Coming to three meters in front of him, Bai Ziyu waved his hand gently at his nose, and a teasing smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth:"Tsk tsk~, I didn't expect that Supervisor Dong Gang would use this method to help his members relieve pressure. It's really admirable~"

Every word of Bai Ziyu turned into a sharp sword, deeply piercing Dong Gang Li Zang's already broken heart.

"I'm gonna kill you bastard...."

With a roar, he mobilized all his remaining strength and tried to get up from the ground.

But just as he moved, he felt a sharp pain behind him.

In an instant, he fell powerlessly to the messy ground again.

Seeing the other party's hysterical appearance, Bai Ziyu's face became more playful.

The next moment, a blood-red hexagonal windmill gradually emerged in his eyes.

After a while, seeing Dong Ganglizang, who looked stupid and drooling at the corners of his mouth, Bai Ziyu injected a Thunderbird into his body to destroy his heart meridian.

From the outside, it seemed that the other party was too tired and was killed.

Along with the death of Dong Ganglizang, a pleasant sound���The system prompt rang in Bai Ziyu's ears again:

【Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the mission: Kill Dong Gangli Zang. Mission rewards: Rescue points 9071000, Storm Wings (Blue)】

"Name: Storm Wings

Type: Rare Item

Level: Blue

Effect: After equipping, you can fly freely in the sky, stimulate its internal energy, and greatly increase the flight speed

Effect: Commonly used item for people in a certain world."

Looking at the blue-gold steel wings in his hand, Bai Ziyu nodded with satisfaction, then took out the portal and turned to leave.

Not long after he left, the cleaning staff in charge of cleaning the locker room opened the door and walked in.

Looking at Dong Gangli Zang, who was staring at him with wide eyes, he was immediately frightened and collapsed to the ground, trembling as he ran away from his phone....

Ten minutes later, the police who received the report came in a hurry.

Seeing the scene in front of them, they couldn't help but take a breath:"Hiss~"

Even though they have been handling cases for many years, they have never encountered such a tragic situation.

In the end, all members of the baseball club were taken back for investigation.

When they were taken away, they cried out that they were wronged and said that this matter had nothing to do with them.

But whether it is related or not, we just need to wait for the DNA comparison results to know.

Once the results are confirmed, what awaits them will be more than ten years or even decades of imprisonment.

And this can be regarded as letting them atone for what they did in the original drama!

But this time it was a bargain for the turtle man, because of yesterday's incident, he didn't come to class all day today, but he escaped.

There was such a big scandal in the school, and Zhencheng High School had no choice but to announce the suspension of classes for the whole school.

After the results of the investigation came out, school will resume.

In the next month, this matter became the most talked-about topic in Kanai City and even several nearby cities.

Of course, those are all later.

As soon as she received the notice of suspension, Sugimoto Shoko called Bai Ziyu and asked him to pick her up at school.

After receiving a positive answer, the girl blew a sweet kiss to him and hung up the phone.

Then, seeing Nanao Akane with a complicated expression beside her, she asked in confusion:"Akane-chan, what are you thinking about?"

"Ah? I was wondering how this could happen. Herb students usually..."

"Oh~, don't bother with them, they are all perverts. They are actually..., eh~, just thinking about it makes me feel sick!"

Said that, Sugimoto Shoko couldn't help but shiver all over, feeling a chill.

Immediately, she shook her head violently, shook off those bad images, pulled up the other person's right arm and put it into her soft body:"Akane-chan, I've called Onii-chan, let's go shopping first, and then go to the restaurant to eat."..."

Knowing that she was going to go with Bai Ziyu, Nanao Akane's face changed slightly:"You two can enjoy your own world, why should I join in the fun? I won't go!"

"That won't do! Akane-chan is my best friend!"

After saying this, Nanao Akane felt guilty. It seemed that she was not a good friend!

In the end, she still couldn't beat Sugimoto Shoko and had to agree. With her girlfriend next to her, she shouldn't do anything to her.

Unfortunately, she still underestimated Bai Ziyu's courage.

While eating, she felt the...The girl's snow-white skin gradually turned a light pink.

Seeing this, Sugimoto Shoko looked puzzled:"Akane-chan, are you hot?" With her two genitals tightly closed, Nanao Akane stretched out her right hand, placed it on her right cheek, and fanned it gently:"Yes! A little hot! A little hot!"

"Then I'll give it to you..."

Just when I was about to say I would help you turn on the air conditioner, the phone suddenly rang.

Looking at the caller ID, Sugimoto Shoko apologized:"I'm going to answer the phone, you guys eat first!"

After that, she took the phone and walked out of the box.

After she left, Nanao Akane whispered:"You want to die, Shoko is still here~"

Seeing the girl's cute and slightly angry look, Bai Ziyu slowly smiled:"Who made Akane so tempting, I couldn't resist!"

"you..., um~"

Just when she was about to ask the other party to behave himself, she suddenly saw a shadow covering.

A moment later, Sugimoto Shoko came back from a phone call and saw that Bai Ziyu was the only one left in the box. She immediately wondered,"Onii-chan, where is Akane-chan?"

"Oh~, she just said she was going to the bathroom, didn’t you see it?"

"No~, forget it, let's eat first! She should be back soon, Onii-chan, try their salmon sashimi, it's very good."

As she said this, she helped Bai Ziyu pick up a yellow and white salmon belly.

After feeding it into Bai Ziyu's mouth, the girl showed anticipation:"Onii-chan, how does it taste?"

Reaching out her hand and gently rubbing the cute little head, Bai Ziyu smiled and nodded:"Yeah! Very good!"

"��That's good!"

Hearing this, the girl's eyebrows slowly curved into a crescent, and her eyes glanced at the slightly shaking tablecloth as if inadvertently.

Nearly twenty minutes later, seeing that Nanao Akane had not returned, Sugimoto Shoko frowned slightly:"Huh? Why hasn't Akane come back yet?"

""Onii-chan, wait a moment, I'll go look for her!"

After the door closed slightly, a voice suddenly appeared from under the white tablecloth.....

I said: Hieu Baocot

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