Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 101 Tianyuan's major discovery

Seeing Hou Tu appear, Tian Yuan cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Congratulations to you for understanding your own Dao."

In his sweeping vision, Tian Yuan could clearly see a will surrounding Hou Tu.

That was a will that belonged to the Dao, with the breath of reincarnation.

Hearing this, Hou Tu bowed to Tian Yuan with a solemn face.

"Thank you, Brother Dao. Without you, how could Hou Tu be here today, and the Wu Clan would have no future."

As she thought, when she appeared just now, Tian Yuan saw through her difference at a glance.

Perhaps Tian Yuan knew everything that happened in the Netherworld.

Hou Tu had an inexplicable illusion that everything in front of her seemed to be arranged by Tian Yuan.

Otherwise, why did Tian Yuan ignore her after she entered this space?

Thinking of this, Hou Tu bowed to Tian Yuan again.

This kind of kindness is no less than the kindness of the Father God's rebirth.

Seeing Hou Tu so polite, Tian Yuan did not refuse and generously accepted the other party's two gifts.

Although he did not control the body, Tian Yuan could still clearly feel the integration of Bu Zhou Mountain and the six reincarnation disks.

Without Bu Zhou Mountain, Hou Tu would definitely take the path of reincarnation with her body.

The six reincarnation disks were originally nurtured by heaven and earth, and naturally they could be repaired by heaven and earth.

Hou Tu was calculated, so that she was restricted to the underworld, and the tunnel was not complete.

He not only helped Hou Tu, but also revived the tunnel. Tian Yuan understood Hou Tu's deep meaning.

Nu Wa and Fu Xi, who were next to him, looked at Hou Tu up and down with a pair of eyes.

They were all innate sacred, and Hou Tu's two such great gifts meant that what Tian Yuan said was true.

The two carefully observed for a while, Fu Xi did not understand, but Nu Wa, who was very familiar with Hou Tu, felt a little different.

Although Hou Tu was also at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm, she seemed to have an inexplicable Taoist charm, which was very mysterious.

This feeling is just like the Taoist ancestor in Zixiao Palace. Yes, it is the Taoist ancestor in Zixiao Palace.

Nuwa's breathing stagnated, and there was uncontrollable shock in her eyes.

Hou Tu's Tao, so terrifying?

The one in Zixiao Palace, that is a saint, could Hou Tu also have such an experience?

Nuwa suppressed her excitement and said softly: "Congratulations, sister Hou Tu!"

Being able to understand her own Tao, her future practice will surely be smooth.

Nuwa couldn't help but think of Jiutian Xirang, Tianyuan might really know her Tao.

Thinking of this, Nuwa looked at Tianyuan beside her unconsciously, but she happened to meet the other's eyes.

The strange look in Tianyuan's eyes made Nuwa slightly stunned, a little puzzled.

Seeing that Nuwa looked at her, Tianyuan was fine, and nodded slightly naturally.

He was a little confused. It was true that Hou Tu was the master of the earth, and Nuwa's identity was also not simple.

Nuwa is one of the six saints of heaven and earth in later generations. They all say that she is a saint of heaven, but Tianyuan doesn't think so.

Nuwa not only didn't become a saint by merit, but she is also not a saint of heaven, but a saint of humanity.

Houtu has great fortune. Logically speaking, Nuwa will definitely feel something when she enters this space.

But for such a short time, this demon king was shocked by the surrounding scene, and there was no other abnormality.

"Thanks to Brother Tianyuan!" Houtu nodded, and there was joy in her eyes.

When her eyes passed Fuxi beside her, Houtu's eyes were a little strange.

But she didn't have time to pay attention. She looked at the sky in the distance, where she felt a familiar fluctuation, as if

Houtu, who was overjoyed, hurriedly asked: "Brother Tianyuan, did you capture all my brothers?"

She was already dissatisfied with her brothers, and now she got the opportunity in the netherworld, and Houtu was more determined in her choice.

This is the fate of the witch clan, and the ancestors of the witches should guard the netherworld like her.

Listening to Hou Tu's slightly excited words, Fu Xi's mouth twitched, and he glared at Nu Wa beside him angrily.

Hou Tu still relied on Tian Yuan to take action, but his younger sister tied him up directly.

Judging from the current situation, he was afraid that he could not get out.

"We have captured Gong Gong, and the rest will take some time!" Tian Yuan smiled and responded.

Hou Tu was a little disappointed, and then said: "If you have any requests in the future, just say it clearly."

Tian Yuan gave her such a great fortune, whether it was for the benefit of the prehistoric world or for the witch clan, Hou Tu would do it.

Tian Yuan nodded and said nothing more. Bu Zhou Mountain was able to communicate with the will of the earth. He wanted to carefully feel the changes in Bu Zhou Mountain, and perhaps he could get some information from the six reincarnation disks.

From the situation of the six reincarnation disks, it was obvious that there were secrets in the prehistoric world that he did not know.

After letting Nu Wa and the others follow Hou Tu, Tian Yuan disappeared directly from the scene.

"Sister Hou Tu, what exactly is this place?" Seeing Tian Yuan disappear, Nu Wa couldn't wait to ask.

Fu Xi, who was beside him, also looked over at this moment.

There were earth veins, sacred mountains, and even Hou Tu's Dao.

"This is the will space of Bu Zhou Mountain, which can be said to be the inner world of the prehistoric world." Meeting the gazes of the two, Hou Tu did not hide anything.

Coming to this space, it is impossible to leave unless Tian Yuan trusts her, and she has no need to hide anything.

