Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 114: The Zombie Ancestor

Chapter 114 The Ancestor of Zombies—J

Amidst the rumbling sound, Buzhou Mountain behind him emitted terrifying power.

The two busy Lich clans in the earth have long been commonplace, but the next second, everyone stared at the southern sky with wide eyes.

Through the flowing golden innate spiritual energy, they saw a long golden dragon flying in the sky in the distance, blooming with a strong golden light.

On both sides of the long dragon, dozens of long golden beards were distributed in rows and rows, all shrouded in auspicious aura and shining with golden light.

This sudden change shocked most of the demon and witch clans.

Many demon clans gathered on one side of the main line and looked at it from a distance, while many witch clans ran out of the main line and also stood there watching.

In the past, they would have gone to investigate, but now dredging and purifying the earth's veins is a task assigned by the Hou Tuzu witch, and no witch clan dares to run around.

At this moment, under the soaring main vein, Xing Tian and other great witches were stunned on the spot.

Because they wanted to dredge the last few branches as soon as possible, they all temporarily put aside the work of dredging the main vein some time ago and came to the last branch of the main vein.

Unexpectedly, it had not been purified for a while, but the drastic changes in front of us had occurred.

They had been purifying the earth veins for a short period of time, but for the first time they knew that the earth veins could actually take off on their own.

Through the flowing golden spiritual energy, everyone saw pieces of strange rocks shattering and dissipating in the air.

When the huge earth veins fell in the distance, Xingtian and others turned their heads and looked at Houtu not far away.

Hou Tu ignored everyone and calmed down to communicate with Tian Yuan.

Xing Tian and others didn't know, and she also didn't know what happened. Hou Tu guessed that it might have something to do with the ancient land.

Hou Tu didn't say anything, and Kuafu and others in the scene naturally didn't dare to say a word and waited in place one by one.

After a while, several people saw Hou Tu with a smile on his face, as if something happy had happened.

She turned her head to meet everyone's gaze and said, "Now everyone rush to the nearest leyline."

They are in the wilderness now, and Tianyuan cannot use his will to teleport them.

Although Buzhoushan's will has been strengthened a lot, Tianyuan can control more of the areas within the many earth veins.

"Master Zuwu! What just happened?" Hou Yi couldn't help but ask.

When that earth vein took off, they all felt the fluctuations coming from Buzhou Mountain at such a long distance.

Everyone looked at it curiously, and Hou Tu said to himself: "All the branches on the main vein have been dredged."

According to the original estimate, it is estimated that it will take a thousand years. Now that it has been shortened directly, and the main vein has also been purified to a certain extent, Houtu is of course very happy.

The more earth veins are unblocked, the stronger Tianyuan will be, and when the time comes, he can capture all the ancestral witches.

Seeing that Hou Tu had no intention of saying anything more, Hou Yi did not dare to ask any more questions.

Hou Yi didn't know why, but most of the clan members became a lot gentler after coming to this space, but his own ancestral witch, who was originally gentle, became a little more irritable.

They were often urged to speed up the dredging of the earth's veins, and if they slacked off even a little bit, they would be beaten severely.

In the past, the Stone Man just left things alone and never supervised their work, but now his own ancestral shaman is more concerned about the efficiency of dredging the earth's veins than Tian Yuan.

After communicating with Hou Tu, Nu Wa and others, Tian Yuan regained his mind.

Sure enough, the body hidden underground was covered with rich laws of earth, and he successfully defeated the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Feeling the powerful aura in his body, Tian Yuan slowly stretched out his right hand, and suddenly saw the earth-yellow law wrapped around it.

After breaking into the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, he has been able to simply master the rules.

After careful sensing, Tian Yuan's eyes suddenly brightened, and the laws of earth had undergone qualitative changes.

In the past, I always felt that the Law of Earth was a little weak, but now it seems that is not the case.

Although there are differences between the strengths and weaknesses of the laws, the practice is still very similar in the end. The main thing is that the emphasis is different.

Tian Yuan put away the law and quickly fled towards the East China Sea.

Although he guessed that Duke Dongwang had died, he couldn't help but go and take a look at the earth's veins that had undergone such big changes.

He is now a Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and his speed is much faster. It doesn't take long to come back and forth.

At this moment, on the bursting Penglai Island, figures fell from the sky.

On the largest island, Tongtian glanced at Taiyi in the distance and said with emotion: "The innate treasure is really amazingly powerful."

After returning to Kunlun Mountain, Tongtian started refining the Zhuxian Sword Formation, but his level was low and the effect was very unsatisfactory.

