident of gourd vines and banana trees.

Since it is blocked by Tianyuan, it means that it should be like this.

"If we don't know the mysteries of the mountain, we still focus on cultivation." After saying this, I got up and headed towards Kunlun Mountain.

Of course, I was very curious about the relationship between Tianyuan and Buzhoushan. In private, he didn't know how many times he had used Tai Chi diagrams to deduce it, but he couldn't find anything after measuring the impact of the calamity.

But earlier on Buzhou Mountain, the gourd vines and the banana tree were all at odds with each other, so how could they dare to set foot in Buzhou Mountain easily.

The other party's capture of the Lich clan is still fresh in my mind. The treasure has not yet been completely refined, and I don't want to lose my grace on Mount Buzhou.

Seeing his eldest brother leaving, Tongtian withdrew his gaze and immediately followed him.

The last Yuanshi Tianzun glanced bitterly at the figure on Buzhou Mountain and fled to Kunlun Mountain.

Just like Sanqing, Dijun and others, although most of the innate saints around are curious about Buzhou Mountain, no one dares to get involved easily.

Tianyuan behaves strangely, and no one knows whether the other party will suppress them easily.

If you want to study Buzhou Mountain, you have to wait until Tian Yuan leaves before talking secretly.

However, from the southwest of Buzhou Mountain, there were two figures flying up, shouting loudly from a distance.

On Buzhou Mountain, Tian Yuan, who was about to leave, looked at the distant sky.

Two figures, one behind the other, quickly escaped from there. They were Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun.

Tianyuan's eyes lit up slightly when he saw Hongyun's figure.

Neither Nuwa nor Fuxi activated the will of humanity. Tianyuan guessed that the key to the recovery of humanity lies with Hongyun.

Now seeing the other party coming, how could Tian Yuan not be happy.

The Houtu people on the side slowly disappeared, and Tianyuan, who had many thoughts in his mind, quickly stepped forward to greet them.

"Fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi, fellow Taoist Hongyun!"

After not seeing each other for a while, both of them have made progress, but they are far behind him.

It would be best if they could be persuaded, but if that didn't work, they would have to use force.

Tianyuan can't control so much when it comes to the recovery of humanity, and besides, this is also a big opportunity for Hongyun.

"Congratulations to Brother Dao for your great increase in strength, which makes Hongyun so envious!" Hongyun fell, his eyes full of surprise.

During this period of time, he studied the Hongmeng Purple Qi in the cave, but gained little.

Until now, I still don’t know what the use of that thing is, and I have even fallen behind in my realm.

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