Chapter 203: The Third Son of the Yang Family Visits the Master

At this time, the mother, Tongtian, and the Styx River were very puzzled.

Why would the master let himself accept apprentices, is there anything special about these people?

Why would the master personally let himself accept the disciples?

With a puzzled expression, the three of them came to the Terran ancestral land on the coast of the East China Sea.

The Flintstones received them warmly, and the Flintstones did not expect that the Holy Father would let his subordinate Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian personally accept the disciples.

I thought it was just their apprentice.

At this time, the Hundred Flowers Fairy and Yang Tianyou were already living in the ancestral land of the Terran Clan.

At this time, Yang Tianyou, who was practicing for the first time, found that someone was coming, and knew that the master that the Holy Father had found for his child had arrived, so he enthusiastically went outside to greet him.

When he found that the Renzu Flintstones led two men and a fairy-like person to his small courtyard, the whole person was stunned.

Because he found that there was a female mother and mother inside, and the female mother and mother were the first mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian other than Xuantian at the beginning.

Those who can walk with the female mother and mother will definitely not have a much worse status than the female mother

After seeing the comer, the Hundred Flowers Fairy and Yang Tianyou hurriedly bowed down and bowed down: “Meet the ancestors, meet the maiden and mother, the 690 Tongtian Sect Leader, the Styx Sect Leader.

They never dreamed that the Holy Father would call these top people in the flood

The Flintstones said, “These disciples of the Holy Father have come to take your children as disciples today.

Now Yang Jiao, Yang Jian, and Yang Chan are still babies, but because the bloodline in the body is strong, and they are the key people in the calamity, they are very smart.

Although it can’t be like the previous human emperor, it is still rare for ordinary Terrans.

If you didn’t know that they were ordinary Terrans, you might think that they were the reincarnation of the ancient power.

I heard that several mixed yuan Da Luo Jinxian came to take their children as apprentices, and the two were so excited that they couldn’t speak, and quickly took their children out.

Parents all hope that their children are good, thinking that the Hundred Flowers Fairy is afraid of being discovered by the Heavenly Court or the West, even if he dies, he will be fine, the key is not to want his children to have an accident

Yang Tianyou also knelt down and repented in the temple for the sake of his children.

Now that there are finally top figures in Honghuang who take their children as apprentices, their children’s achievements will definitely be high in the future, and the two of them are full of happiness.

The two looked at each other, and they both felt like dreams

At this time, the mother and the others also began to look at the apprentice that the master had let himself accept, and the mother felt a hot surge as soon as she saw Yang Chan, as if this was self

Have been destined to be an apprentice in general.

Originally, the female mother was indifferent by nature, she just wanted to cultivate well, thinking that she would not accept an apprentice, but she didn’t expect that Master Zun would let him accept an apprentice, and she didn’t know what Master Zun meant, so she came to take a look.

I didn’t expect to like Yang Chan all of a sudden.

And Tongtian carefully looked at Erlang Yang Jian and found that this little guy who was born with heavenly eyes was very suitable for his taste.

And Styx looked at Yang Jiao, a good root bone, if you cultivate the killing path with yourself, you must have achieved a very high achievement, and several people are very satisfied.

Yang Jian in history was a third-generation disciple, and now he is about to become a disciple of Tongtian, and he has risen a level in terms of generation.

Several of them have their own apprentice partners, and they are all very satisfied.

They didn’t expect their master to send themselves such good seedlings.

The Flintstones said at this time: “I wonder if several holy sons are still satisfied with these children?” Have you decided to take an apprentice?”

At this time, the Hundred Flowers Fairy and Yang Tianyou also looked at several hybrid powers nervously.

At this time, the mother said: “I think Yang Chan’s child and I have a fate, and the two senior brothers don’t know if they can give Yang Chan to their junior sister?”

“Where is the girl’s junior sister, if the junior sister likes it, where is the reason for being a junior brother, junior sister just take Yang Chan as an apprentice.”

Styx and Tongtian hurriedly smiled and said, in fact, they were still very afraid that the apprentice they liked would be robbed by their mother.

After all, the female mother is a junior sister and a woman, and they are really not good to clean up.

If it is Tongtian (Styx) who takes a fancy, maybe there will be a dispute.

Hearing that the maiden was going to take Chan’er as an apprentice, the Hundred Flowers Fairy and Yang Tianyou hurriedly handed the happy Chan’er to Nuwa, looking at the beautiful and flexible little person, the maiden showed a kind smile, and then took Yang Chan as an apprentice under the witness of everyone.

The daughter mother also punched her favorite Baolian lamp directly into Yang Chan’s Yuan God, so that she could also protect Yang Chan.

Seeing that the female mother and mother actually gave all the ultimate innate spiritual treasures to their daughter, they were both very excited, and it could be seen that the female mother and mother were very fond of them

And then Styx said tentatively: “Junior Brother Tongtian, I have a crush on Da Lang Yang Jiao, Junior Brother will not let me grab it.

“If Senior Brother likes it, even if he accepts the apprentice, how can Senior Brother take people’s love?”

Tongtian laughed.

In fact, my heart is tight with joy, fortunately, I didn’t fancy Yang and me, if I fancy it, I have to fight for it.

The murderous Styx hugged Yang Jiao, rarely showed a smile, and such a gentle smile could be shown on his perennial cold face, which shows how much Styx loves Yang Jiao.

Next, Styx accepted Yang Xiao as an apprentice in everyone’s expectant eyes, and also punched Yang Jiao’s Yuan God into Yang Jiao’s Yuan Shen with the superb innate spirit treasure Qiankuntu given to him by Shizun.

The treasure given to the Styx by Master has always been very tight, but I didn’t expect it to be given to Yang School, it seems that he is ready to cultivate Yang School as a heir.

In fact, Styx never thought of accepting disciples, and the murderous aura of Styx, who cultivates the law of killing, is difficult for ordinary people to accept, but Yang Jiao’s child is not afraid of himself at all.

This made Styx very excited, Styx is ready to cultivate Yang School, and will not accept apprentices in the future.

Finally, Tongtian said: “I want to take your family’s Erlang Yang Jian as an apprentice, I don’t know if it’s okay?”

“Of course, Yang and I can worship the Sword Pavilion of the Tongtian Sect Master more, which is his blessing.”

Hundred Flowers Fairy and Yang Tianyou said happily.

In fact, they have been very worried about Yang and me since they were young, because this child was born different from others, and he actually had an extra eye.

They are all worried that others will treat him as a monster, which will definitely be detrimental to the child’s future development.

Now that the Tongtian Sect Master has accepted Yang and me as an apprentice, everyone will no longer think like this, they will only feel that Yang Jian is different, and they will be valued by the Tongtian Sect Master

Tongtian was also very happy to take Yang Jian, and then knocked a top-grade innate spirit treasure trident that he accidentally obtained into Yang’s Yuan Shen.

He always felt as if this spiritual treasure was born for Yang Jian.

Under the witness of everyone, Yang Zhan also worshipped under the gate of Tongtian.

Since the child was still young, several people did not rush back, so they stayed in the ancestral hall of the human race to practice and pay attention to the apprentices.

And after the Western Lingshan returned with a lead, he was very happy to learn that Yang Tianyou had succeeded.

But then it annoyed them.

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