All innate spiritual treasures have innate restrictions. Although the Zhuxian Sword Formation is a rare treasure of heaven, like the innate treasure, it also has forty-nine innate restrictions.

Obviously there is only one more restriction than the top-grade innate spiritual treasure, but the refining of each one is extremely difficult.

After returning from Zixiao Palace, there was a period of time when he actually failed to refine any of the restrictions. You must know that the further you go, the harder it becomes to refine.

Donghuang Taiyang has just activated the Chaos Bell, and it is obvious that there are definitely many restrictions on refining.

Being able to break through Penglai Immortal Island so quickly was indispensable to the Chaos Bell.

Laozi naturally understood the meaning of Tongtian's words and responded calmly: "The innate treasure is originally a magic weapon used by a saint. It would be good to use only one percent of the quasi-sage's ability, not to mention that you are still Daluo Jinxian."

Daluo Jinxian wanted to refine the innate treasure, but he could only use the accompanying things.

Just like the black and yellow exquisite pagoda in the sky, it can also be regarded as his companion. Of course, the Tao Xing is too low, and the power it can exert is limited.

Yuanshi Tianzun, who was originally full of interest and planned to search for Penglai Fairy Island, immediately looked depressed when he heard this.

Donghuang Taiyi and Dong Wanggong had both killed one corpse. As a disciple of Daozu, he was still wandering around in Daluo Jinxian. Yuanshi Tianzun felt very embarrassed.

"Brother! Why don't we go back to Kunlun Mountain to practice in silence and comprehend the Hongmeng Purple Qi as soon as possible?" Yuanshi Tianzun looked up at Laozi.

Dong Wanggong died, and he picked up a few good magic weapons, so this trip was not in vain.

Tongtian also gained something, but the elder brother was empty-handed.

"Well! We have all the treasures, and Taoism is the foundation, so let's go back to Kunlun Mountain." Laozi nodded and did not object.

Coming to the East China Sea, they have seen the results they want to see, and the ordinary spiritual objects on Penglai Fairy Island are not in their eyes.

Having made a decision, the Three Pure Ones did not hesitate and quickly fled to Kunlun Mountain.

The remaining innate sacred beings were not as good as the Three Pure Ones, and they searched everywhere one by one.

A hundred years later, a figure flew rapidly above the East China Sea. It was Tianyuan who came.

The East China Sea was vast and boundless. Although Tianyuan did not know where Penglai Island was, he knew the general direction of the main vein earlier.

While flying, a thunderous roar came from afar, carrying a strong murderous aura.

"Hey! Why are there such cruel creatures above the East China Sea?" Feeling the fluctuations from afar, Tianyuan was shocked.

The violent and crazy aura was not inferior to that of the ancestor witch at all.

What's more, there was a wisp of death in the fluctuations.

Tianyuan frowned and fled in that direction without thinking much.

As he kept getting closer, he vaguely heard a few shrill screams in the roaring sound.

It didn't take long for Tianyuan to see the waves surging in the distance, and a huge beast on the sea was chasing the dragon and eating it.

It is several dozen feet in size, with a dog-like head, a horse-like body but with scales, and fire spewing from its mouth. It is extremely ferocious.

At this moment, it is tearing apart a dragon of a hundred feet in size and eating its brain. There are several petite dragons fleeing frantically in front of it.

Seeing the figure in the sea in the distance, Tianyuan exclaimed: "The divine beast?"

The beast is a famous divine beast and fierce beast in the prehistoric times, and it is also the ancestor of zombies. Because it caused chaos, it was killed by Nuwa and Fuxi, and then there were the four zombie kings in later generations.

It is rumored that the beast was transformed from the bones in Pangu's forehead, has an invincible body, and feeds on dragons.

The more Tianyuan looked at the violent body, the rugged and dazzling scales, and the momentum of looking down on the world, the more he liked it.

This kind of beast of heaven and earth should be his mount.

Although the iron-eating beast is good, Tianyuan always feels that it lacks a bit of domineering power and is not worthy of him. He has already thrown it to the Calabash Brothers.

On the contrary, this Qiong has a strong body and has the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm. It is really perfect.

Originally, he just wanted to explore the Penglai Fairy Island, but he didn't expect to have such an unexpected gain.

Tianyuan, who was overjoyed, fled at high speed and rushed towards the Qiong in the sea.

Qiong, who was eating the dragon clan, also noticed the appearance of Tianyuan, but the other party just looked at it and didn't care.

It sucked away the brain marrow, dropped the dragon body casually, and continued to chase the several dragon clans.

The dragon clan is no longer the same as before. Because of karma, they all hide in the deep sea. There are not many opportunities to meet pure dragon clans in the East China Sea.