And Hou Tu believes that if Nu Wa and the others are given some time, they can also figure it out.

As Hou Tu spoke, he swept his eyes across the towering pillars of heaven, and his whole body was immediately shocked.

"The heart of the father god!!!" On Bu Zhou Mountain, which was shrouded in the mysterious and yellow air, Hou Tu felt an extremely familiar wave.

Shocked, Hou Tu hurriedly flew out.

Nuwa was also stunned, and immediately followed forward, but Fuxi's slightly angry voice came from behind: "Little sister, why don't you untie me quickly?"

Glancing behind, Nuwa waved her delicate hand, the golden light escaped, and Fuxi regained his freedom.

After simply seeing the extraordinaryness of this space, Nuwa was not worried at all that Fuxi could leave.

Looking around angrily, Fuxi hurriedly followed the pace of the two women.

No matter whether he could get out next, he must first understand this space.

Tianyuan didn't care about how the few people were. He returned to the sacred mountain and calmed down, instantly turning into the towering Buzhou Mountain.

At the first moment, he felt a soft will connected with him, revealing dependence and love.

Tianyuan responded with a will, and immediately there was joy and excitement.

The communication unique to Buzhou Mountain, without any words, but everything told could be understood.

Unexpectedly, the six reincarnations were also unclear about their own situation.

After waking up from the haze, she was in a broken state, without any previous memory.

If the will of Buzhou Mountain had not gradually revived, she would not have been able to communicate with Hou Tu, not to mention that she is now connected to Buzhou Mountain.

Tianyuan was a little disappointed. She was in the same situation as him. Tianyuan didn't know if they were being plotted together.

Fortunately, the will of Buzhou Mountain was always mating with the six reincarnations, which was an unexpected gain.

The revival of the will of Buzhou Mountain turned out to be more than just dredging the earth veins.

Obtaining Pangu's heart is one way, and connecting the will of the earth is another way. This made Tianyuan think of the will of humanity.

The will of heaven must be controlled by Hongjun at this moment.

If the will of humanity is not on Nuwa, then it is on Hongyun.

According to Tianyuan's guess, the probability of Hongyun, the unlucky guy, is higher.

At the beginning of the Longhan disaster, Hongyun did not get the Tao, but now the witches and liches are in full swing, the luck of heaven and earth is constantly gathering, and humanity is promising, so this guy Hongyun cannot be alive.

Tianyuan, who has figured this out, has already put Hongyun's affairs on the agenda.

Mount Buzhou is a mountain that stands on the ground, not only benefiting all creatures in the prehistoric world, but also connecting the three paths of heaven, earth and man.

The path of heaven, the path of earth and the path of man were supposed to complement each other and jointly maintain the operation of the prehistoric world, but now they are inexplicably separated.

With the strengthening of Mount Buzhou's will, perhaps it won't be long before he can feel the existence of the path of man.

But now the six reincarnation disks are incomplete and the six reincarnation channels cannot be opened. The construction of the underworld will take some time.

The most urgent task is still to quickly strengthen the will of Mount Buzhou.

Under Mount Buzhou, Gonggong saw Houtu in the air and immediately shouted angrily: "Houtu! Are you going to betray the witch clan?"

Gonggong was furious. Nearly a hundred stone men surrounded and beat him. Even if his body of the ancestor witch was amazing, he was in a very bad state.

Fuxi and Nuwa looked at the more stone men with strange eyes.

It took only a short while for dozens of Daluo Jinxian to appear.

The two frowning people looked carefully, and their eyes suddenly opened with shock on their faces.

Earlier, they felt that these stone men were strange. At this moment, Nuwa and the others found that those stone men were in charge of a single law.

And the law used by the additional stone men was the same as the law that they were best at.

Is this also Tianyuan's method?

The two looked at each other and felt a little shocked.

Houtu, who was standing next to them, didn't know what Nuwa and the others were thinking. Seeing that Gonggong was still obsessed, she sighed and said, "The heart of the father god has been taken away. Don't you understand?"

Although she told Tianyuan about the weaknesses of the ancestors of witches, Houtu didn't say anything about the Pangu Temple.

But she didn't expect that Tianyuan would bring the heart of the father god after not seeing him for such a long time.

If this thing is lost, what future does the witch clan have?

This is the final destination of the witch clan!

"Roar! We are the authentic Pangu, the prehistoric land should be ruled by the ancestor witch, the mere monster is wishful thinking!" Gonggong roared angrily, looking at the top of Buzhou Mountain with angry eyes.

Houtu sighed lightly, and no longer paid attention to Gonggong, looking at the two people beside him with a little apology: "Excuse me, two Taoist friends, the ancestor witch did not know the destiny, and only wanted to wreak havoc on the prehistoric world. It is indeed our fault."

During the trip to the netherworld, Houtu had already known the mission of the witch clan. They were born with evil spirits, and the netherworld was more suitable for them.

"Sister Houtu has such an understanding, Nuwa deeply admires it!"

Houtu really made a choice earlier than her, and her eyes unconsciously looked at Fuxi next to her.

Fuxi, who was waiting on the scene, looked embarrassed and didn't know how to reply to Houtu.

Obviously, Houtu, who came to this space early, did not know the situation of the prehistoric land.

Fuxi had already come here, and Nuwa didn't want to embarrass her brother, so she hurriedly asked about this space.

At this moment, Tian Yuan, who had sunk into the will of Buzhou Mountain, finally discovered the source of the bloody evil energy under the ground veins.

It was truly the Netherworld Blood Sea!

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