After crossing the rushing waterfall, Bai Ziyu once again came to the cave.

After walking a few dozen steps, he saw an exquisite two-story wooden hut in front of him.

At the door of the wooden hut, a girl in a white witch costume and holding a hydrangea was looking at him quietly, with a look of grievance on her pretty face.

Seeing this, Bai Ziyu naturally knew why the other party was like this. They had clearly agreed to arrive early today, but because they were so indulged in the gentle countryside, they forgot the time.

Looking at the aggrieved girl, Bai Ziyu suddenly felt a deep sense of guilt in his heart, and hurried forward.

"Sorry, I had something urgent to do before, so I was delayed...."

After hearing Bai Ziyu's explanation and seeing his guilty look, the grievance on Kuraki Mizuna's face slowly disappeared, and she opened her mouth softly:"You, you..., are you done with your work now?"

Yes, after Bai Ziyu's efforts during this period, he has gradually learned to speak.

Although he speaks very haltingly, it is a great progress.

"Well! I'm done. I have a whole day today!"

As soon as she said this, the girl's eyebrows slowly curved into a crescent, and she slowly handed the hydrangea in her hand over....

While Bai Ziyu was playing with Kuraki Mizuna, inside the villa, looking at the delicate and frail Harukawa Tomomi in a black and white maid outfit, Tou Iio had no expression on his face.

Women would only affect the speed at which he could draw his sword, and now he just wanted to study!

Seeing that the other party was concentrating on the book in her hand, and no longer glancing at her from time to time like in the past, Harukawa Tomomi's beautiful eyes were filled with a touch of emotion.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, Kuraki Reina yawned and came out of the room in light pink pajamas.

Looking around, she did not see Bai Ziyu, and the girl looked at the little maid:"Tomomi, where is Haoyi-kun, why can't I see him?"

"The master went out in the morning, saying that he was going to prepare a gift for the young lady, and asked me not to tell you."

""Miss, you and the master have such a good relationship!"

Chunchuan Zhimei showed a deep envy on her face.

At the same time, she thought to herself: Master, Zhimei saved you this time, you have to reward Zhimei~

Hearing this, Kuraki Reina felt as sweet as honey in her heart, but she still said stubbornly:"Huh~, who told him to be so smart, do I have to like the gift he prepared?"

Living with each other for thirteen years, Chunchuan Zhimei, who knew her young lady's temper too well, couldn't help but laughed and joked:"If the young lady doesn't like it, can you give it to Zhimei? Zhimei hasn't received a gift yet.~"

"That's not..."

Just as she was about to refuse, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the playful expression on the other person's face. The girl reacted instantly and immediately stretched out her snow-white soft hand:"Okay, Zhimei, you dare to make fun of me, watch out!"

""Hehehe~, young lady, I was wrong! Wrong!"

Suddenly, a burst of laughter floated in the empty living room.

The afternoon sun shone on the girls who were playing with each other, depicting a beautiful picture.

In the evening, Bai Ziyu returned with a sky full of stars.

Before he could enter the door, he was stopped by Chunchuan Zhimei in the courtyard.

Looking at Bai Ziyu with empty hands, the little maid looked anxious:"Master, didn't you see the message I sent you before?"

Hearing this, Bai Ziyu's face was full of confusion:"Message?"

Then he took out the mobile phone from his pocket and unlocked it skillfully.

In an instant, a message popped up directly: [Master, I told the young lady that you went to prepare a gift for her, don't let it out!]

Seeing this, Bai Ziyu couldn't help feeling helpless. There was no signal in the cave at all, so he didn't receive it at all.

Seeing that he was really not prepared, Chunchuan Zhimei's gentle face was suddenly filled with anxiety:"What should I do? What should I do? It's too late now, the young lady is waiting...."

Looking at the other person's appearance, Bai Ziyu reached out and gently rubbed the cute little head, and said softly:"Don't worry, I have a way!"

"What can we do now? Why don’t you just run away first and I will pretend I didn’t see you!"

""Okay! I really have a way!"

In the end, Chunchuan Zhimei still didn't stop Bai Ziyu, and could only watch him walk into the living room.

· ··Request flowers···· ·····

At that moment, she seemed to have seen the scene of his body and head being separated.

Fearing that the scene was too bloody, she waited outside for three minutes before going in.

But the imagined Shura field did not appear. On the contrary, at this moment, Kuraki Reina was helping Bai Ziyu pick up dishes with a gentle look on her face, her eyes full of affection.

What's going on?

Looking at this scene, Chunchuan Tomomi felt that her brain suddenly crashed.

At this time, seeing that she finally came back, Kuraki Reina said in a soft voice:"Tomomi, what are you still doing there, why don't you come over and help Haoyi-kun pour wine."


Finally, after dinner was over, the little maid couldn't hold back her curiosity and stopped Dong Yixu who was about to leave:"Master Dong Yi, what happened just now? Why did Miss..."


After learning the whole story from Tou Yio, she immediately felt impressed. She never expected that things could turn out this way.

It turned out that before, as soon as Bai Ziyupu entered the door, he came to Kuraki Reina with an apologetic look on his face and said that he had not prepared a gift for her.

The girl, who was feeling disappointed about this, was suddenly deeply moved by his next sentence:"I have searched all over Xindu County, but I haven't found a gift that is worthy of Reina-chan, so Reina-chan, I can only go to Kanai City in a few days."

In just one sentence, he praised the girl to a very high level, expressed his attitude, and also made a reasonable explanation for his subsequent disappearance.���

This can be said to be killing three birds with one stone!

Being able to come up with such a perfect way to break the deadlock in such a short time, Bai Ziyu is indeed an experienced old hunter, and this method is really amazing!

And Kuraki Reina, who was moved, returned to the room and couldn't help but give her lover the highest level of service.

The moon was above the willows, and the crying sounds lingering in the villa finally stopped. Bai Ziyu slowly pulled himself out after kissing the beautiful woman who was already asleep beside him.

Now, it's time to settle the account with the little maid! Billion.

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