Chapter 196: The Peach Conference ended miserably

This side Haotian finished speaking.

Several people looked at the ruined Heavenly Court.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong at all.

They are disciples of saints, and being able to fight in the Heavenly Court can be regarded as giving Haotian face.

And the demon clan next to him felt a little out of breath.

Since the current demon clan is too weak compared to before, they have been very low-key over the years.

But being low-key doesn’t mean they want to see the Heavenly Court in Haotian’s hands, which originally belonged to the Demon Clan.

Now that these saints’ disciples have destroyed the Heavenly Court, it can be regarded as finding a little interest for the Demon Clan.

At this time, Guang Chengzi reacted and said, “What do you mean, Haotian? Are you ready to go to war with us?”

“Don’t you forget that my master is a Yuan Origin Saint, when the time comes, wait for the saint to ask you to bear the burden?”

Haotian replied, “What a Yuan Shi Tianzun, is this what he taught you?”

“My Heavenly Court is established by Dao Ancestor regulations, you are now making my Heavenly Court a mess of 24, is it striking Dao Ancestor’s face? Or did Senior Brother Yuan Shi make you do this?”

Haotian is worthy of being the Heavenly Emperor, and the words he said are so domineering, and he directly focuses on Yuan Shi and Hongjun.

At this time, Guangchengzi did not dare to speak at all, if he answered yes in the affirmative, then Shizun would definitely peel off his own skin when he went back, and it was estimated that Daozu would not spare himself at that time.

Even if Daozu would kill himself for his own face.

A saint cannot be humiliated, let alone a Dao ancestor of the realm of convergence?

Guang Chengzi glanced at Haotian fiercely and then said to the person who explained the sect: “Let’s go, the small heavenly court will be destroyed sooner or later, and this kind of banquet will not be attended.

Then everyone in the sect left one after another, but when they left, they looked at Hao Tian’s face full of resentment.

And at this time, the medicine master also looked at Haotian and did not have a good face, and left with the disciples of the Western Sect.

However, it is very strange that the Western religion also packed all the spirit fruits and spirit wine and took them away.

Let the rest of the flood and desolate beings sigh, the Western religion is too ugly, is it really poor like this?

And Xuandu also said to Haotian and left.

Next, the remaining Honghuang Immortals also left.

A good peach feast was ruined like this.

Haotian pretended to be very angry, but in fact, he was just pretending to be seen by some people with hearts.

Haotian knows that there are many people watching the current Heavenly Court, and since they want to act, they will accompany them, just to see who laughs last

At this time, the Eastern Prince said: “Senior Brother Haotian, you are a little reckless today, this has offended the three saints, and it will be useless for me to help you at that time.”

“They like to calculate people behind their backs, you are just a quasi-saint, but you have to be more guarded.”

Hao Tian’s face remained unchanged and said, “Thank you for your concern.”

Then the Eastern Maharaja also took his leave and left.

The entire Heavenly Court was a mess, as if today was not a banquet but a battlefield.

And Taibai Jinxing on the side looked at all this with a bitter face.

Haotian said: “Taibai tidy up here, rest assured that they will return sooner or later.”

Then Haotian followed Yaochi to Yaochi’s palace.

“Do you really want to see Hongjun?”

Yaochi said worriedly.

After all, after knowing who Hongjun was, Yaochi was very worried.

When I used to stay by Hongjun’s side, I was worried all day, and I finally came out, so naturally I didn’t want to go again.

Haotian replied: “I can’t go this time, this is the task assigned by the master, rest assured that Hongjun will not do anything to me, and the God Sealing Tribulation will still be carried out in my hands.”

Hearing Haotian say this, Yaochi was relieved, she and Haotian have been transformed together since childhood, they have helped each other grow up together, she really doesn’t want anything to happen to Haotian.

On the other hand, when Guang Chengzi returned to the teaching, he deliberately made himself very embarrassed.

Then when he saw Yuan Shi’s first glance, he immediately cried to Yuan Shi: “Master, that Haotian Xiao’er thinks that after becoming the Heavenly Emperor, he will not put our saint disciples in his eyes at all.”

“This time, we were kind enough to bring gifts to participate in the Peach Festival, but it was just a martial art, which caused a little damage to the Heavenly Court, so he directly used his quasi-saint cultivation to oppress us to kneel.”

“It’s not just hitting us in the face, it’s more about where to put your face, Master.”

Guang Chengzi said with a meal of oil and vinegar.

Looking at the embarrassed Yuan Shi Tianzun’s face below becoming more and more ugly, I thought in my heart that a Haotian child, I don’t go to your trouble, you dare to bully my disciple with your quasi-saint cultivation.

Who gave you the courage to do that? Don’t think that Hongjun asked you to call us Senior Brother, and you would regard your status as the same as us.

You are just a child, why are you like us, why should you become the Lord of the Heavenly Court, it is too wasteful for luck to give you.

Just when Yuan Shi was ready to teach Haotian a good lesson, he thought that if he went to Haotian so quickly, he would not leave a bad impression on Daozu

You must know that Haotian is just a puppet, they all know this,

It’s just a pawn of Hongjun, but if you find it now, it is equivalent to hitting Hongjun’s face.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shi was ready to wait for a while, but looking at the direction of the Heavenly Court was still full of anger 283.

And in the Western Spirit Mountain, seeing that the disciples brought back so many spiritual fruits, the two Western saints were very happy.

The medicine master said: “Master, today we were fiercely bullied by Haotian using his quasi-saint cultivation, you have to be the master for us.”

The lead is more thorough.

They knew that now was not the best time to deal with Haotian, and they still needed to wait for the opportunity to come.

However, it was definitely impossible to let Haotian go like this, so Zhunti summoned a head of three Jiao, and then summoned Yang Tianyou and said a few words in his ear.

Sanshou Jiao and Yang Tianyou went down to prepare.

And Zhunti looked at the direction of the Heavenly Court with a sneering expression.

And Lao Tzu in Shouyang Mountain also shook his head when he learned of Haotian’s behavior, he knew that Haotian’s future life was afraid that it would be difficult.

With the shamelessness of his second brother and the two of the West, he will definitely not let Haotian go.

And Haotian was ready to go to the Zixiao Palace, and said to Yaochi before leaving: “You must pay attention to Yaoji, don’t let her have an accident.”

Haotian always remembered what his master said, so before going, he specially told Yaochi to pay attention to Yaoji.

“Don’t worry, I will be optimistic about her, there will be no problem.”

Yaochi replied affirmatively.

Then Haotian looked in the direction of chaos, did not hesitate, and stepped into it.

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