And it has no interest in a stone man.

With a roar, the sea surface exploded, and the bodies of several dragon clans that were flying away in panic in the distance froze and stopped directly in the air.

It kicked its hind legs in the air, and its huge body crossed the sea and pounced on the trembling dragons.


But before it landed, a terrifying force hit its waist, and its whole body was smashed out.

The turbulent sea surface shook violently, and waves like pillars of heaven swept out and swung around.

The j rolled into the water and roared, thousands of waves exploded in the air, and heavy rain fell on the entire sea.

The j stopped its body, staring at Tianyuan with a pair of red eyes, and a thick gray death aura emanated from its body.

It has never suffered such a loss in all these years of roaming the East China Sea.

While roaring in a low voice, it rushed towards Tianyuan with a frenzy.

The few dragons that escaped from the trap in the distance did not even look behind them, and fled madly into the distance.

Tianyuan did not care, and only the huge figure that kept approaching was in his eyes.

In the previous blow, he used three levels of strength, but the beast was not hurt at all.

As expected of Pangu's forehead bone, the strength of his body is not inferior to that of the ancestor witch.

Facing the guy who came in an instant, Tianyuan simply swung his fist. This time, he used half of his strength.


The sea surface exploded, and the huge body of the beast flew out, roaring even louder.

From the confident voice, Tianyuan could feel the other party's anger and mania.

Tianyuan was more and more satisfied that the beast could withstand half of his strength at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm.

Without giving it a chance to breathe, Tianyuan quickly rushed up and punched it again.

The suppression of the realm and the horror of the body, this famous beast in the prehistoric world can only passively take the beating.

Under a series of attacks, the other party's angry roar resounded across the sea.

For this kind of guy with a strong body, Tianyuan knew very well that only by suppressing it with absolute strength could it be subdued.

His strength was gradually increasing, and no matter how angry Qiong was, he could not change the situation before him.

The Hou that smashed into the void once again roared and then opened its mouth suddenly. Countless dead air gathered in the world and entered its mouth.

Dark flames began to rise on its scale-covered body.

The void shattered piece by piece, and the opponent's momentum was infinitely close to that of the Hunyuan Jinxian.

"Okay, okay! It seems that exploring the Wangchuan River really depends on you!" Seeing this scene, Tianyuan did not panic, but was full of joy.

Tianyuan has always been very curious about the creatures in the Wangchuan River.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk has not been repaired, the underworld has not been built, and Houtu cannot explore it for the time being.

After feeling the dead air on the other party, Tianyuan had this idea. Now that he saw Hou practicing with dead air, he was naturally more interested.


A roar that resounded through the East China Sea woke Tianyuan up.

Looking closely, he saw that the void in front of him was shattered, and a violent figure tore through the space.

Tianyuan's eyes were hot, and he liked it more and more as he looked at it.

Seeing Tianyuan's gaze, the swiftly escaping Qiong became angry, and his aura became even more fierce.


A body with flames was thrown out and hit the sea in the distance.

But just after it sank into the sea, Qiong kicked its limbs and fled madly to the distance.

After several fights, it realized that it was no match for the newcomer.

"Where are you going!" Tianyuan shouted and quickly escaped.

The speed of Qiong in the water was not slow, but the gap in realm still made Tianyuan catch up easily.

The huge body sank suddenly in the air and landed steadily on Qiong's back.

Tianyuan's action undoubtedly made the divine beast Qiong furious.

It is a divine beast between heaven and earth, and it also has strong wisdom.

This stone man who didn't know where he came from actually tried to take it as a mount. How could he tolerate it.


With a twist of his neck, he bit Tianyuan on the back, and the long tail behind him also twisted towards Tianyuan's waist.

Tian Yuan, who was sitting firmly on the back, clearly felt the opponent's movements, but he did not resist. Instead, he stretched out his right hand, but a white light appeared on his arm and quickly spread to his whole body.

The law of force, in addition to the law of earth, is the law that he has comprehended the most deeply.

In a blink of an eye, Tian Yuan has turned into a dazzling white stone man.


With a crisp sound, the eyes of the fleeing Qiong froze, and it seemed that he still did not believe it. He bit it hard again, and it was indestructible.

The curled tail also hit the pillar of heaven, and a strong recoil force came.

The dragon's body is terrifying, and he easily tore it apart. How could there be such a powerful stone man in the world?

This thought flashed through Qiong's mind, and the breath on his body became more and more crazy.

There was even a billowing fire from his mouth, wrapping towards Tian Yuan.

Tian Yuan still did not move, sitting firmly on the opponent's back.

For such an excellent mount, he was willing to spend some time to consume it.

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